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cielyiyi 发表于 2012-2-24 10:41:16 | 只看该作者
8 n3 r5 x+ V" E We not only need to know the theory, but also know how to apply theory into practice./ M, g- Y3 i( n; `
2.在你借书之前请先付清罚款8 ^' P. V3 S  ?
Plz pay off the penalty before you borrow the book.
9 A  V8 B" {7 O! e* N7 k6 z1 u( f# e2 p  O/ ^4 p# I" [5 L% f
, s" K% o% f/ @$ f Many people believe overweight is coming for eating too much and pressure.
& j" |7 h( Y* g, b
, G  I9 p5 T! }8 ` 4.我想在河边散步,唱我喜欢的歌
0 |8 f5 F1 {1 i, S6 @ I want to go for a walk along the rivier, singing my favourite song.
, M- t3 p" E3 P1 w, |: l9 _: y) b 3 G- x: C. M( ]5 \2 x1 H( t
" T3 J! g6 @8 V/ r/ R& z- j All these things, though looking different, own a common feature.
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麦_TD 发表于 2012-2-24 11:12:37 来自手机 | 只看该作者
1.not only should we know the theory, but also understand how to put what we learn into the practice.# ?, F' K) z& ~2 E0 o
2.unfortunately you have to pay forfeit befor borrowing books.
* `( Z- Y) {2 {1 q! ?/ ^9 L0 T2 w3.many people consider eating too much and heavy pressure are the reasons of overweight.
; A9 Q+ B6 |3 d) V. J  T4.i want to take a walk along the river bank, singing my favourite songs.3 K  b9 }9 d5 L# k+ l
5.although all these things seem different, they are integrated into a common point.
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TED 发表于 2012-2-24 11:23:11 | 只看该作者

回帖奖励 +5

* A$ @$ j! X% t* V7 w3 X3 `5 ywe know that not only the thoery,but also how to put it into practice.
0 @7 K9 X$ {% Jplease pay for the forfeit before you borrow books.
( k8 T: Y5 k% F* xmany people attribute the overweight to overeating and stress.
9 e! U. l, U6 Q8 RI want to go for a walk at the river bank and sing my favorite songs
9 c) }7 F6 x% ^1 X! k; {all the things are different,but they have a same character.
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lkaya 发表于 2012-2-24 11:26:11 | 只看该作者

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1.what we should know is not only theory, but how to practice it.) p6 ^0 _4 X! v8 K( ?

# r! M1 _7 [) Z1 [9 L7 d4 z2.please pay off your fine before books reservation.
) p+ }; z9 o, Q4 p6 }$ a3 M
) E" k; R/ ~- S3 S3.Many people are of the opinion that too much eating and pressing would lead to overweight.
8 O8 G; d* m0 u. |3 Y6 l: d3 u' ?' g8 q1 Z0 p, p  p
4.I want to wander along the river, singing what I like.
% A! s" |8 B  Z" o% j# C4 a6 `
0 z, p, I( q% K$ K7 m$ e) X5.All these things, different as they seem, have one thing in common.
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雷雷媚 发表于 2012-2-24 11:30:36 | 只看该作者

回帖奖励 +5

$ ~$ m2 l. t/ W* ^1 w1我们不仅要知道理论,还要知道怎样把理论用于实践6
$ d3 S5 V4 X; }1 |We not only know the theory, and also know how to use it into pratica.
" J& l! \6 ^) M1 ?7 Z6 l8 e2你借书之前请先付清罚款
9 |# i: `3 K; RPlease pay forfeits before borrow books.
5 k( T9 r+ Z1 D( S1 x+ K. E. p3很多人认为肥胖过重是因为吃的过多和压力造成的 3 T: T3 h( N4 C* k% Q/ {
Most of people consider that obesity causes to overmuch eating and heavy pressures./ ~: z8 y! w& ]1 L
4.我想在河边散步,唱我喜欢的歌 I want to have a walk along the river and sing my favor songs.
! B$ S8 ]4 r, Z, L; q4.所有这些东西,看上去虽不同,却有一个共同的特点
9 Q/ j; h9 V0 B3 j. U7 ]$ k1 J5 DAlthough all of these seem in different, but one characteristic is shared by them.
# T/ B$ Q7 r- R2 s5 w
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三杯水 发表于 2012-2-24 11:30:54 | 只看该作者
1.        我们不仅要知道理论,还要知道怎样把理论用于实践
+ d* L/ B# J- F6 @% _; U+ B4 t+ N  qWhat we should know is not only about the theory itself, but also about how to put it into practice./ e1 y+ Q3 e8 U6 ?( o4 @! W9 ?" n
2.        在你借书之前请先付清罚款!
" b/ H6 @3 e1 @. w/ Z3 JYou cannot borrow the books untill pay penalty
: v8 h* q7 _' P/ K3.        很多人认为肥胖过重是因为吃的过多和压力造成的
2 C# s9 m- X8 x9 M/ nIt is ackowleaged that overeating and pressure are contributing to the obesity
! A1 P7 d, R) V( q3 H& F" j! C4.        我想在河边散步,唱我喜欢的歌;* e, E" T& ]9 R3 k6 y( V
I am craving for strolling alongside the river and singing my favoriate songs
4 _+ ?- V- |/ r" s8 e5.        所有这些东西,看上去虽不同,却有一个共同的特点. x4 E$ V' z/ D. Z+ e# Z
Althought all the stuff look differently, there exist a common trait+ q, Y" g% A% ]8 c" [
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尘封踏雪 发表于 2012-2-24 12:11:48 | 只看该作者
1、We should not only know the theory but also how to apply it in pratice.7 g9 p" l3 _6 j8 H8 X6 a: ]5 H0 s
2、Unfortunately  you will have to pay the fine before you check those books out.
& D1 s- s, V- d; C8 m6 B" b3、Some people that overweight and obesity result from overeating and stress.: p% f2 v/ y; S7 C9 F: `
4、I want to take a walk along the river bank ,sining my favorite songs.$ _! r" b( l  @; J7 T" n' X8 J
5、All those things ,different as they seem have one thing in common.
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1016622753 发表于 2012-2-24 12:42:44 | 只看该作者

回帖奖励 +5

1.我们不仅要知道理论,还要知道怎样把理论用于实践6 |- r% O. a+ z3 D& r+ W
Not only should we know the theories,but also should know how to use them into practice.
) v2 u- l0 `4 Y- g, M9 f* p2.在你借书之前请先付清罚款
5 u* i0 B/ @% I+ F& j! E- x& kYou should pay off the fines,before you borrow the books.+ M# J. k- c3 b! j
3.很多人认为肥胖过重是因为吃的过多和压力造成的+ q& r( l. g# W+ J5 G* ?
Many people consider that overweight results from eating too much and pressure.$ B' t8 J& k) s  H6 X( A
+ d, d% P' {$ HI want to go around the bank and sing the songs that I love.
( }' u# f7 Q6 f! |9 `$ ~5.所有这些东西,看上去虽不同,却有一个共同的特点9 f0 c# E8 e3 F8 i
All the things may look like different,but they have a character in common.
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xuxuai3 发表于 2012-2-24 12:57:15 | 只看该作者

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lol lol lol lol
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zhengdetaileile 发表于 2012-2-24 13:02:13 | 只看该作者
i need answers7 M' t* r* N- m+ V6 l
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