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KIMO 发表于 2012-2-9 20:09:27 | 只看该作者
我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见' j% L. x7 ]& m* C( h
Im not sure agree who's opinion
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陈小_mouse 发表于 2012-2-9 19:43:54 | 只看该作者
6 G7 E% G3 R0 I9 v# zit is generally believed that enviornment has a profound influence on people's personality.
- u* C- T1 `9 B& N" ^/ v' U: D6 O2.动物权益保护着认为动物实验很残忍,不人道7 Y3 E, a7 h4 D1 k/ J
animal rights campaigners think that animal experiment is brutal and inhuman.
( Q% N  j- ~- A; L8 U3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展
6 n: ^7 a- T( E1 F( a; SOlympics can promote economy of the host country and its relationship with other countries.
6 {1 g" ^+ Z: X7 S- o8 ~4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见& E6 ?5 V4 h0 C7 v
i am not sure about supporting whoes opinion.! w: y( d) T4 T+ K
5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性. r. X: ^: J6 a* B  E
we must protect the species diversity at all cost.


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
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E.LAND菲 发表于 2012-2-9 18:14:17 | 只看该作者
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向畑 发表于 2012-2-9 17:52:41 | 只看该作者
Why my reply comes out to be so messy ?
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向畑 发表于 2012-2-9 17:51:07 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 向畑 于 2012-2-9 17:54 编辑 ' _" `* i: q, T
( F2 t3 i. _) S0 b( t
It is commonly deemed that environment have a profound effect on individuals’ character.1 \9 a$ ]0 U) E2 l
The animal protectors consider animal experiments to be very cruel and inhuman.
$ [6 o1 j. _# n0 Z5 @The Olympic Games could promote friendship among different countries and enhance the economic development of the host country.
  m. q+ J( _1 l; R8 ?" e2 WI have no idea who I should choose to side with.
: `3 |6 y) a2 u- ^% b7 _9 n+ DWe should protect the biodiversity at any cost.
. \; Q9 b, N8 C' N$ ^* N


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
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O_O 发表于 2012-2-9 17:37:33 | 只看该作者
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博仔王博 发表于 2012-2-9 16:57:34 | 只看该作者
1.        there is a popular belief that the environment have a lasting influence on character  V/ U7 R. R& }6 V
2.        animal rights activists considered that animal experiment is cruel and inhuman
# P& Q/ x6 e& q4 ?& j8 U' _3.        hold Olympic games will promote friendship and economic growth of the host
5 u$ K  C/ _) A. t0 k+ \: T4.        I not sure which idea should I approve of
9 e: k. @0 g" Q9 P  ~% S5.        we should protect diversity of organism with all costs
4 v+ p9 J* X4 l8 R! T- n


参与人数 1金币 +7 收起 理由
admin + 7


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lydiagggg 发表于 2012-2-9 16:31:04 | 只看该作者
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响6 ]2 W7 q2 L& D7 N
It is commonly known that environment exert long term influence on personality.
/ ^+ [* [6 s' R* w5 Z7 L: o* e2.动物权益保护着认为动物实验很残忍,不人道
+ c* G0 [: f+ l8 [& J" IThose who fight for animal rights regard animal experiments as crude and inhumane things./ ~: [7 Y5 R1 R8 B& @4 T
3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展. B: ]8 t4 P0 u3 w- B. r
The Olympic can promote the friendship between countries and boost the economy of the host country.
3 r9 \4 }0 I% O+ s( C8 N4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见
2 x; b( ~! B( k- GI am not sure whose suggestion to support.
; m  f( z6 r3 E  j7 H1 [$ D5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性* H0 U+ b/ n5 w
We should spare no effort to protect the biodiversity.


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
admin + 8


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江儿kong 发表于 2012-2-9 15:38:48 | 只看该作者
jiayuzhou888 发表于 2012-2-9 14:09
5 D$ t+ Z4 a2 D: c& B6 o$ ]# kpromote the host country’s economy improvement.
7 ?/ R1 W% ]8 H3 l5 s应该可以直接说promote the host country’s econom ...

: d0 i7 x9 e8 X, \; D5 X5 T+ }soga   累赘了  C1 ]: Q: B' l$ i" C

7 S6 s0 O6 S( U0 G
7 C1 n  M/ ^2 f: x4 j! y
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rosexwliu 发表于 2012-2-9 15:15:30 | 只看该作者
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响# {9 T% x" b9 a9 ?% s
There are is popular belief that environment deeply influence personality.! i& ~1 g* @$ c4 f8 |5 d! n
1 ]9 k& D* s8 M$ t3 [Animal rights activists think animal experiment is cruel and inhuman.
( ?& O8 c5 `) {' K; x. x3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展
6 ~# r) X& x) U- ~4 L% eOlympic Game strengthen friendship and promote the host country's economy development.
7 l+ Q7 d- }* O+ h$ n' Q  E3 ~7 L4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见:8 g8 J+ |& ?5 f
I am not sure whose idea i should appove of.# r& D* x3 G- R6 R  E
' t) }/ n3 K  d/ A' B* @; aWe should pretect biological diversity with all cost.


参与人数 1金币 +7 收起 理由
admin + 7


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