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小胖低迷状态中 发表于 2011-3-26 11:05:54 | 只看该作者
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Qi菓菓 发表于 2011-3-26 12:41:01 | 只看该作者
:)check my result
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Man_Utd_Fan 发表于 2011-3-26 12:41:24 | 只看该作者
1.你的钱存在哪家银行?$ E  n/ M+ u# X) q
Which bank do you deposit your money?" o- G+ C& ^3 D; |& M( P$ p

5 p2 e" w6 X9 r: ?9 H* R2 a2.他们在窗户上装上铁条以防止盗贼入侵。
. |; i" ]# j9 g. @, ]They install iron bars in the windows defending thieves.
5 H& B% B0 U6 z( d' K. b3 T) I; N, ?( A, M0 D
/ h% ?  }8 O  z+ s( U! c5 ^They reach an agreement with the employer that their demand lower salaries with weekly working hours cut down.
, c; D" I# D- G2 O& v- T
* d7 I/ F; M1 a4.他既想有稳定的收入,又不想工作。鱼和熊掌不可兼得!/ k, V! l6 G5 N  O; |; C
He not only wants a job with stable income, but also wouldn't like to work. One cannot have both.  A4 S" i4 c# D! v

/ o. f5 v: s' V, Z" m3 v5.别忘了一到就给我们打个电报。
6 k' M) x: N5 CDon't forget telegram us on your arriving.
3 R- O. ^& a. E" [
5 R# Y, e9 K5 g) h( C% x  `6.You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.(汉译英)
% R4 ?6 f& D" o6 n* }! Y8 R不要只梦想着自己是一个名人,一定要督促自己去这么做


参与人数 1金币 +25 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 25


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mayx0522 发表于 2011-3-26 13:12:47 | 只看该作者
1.你的钱存在哪家银行?8 A) B$ e& a& `
Which bank do you save up your money.- L8 m" j1 y6 y8 l9 e
: R9 ]+ d0 i' \( ~' o& |& L; c9 L
* p* a( Q4 ~; }; R( u9 }6 TThey are installed on the iron bars on windows to prevent thieves in.6 B( L4 Q2 R9 m8 g6 T5 s
5 l7 n$ \9 P# g- K9 _
9 x: w5 i* U; a/ ~9 |They came to an agreement with employers is to lower their sights on salaries ,but shorten the  weekly working time.. ?. e# ^# ~/ D5 P4 X7 I

5 N' Y& }! y5 F2 |4.他既想有稳定的收入,又不想工作。鱼和熊掌不可兼得!) ~. o% c* l. m& P/ W3 b+ V
He would like to have steady income,as well as do not have work.You cannot have your cake and eat it!
  N9 ]; }. L3 C; ]: D  _0 i6 y6 r$ S9 \: w( f
5.别忘了一到就给我们打个电报。! ?& ?0 t' q( L7 F
Do not forget to send us a telegram as soon as you arrive.
% W2 Z. s; G" ]6 r0 N; p7 i' v7 Z/ N$ t0 y' j9 o6 m5 b
, |5 i- r" Q. R" e) a* a
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郑小恺 发表于 2011-3-26 15:28:41 | 只看该作者
1. Which of your money in the bank?" b  P: B2 H# H# O( c

$ f  g' C& e2 P. t2. they are installed on the iron bars on windows to prevent thieves invasion.% g2 Q9 R) u% X; O% W7 ^$ {

, G+ U% P  \% a: m; }* {) x3 }3. They reached the agreement with the employers is that they reduce the requirements in respect of wages, but a shorter working week.
+ x$ b5 X& i7 D) H% {" }& q8 t6 O& \( y/ g; g
4. He only wanted to have a steady income, do not want to work. Can not have both fish and bear's paw!
: L# F1 \% S4 I8 P6 }/ Y2 Q: \+ l; Q, {6 I& }
5. Do not forget to give us a telegraph.
0 h0 D) P# h& m: T  M你不能为一个字符自己的梦想,你必须经过锤炼与伪装


参与人数 1金币 +25 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 25


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yilina 发表于 2011-3-26 16:30:00 | 只看该作者
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錒明 发表于 2011-3-26 16:53:08 | 只看该作者
1. which bank do you despoit your money.' h# i8 M9 F) Y+ f9 f4 ]3 Q' y
2.They installed  rods in the window to prevent thieves invasion.0 L7 O8 N* B5 G* t0 w5 c* T$ y
3. They and the boss made a agree, boss can lower their salary, but need to cut down the time....??? 0 o# C' ]: [9 D
4. He not only want to have a steady income ,but also dont want to work,
) r9 L( ^+ k( j( U. Q; q/ p7 G. c* X5. Dont forget to telegraph us when you arrival.
3 |5 r0 r4 c! Q. }& v6 u6.你不能梦想自己能,,,$ L# l( j' S* `7 k1 d
- O( \+ S! g' e5 }7 k


参与人数 1金币 +25 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 25


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心墨笔落 发表于 2011-3-26 18:35:57 | 只看该作者
% Y' {* z( i8 \' e7 F, Y% xwhich bank did you put away your money?
  `8 F; J& Y+ ^/ X' w
# H5 ?% A5 q( U, p8 s: k1 }2.他们在窗户上装上铁条以防止盗贼入侵。; ?# W5 V5 Y! q6 Y: ~- j$ f
they put iron bars on the window to prevent thieves .* H$ s* p+ I- P. V; c
% ?9 U) M% k; D: i1 a, b% n# p
3.他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求,但每周工时要缩短。9 x/ O9 ^2 i' x/ q8 v
they make agreement with their employer was that they agree decrease expected salary with cutting down weekly working.. d1 a; V' D  a. Y( N0 \
4.他既想有稳定的收入,又不想工作。鱼和熊掌不可兼得!- a- J+ V- M& V6 ^: V5 N. `
he wish he could have stable income wihtout working.grasp all ,lose all.
1 v" @; U. N$ Q9 e& ?
# B# e$ _' s% |: B! b$ I5.别忘了一到就给我们打个电报。% y. _8 L; r5 h. x
don't forget to send a telegram when you arrive.
  I6 ^& X7 q1 {' A7 G
5 H6 P# E/ Y  f$ I5 n$ O  A# {6.You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.(汉译英)
& p+ }9 l9 H/ B. `1 d+ I看轻自我,锤炼自身。/ Y0 @4 G' Q8 z# ]/ ^
(好难的一期啊), N. y! j( G' M, o$ D
4 I" z! V4 G+ h! S) f0 [0 \
" Z& L( o2 p% m. W


参与人数 1金币 +30 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 30


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crazycat 发表于 2011-3-26 20:34:04 | 只看该作者
1.你的钱存在哪家银行?6 I) D( m/ C: x: l8 O
Which bank do you deposit your money in?8 J/ [6 M8 C9 z9 x* R( W5 o

. I  j- M) u6 I4 r# x2.他们在窗户上装上铁条以防止盗贼入侵。
' u. m" q% E6 q1 M. r* QThey installed bars outside the window to prevent thieves7 r+ ~( D* K" Y+ l+ c3 @
0 j/ s8 P8 F5 \# g
3.他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求,但每周工时要缩短。! c3 a4 x- z; x9 [9 g2 c9 x
They made an accord with the employer that the salary could be less than they had asked while the weekly working hours must be shortened/ J) E* r7 ~5 F& @6 c5 J, b

% |$ U( j, Q* }8 _" O4.他既想有稳定的收入,又不想工作。鱼和熊掌不可兼得!1 y0 \- @# K- K/ {- |$ Q: j% A
They want regular income but without working. You can't have the cake and eat it. 8 G  U* z1 e6 Z' w7 b4 p8 m3 Y8 w
6 ?% S+ F" w, e+ i- ~) b: m
5.别忘了一到就给我们打个电报。' C& F# C" |* t+ D$ d
Remember to send me a telegram when you get there. - a0 I' \) B* e, x! Z" [" s) j

4 C- `) P1 ]0 ?6.You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.( l& J, f' ?: Q3 [


参与人数 1金币 +30 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 30


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一朵废柴会幸福 发表于 2011-3-26 20:47:41 | 只看该作者
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