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tx126 发表于 2011-3-13 10:47:16 | 只看该作者
in last year
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郑小恺 发表于 2011-3-13 11:19:41 | 只看该作者
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Vivianhan1990 发表于 2011-3-13 11:34:56 | 只看该作者
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琳阿琳 发表于 2011-3-13 11:36:08 | 只看该作者
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SeeEvelyn 发表于 2011-3-13 11:51:49 | 只看该作者
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村裡村外 发表于 2011-3-13 12:10:06 | 只看该作者
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北瓜籽 发表于 2011-3-13 12:15:44 | 只看该作者
9 Z# a0 x9 O( ?! d" Y9 \" o7 LFacebook claims today that there are 30 million people using Facebook now in Britain,which is half of the population.2 ^9 W( [9 B& m; n' |9 i# }( Q" t
% \. B7 @# C' @6 ^/ P
$ I: J, q( Z/ q' w' k; `Last summer,Facebook had come true a landmark span:there have been 0.5 billion global Facebook registrants. * v! d- e% @: Z( X1 N

3 I/ U0 a1 G; d+ ^" R' H3、这批礼服有望在周末之前售罄。+ q5 ?! p7 |8 J5 b, X6 l1 z
The dresses may be sold out before weekend.6 i; j' S6 G4 {5 n3 t4 _
* ^8 ?: g6 p- \% Z0 S4 g9 i. I; `
4、女人们认为,声音低沉的男性更有可能对配偶不忠。: X/ V; L' ^# b. L
Women think the man who's voice low is more easily dishonest to his wife. ( T5 H# R* q  j* o3 Y2 K: h& A
! w2 c/ O: P- u
, W' x/ h1 }' i2 e+ qHe suits a banker during the day who is not at all like a super hero.
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karen 发表于 2011-3-13 12:26:24 | 只看该作者
! X: H& E/ j1 A) X! l1 M1 nthere are 3o billion civilians, half of the population who are playing facebook,  facebook anounces today .* F& }1 h4 I" b8 f# F$ h& z
2、去年夏天,Facebook实现了一个里程碑式的跨越:全球的注册用户达到5亿  a6 A2 D9 Y" p4 _! Z4 L
facebook has made a millstoned breakthrough with 500b registeration last summer.4 }; ]8 \( q4 U& t* }) S0 ]8 P
3、这批礼服有望在周末之前售罄。9 D% f7 I$ G9 J
the customes is expected to be out before weekends
% E. [0 n  R0 e! D2 y; k- A* M4、女人们认为,声音低沉的男性更有可能对配偶不忠。+ i, W. Q6 z% r4 K
women think that  lowe voiced men are less honest to their wives.5 H3 W% `  ]8 E5 B, ^9 E/ }5 I) q
2 |) z- ]" e3 U) J; Ohe is a bank espect in suit in the daylight ,nothing like a super herio.1 ^9 D+ n' `: D

# W0 V7 ?4 v5 R+ ?8 D3 J( M3 S* x  s- m+ `9 L
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ihziuhoay 该用户已被删除
ihziuhoay 发表于 2011-3-13 14:35:14 | 只看该作者
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宁sunshine 发表于 2011-3-13 15:00:20 | 只看该作者
1.        Today Facebook announced, In England, There are 30 million people is using facebook, it is one third of all people. . `/ H: ~0 _4 y' i
2.        Last summer, Facebook make a important thing came true that the registered is 0.5 billion., I$ p1 B. i( L. W) k8 c9 I
3.        These dresses can be selling out before this weekend.  O# t' n' T- b8 X5 \" W0 d' p% ^
4.        Ladies thought, the man that has low voice may not loyal to the wife.
1 M5 q4 K, S5 q2 Y$ w: g0 O( I5.        He is a banker with tidy suit; it is not looks like a super hero.  
  G; ]; R% _% k7 x7 v0 z6 H2 d
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