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楼主: IELTS哥
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gracepallas 发表于 2016-5-7 21:32:48 | 只看该作者
1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。2 c( }' Z; }  N8 [
the torch extinguish was caused by the burner breakdown.8 q+ X+ v* C( ^) d$ ~
2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。.
% Z% r4 n6 ~$ i) h) F" |$ Q) Qit's not rare for the torch extinguish.
; B0 w$ H% k9 H3 S3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。
$ p) i9 N0 X* F$ L& w3 nthere maybe occur under the situations like extremely strong wind and so on.+ F- i* K5 W* Y" _: P+ g" O
4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。- F8 R8 Z, Z) ^$ J1 z/ Y% w
today the olympic torch transfering came to the third day.5 r. m9 \7 N$ b5 k! `
5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!
/ U0 e  v! i( j' Z一个令人惊喜的运动纪念品, 将成为第一个拥有。
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qqhahabus1 发表于 2019-6-19 11:16:52 | 只看该作者
very  good  
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