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俊悄言 发表于 2011-9-11 13:31:52 | 只看该作者
The   professor  hopes  that  they  fill in a questionnaire# r3 D% u' R! t8 f: J7 g
To  all of  the  creaturs, the plant is  the base of food pyramid
. ]9 V2 b. X9 N/ hHe is not suitability for the  job
8 e, o) V2 L# k* s/ H& M/ s$ a7 ]0 NAfter the suppose was  raised, the scientists  need  to  design  a  experiment to prove  it
! u7 s9 C6 G. |# r  i- @/ yStudents resisted to  rise  tuition fee5 a8 C# T5 f- n5 @7 ?; i: B
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袁建勇 发表于 2011-9-11 10:59:54 | 只看该作者
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痞痞筝i薇妞儿 发表于 2011-9-11 09:34:09 | 只看该作者
1.教授希望他们填写调查问卷! ?* e% U7 e, {: G& |
Professor hoped them to fill in the survey
( K, ?  ~' }) R$ z! Y
$ N. U# H+ b4 \5 b% A$ i% z( T2.他不适合这个工作7 C9 `5 X& p9 j3 |/ z
This job doesnt fit him
' V6 D6 {- W. D8 n
7 D5 L' U1 j2 Q: D: |/ H3.对所有生物来说植物是食物金字塔的基础
( [! y: k4 V2 V4 j5 r- b Plant is the food pyramid foundation for all lives.
: o: D+ \* j$ A' v: W$ P0 \7 F% z2 }6 e5 I' A
5 o: e! J, r7 D$ v' U6 OScientist needs design experiment as supporting evidence after turns up an assumption
; S3 m) F/ b7 \8 c( h& G2 z1 F
7 @! y. z( r5 k5.学生抗议上涨学费
. P0 P' t# s; A. wStudents r protesting tuition increase.
* V* \; V5 Y/ k  r* ?
) `  S0 X: I3 _" u* g6.far water does not put out near fire
) K( o/ Z" W7 B* t- P+ _+ ^远水救不了近火& }' j' j$ v5 m  f# x
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尘封踏雪 发表于 2011-9-11 03:21:46 | 只看该作者
1、Professor hoped that their will be fill the questionair.
8 T5 g& y% g6 b5 M! m3 a- u3 ^2、The job do not adopt to him
3 T- A  ~! I$ ~; ?2 r$ A& ^1 A     He  can not  fit the job.
& D/ i3 \* @; N  h) t/ i3、All of creature said that plant is the basic of food pyramid.2 J1 i$ f7 A5 n' F! G
4、After the assume was came out ,scientist need will design the experiment to prove it
4 i" {( X9 `" v5 N+ V8 F5、The rising tution lead to some students was demonstrated.* |; ?% R7 X' H4 v( X; u


参与人数 1金币 +21 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 21


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阿wing_张 发表于 2011-9-11 00:31:32 | 只看该作者
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小懒猴 发表于 2011-9-10 23:24:29 | 只看该作者
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一定要满意哦 发表于 2011-9-10 23:23:52 | 只看该作者
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Joanne小小茵 发表于 2011-9-10 22:15:19 | 只看该作者
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狂派蒹葭 发表于 2011-9-10 20:56:12 | 只看该作者
1.Professors want them to fill out the questionnaire.7 Z/ H4 V: W0 z, B
2.He unsuit the job.
1 d4 q6 D$ V, m9 d) ]) F3.Plants are base of all living creature in the food pyramid. 5 r3 ]; j6 p: K3 U/ u$ W5 l+ `- g4 f
4.After hypothesis be put forward, scientists need to design experiments to prove it.+ w1 ~% P, S) ?# A; G0 S* D" m
5.Students protest  the rising tuition fees.8 M+ @& \! ^( ]+ w) @4 {2 k2 W


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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lemon聪 发表于 2011-9-10 20:06:05 | 只看该作者
1.教授希望他们填写调查问卷8 `& V& _( N  h8 i  ?
The professor hope them to fill out the questionares.4 m3 u8 {8 v( {% z: ?/ P
1 |$ k1 Y5 S- G% e9 b; V( s8 K
$ O8 U3 U# c" L! }5 Q2 r8 zHe is not adaptable to the job.) A9 O3 d4 J: l

& @& _& x8 u- k3.对所有生物来说植物是食物金字塔的基础
9 t% O) i& l0 t* T" ]As all creatures,plants is the foundation of food pyramid.
  W1 m: B& c( n$ W" m% Q
+ U$ W: b4 r/ ?9 m2 q4 ]8 W4.假设被提出以后,科学家需要设计实验来证明3 J% X6 `- k+ N( M( L$ z
Scientists need to design the experiments to prove after the proposition of hypothesis.8 v& n8 S# m4 b+ k2 N; V, d5 U" [

5 c5 z+ b9 }- b- g+ |5.学生抗议上涨学费% P1 k# x, ^! i. ^
The students remonstrate about increasing tuition.
' t+ G, B* K7 P4 L6 ^
+ ^4 x- w' |- X, P+ U! y5 R6.far water does not put out near fire' r8 S5 o; ]% t
远水救不了近火。/ X' I3 t1 N4 s9 z0 K/ R. {: }


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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