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aamooooo 发表于 2012-3-3 10:31:56 | 只看该作者
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孙迪 发表于 2012-2-29 20:51:26 | 只看该作者
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Gabirel_yrg 发表于 2012-2-29 16:44:43 | 只看该作者
1. He has huge changes after his marriage.
6 x6 V5 t/ d8 H+ @1 S9 A2. The elder can not walk without the help of crutch.
6 G& B/ q0 M( p5 h/ u4 Z2 ?( K4 z( e: F* @3. We accept the rule in principle.
( c) ?  j7 f" Q9 |4. It's very hart to complete the task less than a week.. V( i  f+ S9 p9 G9 U: [
5. Before you get driving license, you should learn how to drive, knowing the traffic rules and passing the exam.
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╰小傻瓜▍ 发表于 2012-2-29 13:11:31 | 只看该作者
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。- b# `  ?' l2 C9 S+ `* n5 W2 L  I8 h
he became quite a different person after he got married.9 a+ I& e/ t* N8 [7 b1 k) v4 D3 o$ e! e5 z- ^! G: h
9 h5 O7 f% F! T3 P5 g( i0 w0 W1 B: A1 M& C& Fwithout the walking stick,the old man can not walk.
. I( X5 P! |7 ?$ b' N. D; u9 Y, f& E* n/ p# `5 Z/ r3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。+ Y6 S" @; b# y3 g0 A
. |% R/ C; n; W8 ]& Bwe accept this contract in principle.6 R% \- A8 m8 ?2 p. A  y2 D$ O- _" _7 E$ X; x7 N# J
* `9 V( t. B5 x# w7 r6 H% X* E" C  ]# _) w, e& D. lit is a difficult task to finish the job within a week.: ^7 Z8 t8 @  \! }9 ]+ @
9 {4 m: \1 c! W0 }+ t3 T5.要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。( M. D( }$ h. K; v' C0 W/ S% o. q9 a; `
to get driving license, one needs to learn to drive,learn the traffic rules and pass the exam.
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summer116 发表于 2012-2-29 10:14:29 | 只看该作者
1.He seems to be a different person after  marriage.4 {. |1 k/ @, J; e4 y; }
2.The old man cannot walk without walking stick.6 W6 p+ t( N( v' P
3.We accept this clause in principle.
7 _4 M0 E  C4 k1 B4 W6 G4 ^# P* v4.It is difficult to finish this job in less than a week
, I' r  b% L' t( T3 e5.In order to get a driving license,you should have to learn how to drive,the traffic regulation and pass thae exam
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绿光蓝缘 发表于 2012-2-28 23:04:28 | 只看该作者
1。 his behvior is different which make him become quite a different person after marridge.
! n- |3 J, ?8 y2. the old man cant walk without his walking stick." Q1 f0 w- U* T% [1 p# {" H
3.  we are accepting the clause under the  principle.
: o: Y" r3 H1 i) g1 w. A# Q4. it's a difficult thing that finish the work whithin less than a week of time
+ Z$ d- ?3 b; ^; @2 Q9 E( |. s5.if you want to own a driver's license,you need to learn driving,the rule of traffic and finally pass the driver exam.


参与人数 1金币 +7 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 7


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几木1027 发表于 2012-2-28 22:16:16 | 只看该作者
看答案# V- S6 u8 g# a% `; c8 q1 \
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淘之夭 发表于 2012-2-28 22:09:24 | 只看该作者
1.he is a different man after married.  \( r' x6 s9 h1 ~& s
2.the old man can't walking without stick.8 k5 N8 B2 U6 A* M% i& s
3.we accpect the terms in principle.2 B: y9 Q& d8 T/ y% w( E! L" z
4.it is difficult to finish the work in one week.
0 Y* B- @, k4 i, A% m' p- d5.we must learn how to drive,traffic rules and pass the exams before you get a drive license.
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miss_MI孃 发表于 2012-2-28 21:21:06 | 只看该作者
He seems to be a different person after his marriage.- ^+ M4 y$ {/ l( h8 s' j
We accept the clause in principle.4 K4 R0 K4 ]/ K' p  K; a
It is a tough job to accomplish the program within a week.;
  S( W# T6 B/ s# z" L) ]It is necessary to pass the exam after learning driving a car and the traffic rules when you want to obtain a driving licence.


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 8


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TED 发表于 2012-2-28 19:28:50 | 只看该作者
1.when he married,his character was change.
5 {* D5 Z9 t, T/ l/ f/ z4 }2.the old man can not walk without walking stick.& y6 E2 F/ l; ?
3.we  received the item in principle.: i& Z4 u; q) d7 `' m
4.it is a  difficult to finish the job in a week.
( T( Y- {0 k% Z: {- }  a5To have the dirving license,you need to learn dirving and taffic rules,futher more ,passing the exam.


参与人数 1金币 +7 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 7


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