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小懒猴 发表于 2011-9-19 21:12:20 | 只看该作者
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悦_and_悦 发表于 2011-9-19 23:23:12 | 只看该作者
The problem of air pollution need to be solved urgently.' k  h! p9 H9 d& a; X
The balance of nutrition includes five key factors: protein, carbohydrate, fat,vitamin and mineral.4 O7 G1 U4 V9 {" A& o: _& }# I' ~
Police acclaimed that it was a careless driver who induced this serious accident.
- \+ s; i( N( ]6 _. C0 pDeficiency of vitamin D will lead to severe bone diseases.4 H  A' ^: r& s3 \6 V
In ancient time, the earth is considered as a flat plate.8 Y; F# w/ h( ?/ \  ]
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尘封踏雪 发表于 2011-9-19 23:41:22 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 尘封踏雪 于 2011-9-19 23:57 编辑
8 M7 Q9 {* J8 U
  r* w$ P* `  v1、The  serious problem of air-pollution in thie city will be  uregent solution.8 r6 F' d0 H+ I2 C! s* a
2、The balanced diet include five key elements such as protein  carbohydrates fat vitamin and minerals./ h& k% A- l& l. X1 C8 _9 V
3、The police announced that this serious triffice accient was resulted from careless driver.( z4 k8 i) f5 X& d. f
4、It is short of vatamine D lead to serious bone disease.) U( m0 J9 |) }: ^" H* U% S, l
5、In accient, people belived that the earth is plat disk./ ~3 U3 z: g+ }# d
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李詩敏szeman 发表于 2011-9-20 03:26:17 | 只看该作者
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张_叶_Foliyo 发表于 2011-9-20 06:47:28 | 只看该作者
, `0 n+ a0 W2 @0 S* ^; C- U
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YoYo-Dding 发表于 2011-9-20 09:21:47 | 只看该作者
开始做~ 看看回复,比比差距
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俏然无声0412 发表于 2011-9-20 10:25:13 | 只看该作者
/ o1 b6 @# x0 e2 LThe severe air pollution in this city is urgent to be tackled.
  T0 t, g2 V! N" n
" P7 d# V+ u# C0 ^* z$ x7 E2、平衡的膳食应该包括五个关键要素:蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素和矿物质
9 k* c1 Q! \7 d( k; g/ \$ ?9 [- r' Z( Q" tBalanced diet consists of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin and mineral composition.2 h  P3 _4 |8 Q: ]

: o2 i% _7 M0 K8 T* L3、警方声称一名粗心的司机引起了这场严重的交通事故" D0 R# D; i5 T! C
The police claimed that a careless driver led to this serious car accident.! k, s' @( a! g

/ t7 ?8 p; z) y. P; B4、维生素D的缺乏会导致严重的骨骼疾病
' C/ J( F1 a( }# w9 c6 SLacking of vitamin D will lead to serious skeletal disease.- C4 |& u: t: @+ A" Q  [
! O6 {7 V* _  J3 H4 O! n. C% j! n
" }9 v$ Z& h( D8 [Ancient people believed that the earth is a flat disk.7 e7 C4 ~% B6 t: u8 y3 q- Y

4 i* C2 P3 L! f6 i! J4 i6、An idle youth,a needy age.
2 B5 [7 v7 c5 h8 L年轻的时候懒散,年老的时候穷苦。
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妞怪 发表于 2011-9-20 16:34:29 | 只看该作者
1、该城市空气污染这一严重问题亟待(urgent)解决& N5 M/ w& ^% o: v1 \
It is most urgent that the heavy pollution problem in the city should be solved.  V5 S; ~3 N# C9 \0 @
2、平衡的膳食应该包括五个关键要素:蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素和矿物质1 b; v* f3 G7 z
The balance diet should contain five critical elements: protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamine and mineral substance.
- ]3 @) E/ N8 [3 S" G3、警方声称一名粗心的司机引起了这场严重的交通事故
( d3 ^0 S& r( I; yThe police claimed that an incogitant driver caused this serious traffic accident.  ! M0 |5 S1 B% m
3、        维生素D的缺乏会导致严重的骨骼疾病6 c8 C. C* T; j% g0 k* x  `
The lack of vitamine D will lead to the heavy skeletal disease., A0 s7 T1 q$ J) C: U7 l9 I
5、古时候人们认为地球是一个平的(flat)圆盘! ?# R# G- x( B9 t+ G9 [" t1 X
People reckon that the earth is a flat disc in ancient times.) `6 {: J+ m0 \  k" \
6、An idle youth,a needy age.
) p+ c$ {, ]5 e8 n, _. j少小闲,老大穷。 . F; B0 o) D$ ~5 j$ |
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Joanne小小茵 发表于 2011-9-20 17:42:55 | 只看该作者
routine work~~~
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crazynavy 发表于 2011-9-20 19:27:44 | 只看该作者
1 To solve the severe problem of air pollution is urgent in this city.
7 r$ s: P2 N$ G$ j2 A balance diet should contains such five key factor: protein、carbohydrate、fat、vitamin and mineral substance.
8 a+ x( A2 ]( {3 ?1 [4 s1 O3. The police claimed that a careless driver cause this terrible traffic accident.! \- v- S, t3 V& L' s
4 The shortage of vitamin D will cause severe bone disease1 l4 n7 D& ?$ V% o; v
5 In ancient, people consider the globe is flat plate." K! p' S$ `8 I- l
6 少壮不努力老大徒伤悲
6 C1 p6 h: [; V" }8 Y
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