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恋爱的感觉 发表于 2012-2-9 23:04:31 | 只看该作者
1. generally speaking,the circumstance have deeply impacts on people's characters.
. H: Y0 \. Q- \$ F, ^1 J7 ^2. to animal's right protectors, it is brutal to do experiments on animals.# {7 r0 q3 k9 o3 w& i9 o) {
3. the Olympic Games will promote the friendship and the economic development of the host.+ d7 h* t, W6 o5 b8 I# X5 @8 @) t
4. i am not sure that whom i shall agree with.5 h' Q% \% u# v% O: Y
5. we should protect the variety of creatures no matter how much it will cost.


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
admin + 8


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祁凉 发表于 2012-2-10 00:47:21 | 只看该作者

- h! ^; }/ d) `  z1.Generally,environment has been considered to have impact on human's personality.
- J8 T0 g1 T! N( h+ Z; ~+ a) @% m& q2 x6 i7 z5 e, s
2.  Animal protector believe test on animals it's cruel and inhumanity.    : E3 O% q; u' C) r# ~- {
8 E% Z* X+ R3 R0 o$ k+ V
3.Friendship and economic development of the host country are promoted by Olympic.
6 _; k8 w% E+ |' c# K( a4 V) ~- q7 m! E0 h% I7 o
4.I am not sure whose idea should be support.
4 S( T1 C" U) }# A: Q" y$ K1 E
5.We should make effort to protect the biological diversity.


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
admin + 8


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summer116 发表于 2012-2-10 08:45:08 | 只看该作者
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三杯水 发表于 2012-2-10 08:57:28 | 只看该作者
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包子猪 发表于 2012-2-10 13:10:21 | 只看该作者
1 As is well-known, environment has an significant effect on one's charactor.
% ~) `. f! J/ a2  Animal protectors think that experiment in animal is cruel and inhuman.
. \, {' T" @; [9 A) @! W, b3 Olympics can improve friendship and promote the development of the host country's economics.
; k# f7 J& w( f9 {: H1 ^9 {4 I am not sure I am in favor of whose opinion.
1 Y! `: a% P; x* m( N5 We must try our besst to protect the diversity of nature.
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galaxy 发表于 2012-2-10 15:10:41 | 只看该作者
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向日葵 发表于 2012-2-10 19:02:01 | 只看该作者
, R2 u6 {7 P6 x" R, o
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garfieldi 发表于 2012-2-11 11:47:18 | 只看该作者
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响# g3 k3 a& }; m- ?9 U
8 \; M9 r  {* ^; l3 n5 k6 p* iGenerally,people thinks environment have a deep impact to personal character.
9 p) M& g+ c$ m9 H& O" b 2.动物权益保护着认为动物实验很残忍,不人道
( K# e7 Z8 k- tAnimal-right-protector think the animal experiments are extremely cruel and inhuman.
$ U9 y. F) `" ^9 ` 3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展
, j& ~. r4 O# B2 dThe Olympic Games can improve friendship and the economic development of hoster. 2 W5 r- V3 l+ s: e1 L5 f& I6 R
3 w: |! d6 J5 nI can't ensure whose opinion I should agree. 3 \) s/ A5 r3 u( Z# N
5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性- a! ]6 S" |2 u; H* I
We must spare no effort to protect the Biological diversity.
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人之初_s 发表于 2012-2-11 12:41:16 | 只看该作者
let me see see; ]( ?3 u8 D9 }1 K; q2 _6 m% u" D
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蜜桃肉丸子 发表于 2012-2-11 13:56:23 | 只看该作者
3 @) a; s8 H' {- m# }) JIt well to knowen that the enviroment has a deep influnce on human's character
( |6 Q& i. \* u2 b* }: h2 {. B
; s* s0 y3 r; f. e! K& z2.动物权益保护着认为动物实验很残忍,不人道4 Q- L' t; `8 }( j, |, m2 D, z0 ?
The animal protect supposed that it's cruel to make animal expriment5 X- n  `; T6 o. J
. \6 \# B  d  `  f$ C6 S: B" N+ m5 f
& d% N5 B) W  E9 H8 N  4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见3 e/ Y, A5 y: e# P; a( f2 v* ?$ n# n
i'm not sure to suppose whose idea
2 C1 C: n% D( ?" V
4 P/ q8 {) H5 V. [: r, ^; Q5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性
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