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小懒猴 发表于 2011-10-8 20:03:14 | 只看该作者
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sophia_bakery 发表于 2011-10-8 22:19:27 | 只看该作者
# ]$ b+ H4 D& d2 @( d) s5 AThere is no evidence to prove that the nuclear accident in Japan has any influnce on China.5 a" s8 u  r2 x  P
2、许多国家对日本的蔬菜及副产品的进口实施禁令3 }, K$ V! ^. f2 H7 w0 \
Many countries put bans on importing Japanese vegetables and by products.$ \% c8 C8 t* D- W
& i. ?- p3 a2 z3 I" a5 w6 x  KA series of meeting had been held to discuss how to solve the crisis.& r+ s1 G# a0 C* X4 I
4、今天的世界经济如同互联网一样,每个人都参与其中,但没有人能控制它6 G' \$ }" H& K5 S2 F& c
The global economy today is like the internet, everybody is involve, but no one can control it.
9 z- U# J* Z& F6 \5、Envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybody’s nature. 嫉妒是最可怕的东西,会使人泯灭天性。
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Joreo 发表于 2011-10-8 22:57:12 | 只看该作者
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二姑娘00 发表于 2011-10-8 23:24:03 | 只看该作者
1.Thers is no evidence can prove Janpan's nuclear accident has affection to China,
# I( w8 G- i* v& @2 G
9 ]6 D5 J( J1 K( r# A7 V' P2.Many countries has implement import prohibiton to vegetables and ,,products of Janpan.
/ q1 d4 W) i6 U1 c+ c% W. J* i, O, x$ ^0 ]  u* ^4 r) L- J
3,Their has been hold a seious meetting to ..how to revolve the crisis.+ y5 V" k5 w# L; c: `( Z% l

% r* }8 _6 H/ }, R4.Today the economy as same as Internet,everyone all in it,but no anybody can control it.
. t4 o# S: N+ y. }0 {7 n' `" L) }% R7 e) M" T$ K6 `  F
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天雨流芳de雅 发表于 2011-10-9 00:38:54 | 只看该作者
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微博评论 发表于 2011-10-9 09:11:12 | 只看该作者
爱民  民才会爱你  过去的画面一去不复返。
* R* n. [" ~, \1 M9 d, d
& E4 \0 R! E7 H6 X) I; Z2 h 来自 你的留学专家 的新浪微博
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vivianlu1116 发表于 2011-10-9 15:30:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 vivianlu1116 于 2011-10-9 15:37 编辑
6 L3 U' l1 |1 N7 w1 Z  y& H
: k9 y/ }: _  l+ B1 k9 r-        There is no proof can indicate that the nuclear accident in Japan will affect China.
( D% H& s. h2 |6 |4 j  h7 m3 D% L-        Many countries had forbided the import of Japanese vegetable and byproduct.
1 h# h+ H2 E# ~- @2 s1 E& G-        They make several conferences to negotiate about how to soft the crisis.
+ E$ f( _7 G. R, V-        Nowadays,the international economy as well as the Internet is beyond control,depite everyone is involved in it.
4 w( N7 _  h$ l- V1 B-        嫉妒是最可怕地东西,它会让人丧失本性。' B# L+ r0 v% ?( L. Z, Y; p9 x
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czyaozhe 发表于 2011-10-9 19:22:48 | 只看该作者
继续努力!# m: O( ?" t3 P
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可西欧泥 发表于 2011-10-9 19:51:48 | 只看该作者
嫉妒心是最可怕的,它能破坏人的本性1 w8 y$ Z& O" G: y% f" f- L
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谷谷睡醒就奋斗 发表于 2011-10-9 22:47:58 | 只看该作者
% X$ |9 _, y4 p8 \* U
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