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微博评论 发表于 2012-7-4 12:05:21 | 只看该作者
Guojie was born in ShangXi in 1980.He has studied in France for 10 years.As for the current time,he.wanted to have a job in China.\n\n 来自 辛蒂肉丸子 的新浪微博
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appledolly 发表于 2012-7-4 12:39:54 | 只看该作者
5.China, welcome to the bubble era of media content.
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doracxy 发表于 2012-7-4 16:55:43 | 只看该作者
1、32岁的郭杰出身山西,留法十年,想在中国找一份工作。4 z. ~" m) _; d$ Z
; @6 l: I! L' I4 ^# [% F3、节目主持人张绍刚在郭杰晕倒时没有上前搀扶。
1 r9 W+ t1 c4 `( m4、李开复说,即便面试官认为候选人不够优秀,无论主持人还是面试官都无权对其进行羞辱。/ ?( x4 w2 C# |( P4 ^4 w
6 x, |& }% U  U9 j$ q: X. s. _1 ?0 ^
1.Guo Jie, a 32 year-old man born in Shanxi Province, who has been studying abroad for 10 years, wants to find a job in China.7 `9 J: o1 {; ^5 C5 R5 z
2.The experience that he went abroad alone is what many people have dreamed but not consisted to realize it.0 C( I% v5 I) G! ^  q( h9 N& q
3.Zhang Shaogang, the host of the TV program, didn’t go ahead to support Guo Jie with his arm when Guo Jie collapsed.
+ W" o) s5 O: g8 @  `4.Li Kaifu said that even if the candidate was considered as not excellent by the interviewers, not only the interviewers or the host has not right to embarrass the candidate.; d7 k+ N2 m5 p0 P5 w+ \
5.China, welcome to the bubble-era of the media content.
$ R0 o. W% \  r5 ~5 d, C" i
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王若曦 发表于 2012-7-4 17:02:46 | 只看该作者
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王若曦 发表于 2012-7-4 17:05:24 | 只看该作者
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momo_wyzwsb 发表于 2012-7-4 17:51:04 | 只看该作者
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月月鸟飞起来 发表于 2012-7-4 18:16:52 | 只看该作者
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凝渊 发表于 2012-7-4 19:12:31 | 只看该作者
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hlifenga 发表于 2012-7-4 21:21:45 | 只看该作者
1、32岁的郭杰出身山西,留法十年,想在中国找一份工作9 m3 R; _; O$ ?/ \* j. f; `
Guo Jie, a 32 year-old man comes from Shanxi and has stayed in France for 10 years,
0 g8 F! o( ^/ iWants to find a job in China.
, v; v' G- Y6 i& b, ~% E) `4 ]2、他孤身一人前往异国他乡的这一经历是许多人梦想的、但少有人能坚持达成的
6 Y& _2 k' [2 C& h" e" M/ @His experience of going to foreign alone is a dream of various individuals, however, few of them are able to insist.
- b8 K: z, @* X/ K
. E) y# G* Z( d+ g. i$ w7 N) X3、节目主持人张绍刚在郭杰晕倒时没有上前搀扶
! @+ W6 c: r/ i; z9 ]' @The host didn’t catch Guo Jie when he was dizzy.
9 T* R3 K( i# s; W
0 R$ [! A1 m+ L, r" b4、李开复说,即便面试官认为候选人不够优秀,无论主持人还是面试官都无权对其进行羞辱
5 @( k7 H0 K1 |! wLi Kaifu said neither the host nor the interviewers have the right of humilating the applicant ,although they think the applicant isn’t good enough.
( e' A. W# K+ ~" d) r* a) {2 ]: d' D' L! C0 d5 O: ~& M
5、中国,欢迎进入媒体内容泡沫时代!% n) l& Q) _9 U
welcome to the foam age of media content , China!!6 G8 i7 k  }: y
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cztom 该用户已被删除
cztom 发表于 2012-7-5 00:09:31 | 只看该作者
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