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sheepgz 发表于 2011-4-9 09:37:07 | 只看该作者
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czyaozhe 发表于 2011-4-9 09:47:19 | 只看该作者
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zoe 发表于 2011-4-9 10:12:31 | 只看该作者
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leep_H 发表于 2011-4-9 10:20:31 | 只看该作者
check the answer。
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蔷薇千啭 发表于 2011-4-9 10:27:03 | 只看该作者
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Kyo酱1021_BoA 发表于 2011-4-9 10:32:02 | 只看该作者
1. Your account is exhausted.7 f6 v9 A1 o1 M5 u  ~

8 t4 H8 a; ?7 z! ~" R2. I'll pay a New Year visiting to my uncle's home today.# N* F0 I3 t/ f8 Q

1 }9 p$ O2 K* d) X3. Your article is reprinted in another magazine.
3 r. a6 A9 t! V* n: X- S5 m, m; v8 D5 o( H4 e% Y, r- t9 T
4. I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation.
; H/ Z( \0 k: V7 _6 T9 x: ~# u+ F( s( ^; F
5. We have known condition about you. You know, we have to interview several applicants before we make the final decision., Z" o. ]1 q0 {) r" Z0 y

0 R0 M* ]9 m; Z( \" S- q6 Y" \6. 根据我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每项工作都很努力、负责、勤奋。我的分析能力和与人相处技巧,相信对贵单位肯定很有价值。


参与人数 1金币 +29 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 29


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小胖低迷状态中 发表于 2011-4-9 10:56:28 | 只看该作者
1、Your account has no deposit now.0 |! W3 p) i# G$ o
2、Today I will go to say happy new to my uncles .' F9 ~+ m# e! O- N9 g: Z8 H
3、Your essar has reused by another magazine.
0 m- a9 ]! O, e) B4、Please reserve my room , I may get there a bit later probably.
* b. ~* }6 s4 d* ]5、We get the hang of your situation. You know, we still need to interview serveral applicants before we make the final decision.
1 B' R* Y  r0 T8 n. e6、在我的资格和经验下,我觉得我把努力工作、责任感和勤奋发挥在我每个参与的项目中。您的组织能在我的分析能力和人际交往能力中获得很大的帮助。8 A# K- M1 p( j6 t/ E. N
4 I' e1 z  g* q# A4 ~" o9 O
5 c2 s7 F) i* h& F9 m" d$ N


参与人数 1金币 +28 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 28


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宝贝儿乖218 发表于 2011-4-9 11:04:10 | 只看该作者
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宝贝儿乖218 发表于 2011-4-9 11:08:21 | 只看该作者
there aren't money in your account.这样翻译可以吗) S0 X# _4 J) g
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kichan 发表于 2011-4-9 11:09:20 | 只看该作者
1.你的帐号里没有存款了。+ F7 c( s$ D- B& s  M" Q8 t0 u- q
There are no deposit in your account.+ B0 D) _* i4 n$ S' z
2.今天我要去叔叔家拜年。2 H2 K1 e' |. h
Today, I intend to send new year's greeting to my uncle's.5 _: U9 h( k) k9 v
3.你的文章被另一家杂志转载。. ?2 c) u- Q: S; k1 y0 @
Your article have been reported on other magazine.
- o. N! s) V4 I% B2 m4.我会晚一点到达,请保留我所预订的房间。
6 e' H3 m" b, T: s2 \I will arrive a little bit later, please keep the room I booked before., a* D8 E4 o/ [3 d8 ~5 e# G
! w$ ^3 t* ]5 F' V+ l8 Q2 AWe have got knowledge of your situations. But what you konw is that we need to interview servel applicants before we make any final decision.! C" l- f- h, r- I* b1 C

- R7 `8 q) H& D5 Q  _* P6. With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(英译汉)0 {. z8 G7 ]' ~+ `4 i7 y
根据我的资格和经验,我认为我能够努力、负责并且勤奋地进行各项工作。我的分析和人际交往能力会为贵机构带来一定的价值。- T6 q: y1 d% o4 I" h


参与人数 1金币 +28 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 28


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