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Tachiol 发表于 2012-3-5 18:46:08 | 只看该作者
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撒比西黑眼圈 发表于 2012-3-5 22:35:43 | 只看该作者

, ^4 g1 f2 _8 DI think it will not rain today.
1 t4 N2 Y! j2 d" o7 ?& w2 s# ^Not only you,but your wife is friendly to me.. V  R8 W: X/ S4 Z) U
After hearing the news, the people who were on the spot looked at each other.
% p7 T7 Y7 A/ y1 XIt does not matter when you come, you should tell me first., n0 t& P; m4 S3 q& F. N# O
You can understand the true requests of customers and adjust correspondingly,it makes our service reach even exceed their antipations.
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清晓-77 发表于 2012-3-6 12:56:55 | 只看该作者
8 C0 p7 r8 }2 A* M9 w5 U1 YI don't think it is going to rain.5 p" X& D, W& I# W+ _0 Y1 [
/ j& |* r+ R, S; ~: _: v8 K( F- hNot only you but also your wife is friendly to me.2 [. v, l# f+ C. Y! x, i5 \
3.听到这个消息后,在场的人都面面相觑8 [5 n: }5 V7 R7 P) G( c5 L6 {
All at present were looking at each other when they heard this news.+ M1 c& a6 g- o
4.你什么时候来都行,不过最好先告诉我一声。- j0 {5 U: y/ C" A
You can come whenever, but you'd better tell me in advance.
$ e) L7 J- Y4 c5 s5.我们能够充分认识顾客真正的需求,并进行相应调整,使我们的服务达到甚至超出顾客预期
, |+ F5 W2 a1 B; j$ wWe can fully understand the real demand of the customers and do some relevant adjustments, to make our service meet or above the expectation of customers.
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葡挞 发表于 2012-3-7 12:32:50 | 只看该作者
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SILVER1414 发表于 2012-3-7 19:55:22 | 只看该作者
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SeeEvelyn 发表于 2012-3-10 18:45:25 | 只看该作者
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MelodyT 发表于 2012-3-12 09:09:43 | 只看该作者
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kurama1221 发表于 2012-3-12 19:38:47 | 只看该作者
% n7 ^7 r7 [7 K: jI don't think it's gonna rain.
9 J& [  \2 W  G& T) m  p) v; n+ C2.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。4 V! z8 Z( U3 L7 `
Both you and your wife has been kind to me.8 y1 n, U( c/ |3 ?+ L6 O
3.听到这个消息后,在场的人都面面相觑。& B# I; g8 v. ]: y8 Y
After hearing this news, everyone present looked at each other
  O( P. A0 h) {0 t4 [9 P4.你什么时候来都行,不过最好先告诉我一声。
! G- b' p# |- C+ B+ L1 u- WYou can come whenever you want, but it is better if you give me a notice ahead.& U( F3 s( r) H) J+ w. j8 Z
5.我们能够充分认识顾客真正的需求,并进行相应调整,使我们的服务达到甚至超出顾客预期.  b! t3 k( R! [& x! {2 Z" F4 f
We can sufficiently realize what the customers truely want, and do some adjustments according to it, in order to make our service achieve or even go beyond their expectation.
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雅思用户 发表于 2012-3-12 22:36:20 | 只看该作者
1.I don't think it will rain.* L: N6 _# X; J4 J$ P, {- r& d* J5 r
2.Not only you but also your wife treat me very friendly.
4 \8 X, a; ?5 }" u5 V) @( B$ K2 B* a3.After hearing the news, all people present look at each other." I- @  g1 a- I8 h+ E5 f
7 K' H, Q, n7 @' l% ?0 R4.You can come here any time,but you had better let me know beforehand* Q/ ]  u% s2 F0 v6 B2 B
% g# W" @0 ~, P! p) d5.We can recognize the customers' real need sufficiently and process relevant adjustment to make our service reach or even go beyond the customers' expectations
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vivianlu1116 发表于 2012-3-16 17:16:46 | 只看该作者
1.        I don’t think it is going to rain.0 u4 K9 w  V$ d; M5 C& O
2.        Not only you but you wife is friendly to me.
* M" w2 B' \. \' M3.        Everybody get puzzled after hearing this news.% X; O( t$ x1 x+ S7 I
4.        You can drop in at your convenience,and it would be best if you let me know in advance.
7 A" b8 M+ W+ T" A; x4 N) m& }5.        We can fully understand costomers’ requirement and will adjust it accordingly to make our service achieve even exceed costomers’ expectation.
. F: c9 K. `! h
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