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楼主: IELTS哥
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gracepallas 发表于 2016-8-10 22:03:59 | 只看该作者
  e; h/ ~( M' S& f/ Pit is normally thinking that the environment have deep influence on people's character.. u: H9 e2 }9 S; H: h
2.动物权益保护着认为动物实验很残忍,不人道;! f) O( Q$ A+ E
animal authority protector think that the animal experiment is cruel and inhuman.* W$ s7 D% N/ q& L# c: Z: k
% N2 q' V/ [; f( gthe olympics improve relationship and the economic development of the holder.
8 d. _% d  Q) ]; }2 e4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见$ S4 L5 d" h0 N( y! q8 [' ^
i don't confirm whose suggestion i should approve.
0 y0 B6 z1 q9 D% e* m$ I$ C7 q5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性
6 E( [- a- K$ X& [2 P5 \we should try our best to protect the diversity of biology
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