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[雅思听力] VOA核心词汇1500—让你听懂VOA的必背词汇! 新人帖 recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..183 riset8848 2018-3-9 1820619520 LZQ 2024-4-24 13:19
[雅思写作] 【雅思小作文写作万能模板】 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 admin 2014-9-23 126207368 accountIELTS 2024-4-23 08:01
[雅思词汇] 剑桥雅思真题阅读同义替换梳理(已更新到剑桥13) attach_img recommend heatlevel  ...23456..40 IELTS哥 2019-10-13 392461697 accountIELTS 2024-4-21 19:27
[雅思写作] 2015各类雅思小作文范文大合集,赶紧搬走! attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..261 IELTS哥 2016-1-17 2606632259 hgpbt 2024-4-20 12:55
[雅思听力] 雅思听力同义替换汇总 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 Miette 2015-9-26 72112731 chesyzh 2024-4-17 08:32
[雅思阅读] 2012雅思阅读考题集 attachment  ...2345 stonesile 2013-3-18 4439831 chesyzh 2024-4-17 08:31
[雅思阅读] 官方权威试题(1) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 herny 2015-7-27 8088316 chesyzh 2024-4-17 08:30
[雅思阅读] 阅读词汇2015版 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 Oldtimes 2016-6-21 5873997 chesyzh 2024-4-17 08:30
[雅思词汇] 7000雅思词汇用100个句子记完 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 tengyuntian 2015-9-22 5648756 chesyzh 2024-4-17 08:27
[雅思写作] 雅思实用量词短句50句 attachment  ...2345 stonesile 2012-10-9 4028021 chesyzh 2024-4-17 08:24
[雅思写作] 雅思写作经典范文50篇 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 stonesile 2012-7-10 7155103 chesyzh 2024-4-17 08:24
[雅思写作] 100个雅思写作6分保命词组 新人帖 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 musawang 2015-5-6 7556332 chesyzh 2024-4-17 08:23
[雅思听力] 【适用雅思听力好书推荐】listen to this 中级★★★★ attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..89 IELTS哥 2012-6-26 889556106 chesyzh 2024-4-17 08:14
[其他资料] 将近200页的英国地理详细介绍!英文原版! attach_img recommend heatlevel  ...23456..97 IELTS哥 2018-3-8 962587788 chuxuan619 2024-4-10 15:54
[雅思词汇] 原版雅思词汇书大礼包(剑桥,朗文,牛津) recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..248 IELTS哥 2018-3-9 2473726747 去去重去去 2024-4-9 17:42
经济学人合集 - 你绝对不能错过的学习资料 精华 attach_img digest recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..816 IELTS哥 2018-6-4 8161801486 jiajiafish217 2024-3-28 21:27
[雅思听力] 听力5.5分雅思课程公开课免费分享 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..96 IELTS哥 2016-3-5 950521074 bgly 2024-3-28 15:03
[雅思词汇] 良心制作 学术词汇 基础词汇 免费!!! 新人帖 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..26 lishuaiyi 2015-8-4 250321141 lpmllpml 2024-3-21 09:26
[雅思写作] 雅思考官simon讲作文之大作文的学习步骤 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..227 IELTS哥 2018-4-6 2262648944 ilacwinner 2024-3-18 18:34
[其他资料] 国外原版雅思教材和模拟题全集IELTS Preparation and Practice attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..41 IELTS哥 2016-4-28 402333518 iviper 2024-3-16 23:30
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