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仙朵拉 发表于 2012-2-21 11:15:20 | 只看该作者
1.这项工作需要有创造力的人1 n;
8 L+ g3 H& O# u/ m% AThis work needs someone who is provided with creativity. 7 z/ c; r  T$ b) b

" t% Q2 ~& E1 x0 g* K' I2.希腊是西方文明的发源地
0 L) A: C& i! qGreece is the cradle of western civilization.
! I) b6 A3 \2 f0 Z3 h) j( E1 K1 D1 C) P2 l2 k- e
3.天上有无数多的星星3 w2 h; N; B, f; j9 Q: p: o
There are many stars in the sky. " b7 X# i1 N0 h$ w, w. s
' x/ b! m. T9 e7 W* x8 S
1 @; v3 O3 h3 d: t9 [The new system needs time to make it consolidate.
6 u6 z9 L9 _  n3 s/ ]0 y- J: W) d
6 N% @) R0 g. k- @6 t5.交通标志应该引人注目
# F/ s3 J8 B+ c1 x" ZThe sign of traffic should be arresting. ) {# P* M* D0 O8 R1 o/ D: g
" ^: S# A" \6 W
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lkaya 发表于 2012-2-21 11:26:57 | 只看该作者
1.The job needs creative people.
) |2 j, K' Y3 U0 K
* i% D  g# V1 X; f+ `  V2.Greek was the cradle of western civilization./ C2 N7 M9 b  Z0 d! W: z
) ], e5 X1 ?% Y7 b% O
3.there are countless stars in the sky.
! T8 a2 f" i. |) Q2 A1 v0 g; c2 M3 E. Y# d# v- K. E7 n
4.New system needs time to has it consolidated.
3 V5 [1 U( S3 |0 w. @' \
8 `. _, e( ~. E4 r$ n5.The traffic sign should be in the spotlight.
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清晓-77 发表于 2012-2-21 11:35:49 | 只看该作者
1.这项工作需要有创造力的人. 0 G, A) G. ^& N2 p+ j
The job needs people who are creative.$ V8 \8 e, h8 H
2 ]5 Q6 L" u8 h0 e5 c( GGreece is the cradle of the western civilization.
2 H/ I: t% W$ R1 x+ r3.天上有无数多的星星
( E, j8 i3 O) b: d  p0 n( B; VThere are countless stars in the sky.* j, t5 X3 t8 y  H: ?7 o& P6 J' A
. g; ?3 o, V* Q+ i9 h* G4 gThe consildation of the new system needs time.9 h2 X5 |2 S3 T3 F/ j  v
0 W/ v" r- `, \4 a( VThe traffic signal should be striking.
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hehehao 发表于 2012-2-21 12:36:27 | 只看该作者
This job requires creativity of people., e1 q; m9 ^1 ?% V& {" U) y+ P
Greece is the source of western civilization.
8 ~- R4 n( k: y  s. W. Y+ w8 NThere are countless stars in the sky.
! [# e" A2 d& p  v# z) o' P" JThe new system takes some time to get consolidation.
# v/ [) f% Q3 D: K1 i3 tThe traffic lights need to attract peoples' attention.
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helly 发表于 2012-2-21 12:40:51 | 只看该作者
     1. This job needs someone who has creativity.5 ^7 [0 j+ O# x/ F! g
     2. Greece is the brithland of the western civilization.& M+ ?; T; h1 S3 z- `0 n5 f
     3. There are numerous stars in the sky.
( t  E9 t7 X) z' g* U4 L1 g8 j. y9 T     4. New rules need time to make them consolidation.; ]6 m- z5 B% V5 p6 ?- F
     5. The traffic sign should be attracted by the audience's attention.
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尘封踏雪 发表于 2012-2-21 12:41:24 | 只看该作者
1、The job needed who someone creative people.
. V, n3 ^$ P, V. Q4 {2、Greece is the home of western civililztion.! c" i0 Y8 ]" ^5 b1 N. J
3、There are numerous stars in the sky.
& G6 P+ a+ V3 S3 Y; V' s4 e9 ?4、The new policy needed time will to be consolidation.9 b3 h  A% N' J* i0 R
5、The traffic marks should be noticed.
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妞怪 发表于 2012-2-21 13:17:33 | 只看该作者
1.这项工作需要有创造力的人. d* ]! f' o) `! i- E+ n- P
This work need to be done with someone who is inventive.
9 D0 p2 V5 v* m( U0 b. 2.希腊是西方文明的发源地
7 c- |" s- ?. \+ R7 B0 X! l# kGreek is the seabed of civilization in western.. h9 r( s- c4 t' W) Y; D
. 3.天上有无数多的星星
  e6 L8 m, B. |0 J* x' O& aThere is millions of stars in the sky.
; `: \( P$ |4 S- j$ I4.新的体制需要时间来使其巩固(consolidation)1 L5 x) G9 a, H
The new system need to be consolidation in a long period.: ^( v: y5 f! l- q
6.        交通标志应该引人注目
4 W; J/ w( E) [: S- O  x6 AThe traffic sign should be well-marked.; h6 s' _& [, N7 s! D' J  x2 j! j
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979213439 发表于 2012-2-21 13:21:46 | 只看该作者
This work needs created people
) N$ ]5 b7 w" J" VGreek is the original place of foreign culture, u4 f6 C+ F9 s; |9 K
There are countless stars in the sky
" K" l. [6 K1 e' ENew system needs to consolidate* `/ h) `4 b7 e- i
Traffic sign should atrract people's attention
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cicicool 发表于 2012-2-21 13:42:34 | 只看该作者
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zhengdetaileile 发表于 2012-2-21 14:14:32 | 只看该作者
i need answer
. x  {4 F& @3 B( i
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