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never2far 发表于 2011-3-22 10:18:04 | 只看该作者
She'll suck her finger when get nervous.
; O8 Y+ r4 F. uOur homeland has becomes more and more beautiful.2 h$ K% [  F/ [2 _' g5 X6 M3 a
He'll be grateful for what yu have done.
$ s% w0 u: j; ~  }, s7 \The open time is from 9 am to 9 pm and from Monday to Saturday.
, h0 s' n& Y2 e& \% BBill planed to ask Susan out, but he got cold feet in the end.3 |! y0 f# r1 e' g* k. w
对于Jane 来说,这是一个糟糕的下午,因为他的父亲在大约六点钟时倒地昏迷。$ S5 k$ o: K, ^, i, E( j


参与人数 1金币 +26 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 26 我很赞同


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kevin_sz 发表于 2011-3-22 10:29:18 | 只看该作者
1.每当她紧张时就会咬手指头。8 x% Q% k# Q2 \) O0 x! a% `
She eats the finger when feels anxious.
4 S# p/ W) M1 t8 V9 v( s! j% d# s# e5 k* k: x2 c2 f0 H
, S% s; w' i4 e% a9 k3 l- ]$ u( i$ XOur hometown becomes beuty more and more.6 r- ?$ E7 N" l- P3 [

  ]0 g" X& K% K* B& M7 ?5 t7 d8 M3.对你所做的一切,他将感激不尽.& i9 a, S0 f! r/ k- b
He will be highly appreciate that everything done by you.0 p6 z& W: p9 G8 k6 y3 G# {
( o; o9 U- h- p% E7 p8 E0 K
" M8 i' \0 f2 a% e$ o3 dOur openning time is AM9:00 to PM9:00 from Monday to Saturday.2 f0 }( H7 @$ [4 t: W' M

1 q3 b9 M( o2 q: b" x7 A, Y5.比尔本来要约苏珊出去玩,但是最后却不敢开口。; U( N. W1 I* i/ r2 d5 a) L  C
Bill wanted to date with Susan, but he did'nt as no courage to talk with her.; o& S1 A$ L. ]4 U# l9 x
! c  C; L+ z4 E( C6 i
6. It had been a terrible afternoon for Jane, culminating at about six o'clock in her father's sudden collapse into unconsciousness. 对简来说是个可怕的下午,在下午6点左右她父亲突然晕倒并失去知觉。; X7 V8 B$ t0 P( X


参与人数 1金币 +27 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 27 我很赞同


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红豆catherine 发表于 2011-3-22 10:55:15 | 只看该作者
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个噢割肉饲 发表于 2011-3-22 12:33:14 | 只看该作者
I have done
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Man_Utd_Fan 发表于 2011-3-22 12:59:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Man_Utd_Fan 于 2011-3-22 13:05 编辑 ! d( }! S9 T- g1 H. `7 B+ X! L
2 y: l8 `: X7 t8 G" U0 Q. n4 N7 d) i
重要的不是抢楼,是每天能学到什么,继续加油!!; h) A/ t6 c, @& E/ }; }+ }8 f

5 N" J3 }5 d( [) a5 c, \1.每当她紧张时就会咬手指头。
1 p8 Z- Y  c( }7 J+ ?7 k7 j! {1 Q% [, fShe will bite her finger whenever she feels nervous.7 {2 y( I8 `( Z
: @) W' s. ~, j" I+ X
: |: Y% L: A  F; TOur hometown is becoming more and more beautiful
0 a2 S, a0 r2 j3 w
4 x1 R( E$ v. s) w' w" N: b; w3.对你所做的一切,他将感激不尽.& V0 d, i9 b* v5 q# W, [; \
He cannot appreciate too more for what you have done.
; v" ~$ O, s7 T9 K" M% z9 F3 t- F' ~, ~1 `4 l2 j- t) h$ X: o
4.我们的营业时间是周一到周六早9点到晚9点。* t5 p. W. p, }* I: _
Our opening time is from 9 am to 9 pm every Monday to Saturday.
8 z0 e' g2 B9 n- n. R- \8 F) h8 g& Y0 s2 x) D: n9 Z. l/ ~
5.比尔本来要约苏珊出去玩,但是最后却不敢开口。2 y+ y; }. B$ F& n  n
Bill intended to ask Susan out, but dare not say it out at last
; R) b+ J6 @9 y$ C
- E) _) B2 ?) J% P8 E6. It had been a terrible afternoon for Jane, culminating at about six o'clock in her father's sudden collapse into unconsciousness. 词友liumagnes提供(英译汉)9 V" X  l/ |$ @  h5 R
这个下午对Jane来说简直是糟糕透了,尤其是她父亲在六点左右的时候突然间昏迷不醒了3 T. _- Y3 U0 G8 V5 m8 u

; W( t1 J- x' N7 s0 ^/ o继续总结:这次感觉没那么糟糕,但是“越来越”这个词组之前有背过其他的,可是就是想不起来,用more and more都已经让我自己都感觉很sick了~~
& f; m- |9 J* A# a8 r) Z5 `0 u; `9 l9 b- f1 z- ^) E$ Q/ Y9 m
BTW,雅思哥,关于我第三句用那个 not……too的双重否定形式不知道可不可以??主要就是想强调那个“不尽”(我也有考虑过用beyond的)


参与人数 1金币 +30 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 30 我很赞同


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double望 该用户已被删除
double望 发表于 2011-3-22 13:07:13 | 只看该作者
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微博评论 发表于 2011-3-22 13:07:16 | 只看该作者
She always bits her fingers when she was nervous Our hometown is geting  more and more beautful He will thanks a lot for u did  We will opens from monday to saturday at 9am to 9 pm
5 D" @: B4 X. {0 R5 Y0 h
+ c( F1 r1 P. X5 x! J 来自 children_guan 的新浪微博
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微博评论 发表于 2011-3-22 13:07:16 | 只看该作者
哪里有答案呢. d: T7 }, L; }5 \5 |

: ^9 F" L( W4 m* _ 来自 children_guan 的新浪微博
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zxy1367 发表于 2011-3-22 14:08:08 | 只看该作者
# {4 @4 ^- b. a4 b  a; L4 T' ]/ }# F8 o4 u. q$ a7 d
1.每当她紧张时就会咬手指头。" c: N6 S) D: \3 K
Everytime she is nervious, she will bite her fingers./ o8 \1 @- K$ q! _0 r
2.我们的家乡变得越来越美丽了。7 L4 `+ l+ o$ }. t5 n$ k
My hometurn will became more and more beautiful.
( n' q# ~. p- l" K8 M$ J3.对你所做的一切,他将感激不尽.6 e) U. ^( V$ J% ]; t. w
For what all you did, he will thank you a lot.2 E2 r: i$ ?( G( m& C# y
4.我们的营业时间是周一到周六早9点到晚9点。0 n- K9 J' i  P! Y( I' B
Our open time is from Monday to Saturday 9 am to 9pm.
; T* c, t4 L+ p$ k! {: y% U5.比尔本来要约苏珊出去玩,但是最后却不敢开口。
. M3 @( [% c/ K; l% w# OBill wants to go out with Susan but finally he can not say it anything., y  a( {( ]4 g( H( _
6. It had been a terrible afternoon for Jane, culminating at about six o'clock in her father's sudden collapse into unconsciousness.
5 }; e' y2 y  Z4 n% SJane 有一个很糟的下午,因为下午6点钟她的爸爸最后突然失去啦直觉昏倒啦。


参与人数 1金币 +27 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 27 我很赞同


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微博评论 发表于 2011-3-22 14:38:17 | 只看该作者
咬手指,如何翻译,求解释!!* o4 T. I; n6 {5 P3 W% n

2 v( h. u9 c  M( W7 j$ b! a 来自 Fancy儿 的新浪微博
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