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陶梦寒 发表于 2011-4-26 10:27:14 | 只看该作者
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小米粗线条 发表于 2011-4-26 10:29:05 | 只看该作者
1. 我们的还价是有道理的.
5 H/ B3 P6 a3 f, p* PThe bargin we made is resonable.
; L' O$ v1 h- c8 G
2 o  _' I! X" \; c/ l9 ]2. 请原谅我冒昧地寄样品给您.
& K6 d3 ~! P' a9 M7 m! U8 VPlease forgive me for sending samples to you directly.
2 a. O1 g* ~: W' o7 r0 d
) Y! l3 U) i) ]# V) {, Y. a3. 他的演讲不停地被欢呼声打断.2 a( n: N& M+ P( ~: T
His speech was interrupted by the hurrah time after time.
/ D" W/ {3 t: N4 m/ e6 h) X4. 中国的春节同西方的圣诞节一样,是一年中最重要的节日.
3 @. |3 r& F- S1 T" |Spring Festival in China,the same as Christmas Day in western countries,is the most improtant celebrating in a year. ; Q) P4 g' P8 {& C/ i2 k
5. 中华民族历来珍惜民族大团结和祖国统一.中国的56个民族从古代开始就是华夏大地上劳动和繁衍.经过长期的互相帮助,相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国家.
; g3 i1 T/ S3 q: i$ AChinese union always take the people and motherland to be united important.The 56 nations in China worked and reproducted from the ancient.It became a unified-ethnic country through the long time help and learn from each other." X8 P6 P$ s! J* X; i7 y6 g

- Q0 l" ~! m; P" R: a; ^# x# o英译汉
( k+ P7 @, F2 ?
/ `. {" J  f0 V0 g4 dMake the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.
$ J9 X3 l# Y( A  }% \/ A古为今用,外为中用。


参与人数 1金币 +30 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 30 不错,鼓励下


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mayx0522 发表于 2011-4-26 10:31:58 | 只看该作者
1. 我们的还价是有道理的.
, H) o; w' T& tOur bargaining is reasonable.
1 E& j7 H' C. H; V8 c, f! e6 d& T( |# ^% b* w! M* B) X/ m# |2 I
2. 请原谅我冒昧地寄样品给您.& t) E' r# d3 l1 A/ W
Please forgive me for sending the samples to you familiarly.
; a; Z" H' i$ @/ `6 f; C! A7 ~* I& n8 o! Z2 d# L
3. 他的演讲不停地被欢呼声打断.  z1 A" r9 w( B7 Q- Q
His lecture was interrupted by cheers ceaselessly.
9 }4 [/ V5 l& {0 _. w7 P! k6 J  K' c  s0 q3 W5 w7 e
4. 中国的春节同西方的圣诞节一样,是一年中最重要的节日.$ f" H; X5 m! O8 k6 o1 n  _
The spring festival in China is the most important festival of a year just as the western Christmas.' w3 o( z4 ~6 T0 y0 E& r1 J* g

2 V# x$ b; E( _. J: L2 V4 e) F# E3 D5. 中华民族历来珍惜民族大团结和祖国统一.中国的56个民族从古代开始就是华夏大地上劳动和繁衍.经过长期的互相帮助,相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国家.
7 m& H/ ~: g' F/ J% m2 ?/ RChinese nation always cherish our great national union and  the reunification of the motherland. The 56 ethnic groups worked and reproduced on the Huaxia earth since ancient epoch. And it formed a unitary multinational state through they helped and learned each other for a long time./ b5 w6 P. b4 p% _. I# s
, h6 @2 V& ?$ ~* W8 r
0 z1 m* Z* d# m& f7 TMake the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.
  h2 U! R# v  C8 Z  l$ X6 |, g* B: A让过去为今天服务,让世界为中国服务。


参与人数 1金币 +29 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 29


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李-麟 发表于 2011-4-26 11:33:27 | 只看该作者
We have reason to dicker the price.
& O& Q. T: i2 @9 XPlease excuse us for sending the sample for you.
: q) U/ X& |2 H  N% UHis speech interrupts by the hurrah ceaseless.
* n. |* ?/ A4 P0 u! K7 W# DChinese New Year is the most important festival in china, as the charismas in western country.
- x9 U9 O) I1 S% UChinese Nation always cherish the nation and country uniform. 56 nations work and multiply in this soil from the ancient times. Though long time help each other and learn from each other, formed the multiple nation country uniform. 6 i4 ?& ^7 I0 b! Q# u+ Z$ E


参与人数 1金币 +26 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 26


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miracletree 发表于 2011-4-26 11:59:35 | 只看该作者
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Yeh-Trista 发表于 2011-4-26 12:06:11 | 只看该作者
1. 我们的还价是有道理的.! p5 W; q* g) M" ^. S
it is reasonable to bargain
% t0 [4 s9 l1 y7 A: m+ X8 b. A8 T- Q0 A1 q/ e# w; o
2. 请原谅我冒昧地寄样品给您.
. b" f3 D+ m/ vplease forgive us sending you sample without notice
; ]5 r' E; S1 W3 X, a9 _5 e
1 |# ~$ F1 {6 n* M3. 他的演讲不停地被欢呼声打断.
& L' P* u" T. lhis speech always be interuppted by applause
, @, t( K" E3 b
, p) o  h& r0 x1 a) V  A4 c4. 中国的春节同西方的圣诞节一样,是一年中最重要的节日.
! {: w/ |! b2 O! ras the christmas day in western, the spring holiday is the most important festival of a year in china
+ V1 E) n- d; q+ S. A) ]2 {- C! z2 H  i& ]  W, _# s3 r. ^. Y& K
5. 中华民族历来珍惜民族大团结和祖国统一.中国的56个民族从古代开始就是华夏大地上劳动和繁衍.经过长期的互相帮助,相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国家.
/ W6 k/ K* v) K3 C( X6 AThe chinese nation cherish the union of nationality and country. the 56 nations of china working and mutilplying on the ground of  ancient china, coming into being our uniform and multi-national country. (这翻的忒烂了……)
/ @0 e9 M6 ?  P3 C0 f
8 y* i3 D, a- x$ S2 `Make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.
6 u1 l2 Y8 t: C$ h4 C- O) x8 |7 A) o以过去的经验为现在所用,以国外的知识为中国所用 (西学中用)6 E- Y  Y: v& ~, _% c6 ^/ j
$ M& U  g' P. m% g( {8 g


参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 20 加油~~!


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red 发表于 2011-4-26 12:59:50 | 只看该作者
1. 我们的还价是有道理的./ I" l8 V( h+ ]) o% v3 b! o
Our bargain is decerved.
$ g/ i# ?- n, o# p8 `2 @8 k' b* o1 O0 Z
2. 请原谅我冒昧地寄样品给您.
* g) x3 C1 A( u( W4 OPlease forgive me sending sample to you abrubtly.& M' U% W/ M* a1 n
& {4 [$ K# s3 n* \5 ?6 B
3. 他的演讲不停地被欢呼声打断.) u  h. n6 ~: M( h" T
His speech was interupted by yelling o and on., X. b- \( L1 W- ]& c

7 n- m( I! c" {4. 中国的春节同西方的圣诞节一样,是一年中最重要的节日.
+ w+ W0 {9 f* \. eChina's festivals is the most important feast during a year as the Christmas in westen.
+ H+ W$ q; h& l. Q
, d! j( a* L, h+ Y  S* T4 p6 B5. 中华民族历来珍惜民族大团结和祖国统一.中国的56个民族从古代开始就是华夏大地上劳动和繁衍.经过长期的互相帮助,相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国家.! q" \) G  D6 C$ I, Y! K. s" B
China race is accustumed to treasure the race united and the china union.What the 56 races do is to work hard and  through long term interative help and learn from each other to form an united country.
8 S3 S8 u1 m/ n0 X
" T3 `. ^" u6 ^& F
! G1 m7 Q6 @) k$ u英译汉' \  _; N0 r4 u5 t

. y) O( E4 P, k) r- Z2 RMake the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.
0 {' z( }/ B# s! O& x0 u让过去为现在服务 让国外的为中国服务。, \" m* j' X$ Y# E9 T

/ k/ n3 V5 L* \8 X+ r- h


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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biua 发表于 2011-4-26 14:28:24 | 只看该作者
we have dicker's reason( q! V2 E) {; c$ d- {) B7 t
please forgive me that i send by post a sample to you* e+ }6 J; A; h: o7 f! a- Y
him speech had again and again interrupted( {# a. u* ^8 x* s
chinese new year and christmas is important festival in the year" Y3 F8 v; v; r7 t9 V4 p) S! W
chinese always attach importance to racial solidarity and national unity, from ancient begin,chinese 56 racials is work in the land, after they are mutual long-term studies and help,formed multi-ethnic and unity state6 G, \/ K, `3 f: z


参与人数 1金币 +17 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 17 有些生硬


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Qi菓菓 发表于 2011-4-26 16:24:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Qi菓菓 于 2011-4-26 16:25 编辑 $ z6 H8 c: P: p6 P
8 I7 w. R# T) }% g# U" d# c
1. 我们的还价是有道理的.3 J4 J3 ]* J) M$ U+ I3 p  G8 S
It is reasonable for our bargin.( x$ A# K  M+ u3 e: l- j. }
2. 请原谅我冒昧地寄样品给您.
8 Y! l" t% a7 ?' g0 ^6 J" @( QPlease forgive my sending you the sample with liberty.
2 |. w% s. S* L, K9 e. w3. 他的演讲不停地被欢呼声打断.
9 Y* h/ M% P( N  S4 |His speech is disturbed by hurrah without a break.
% v/ g/ e, V  T0 F- r4. 中国的春节同西方的圣诞节一样,是一年中最重要的节日.
" i1 y6 a, i" k# k' s: YThe spring festival is the most improtant festival in a year, just the same as christmas in western countires.. ~" Y. F) U! T2 P0 |% g. d8 Q; @2 _
5. 中华民族历来珍惜民族大团结和祖国统一.中国的56个民族从古代开始就是华夏大地上劳动和繁衍.经过长期的互相帮助,相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国家.
9 x, h) S0 [  n; BChinese nation always cherish the unity and solidarity. The 56 minorities develped from ancient times and formed into a cooperative multinational country after a long period.
- n! g! A' D# D2 D7 r7 k
# T- q3 S% f( X$ {5 t6 a英译汉& C/ C4 q' c' r4 P7 K! [

) g& [) ]6 k8 Q9 M( |; X4 ?* WMake the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.2 N5 |7 R' v, N


参与人数 1金币 +25 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 25


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yyl1984 发表于 2011-4-26 16:55:28 | 只看该作者
xue xi
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