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俏然无声0412 发表于 2011-9-7 16:39:39 | 只看该作者
9 X7 D  S# M0 ]6 V( H7 _The most vital thing for football is cooperation of team.
9 M  D2 Y: K7 m- l2 ?( b; F/ ~. _* _# Y" r, m5 `: I( ~* q; g& O
2.他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。1 K% G$ M7 _  `" L7 c& P
Due to the hurt of one of his legs, he has to depend on a cane when he walking.
6 @$ ^" t4 a) M* X) A# {+ h5 q7 h. u$ C4 j+ e3 _6 l3 c: Q
3.他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。/ h8 S: l  m" b9 e- ~: I
He think of a lame excuse to explain the reason for absence.$ c( ~5 C7 p; `7 c+ s* J# f% U1 P

  _/ ~$ n" M# @4 n, ~; |4.我很遗憾将你的名字拼错了,这是个笔误。
% t. C# ^0 |. [I am sorry about spelling your name wrongly, and it is a clerical error.! i# ?# I$ @- f% s6 c$ O7 ?5 c

4 K$ ~2 ~) B* n) \: t5.我已经面试过另一位想获得这个职位的人。他/她看上去很不错。为什么我得聘用你?! k+ Q' M( S5 S2 I
I have interviewed another person who apply for this job. He looks great. Why do I employ you?" P! d% T3 h$ J$ H

# y4 Z/ b' s& q) T  C+ ^# e6.Clumsy birds have to start flying early.(英译汉)
3 j: y( O" [* C2 T' y5 n笨鸟先飞。
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莫样年华 发表于 2011-9-7 21:52:08 | 只看该作者
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Wendy-love1013 发表于 2011-9-7 23:50:00 | 只看该作者
; i% Y- B* O1 p/ W/ F8 F* IWhat the most important in a football game is teamwork.
4 x) b% Z5 G1 F2.他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。; O0 d: J* O- k- r2 ?
One of his leg is lame,so he walks with a crutch.
, p$ R% i& h+ w, J3.他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。
0 R) x$ N* z; S% |He found a broken excuse to explain the reason for absence.
& I! L  A$ {% D6 P+ U7 |$ [7 m( `4.我很遗憾将你的名字拼错了,这是个笔误。9 U( o) M' _0 _3 R. o
I regretted to spell your name wrong,and it's a slip of a pen.
1 l- I* {5 x, n: K% A5.我已经面试过另一位想获得这个职位的人。他/她看上去很不错。为什么我得聘用你?
/ q- w0 V9 Q8 M( oI have already interviewed another person who want this position,and he/she seems good.So why should I employ you?
' p  ^+ r" k  S5 x9 [* a6.Clumsy birds have to start flying early.(英译汉)
+ s2 j  \% s5 s' C笨鸟先飞。
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vivianlu1116 发表于 2011-9-8 16:21:15 | 只看该作者
The most significant thing in football match is team working.# X: u* F4 c* b( s0 U
One of his leg is crippled,so he walk by crutch.." g* G# X% h" |& l8 V+ i; u5 v
He find a unconvincing excuse to explain the reason for absence.+ _+ M) w4 t. g! k# o3 S/ U$ F$ A- W
I’m sorry for spell your name wrongly,it just a slip of the pen.( p+ M& z( t% y* _) I7 A1 R
I have already interviewed a person who is eager for this position,and he /she look pretty good.Why should I hire you?
8 ~% _8 b& O1 p, A8 s* ~" B笨鸟先飞。4 a$ P4 u4 T  ?1 t, ^0 H
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december 发表于 2011-9-8 17:28:47 | 只看该作者
Teamwork is the key to a football game.( r& z+ T2 a, `, b# g
Due to one leg disabled, he had to refer to a walk stick.3 n* D- T. ]/ m, k% l  [9 b# m
He found a ridiculous excuse as explanation for the absence.4 h" P: p4 {& f* l: J7 `+ O* Z6 X
I am sorry to spell your name incorrectly. It’ s a mistake.
6 G. l) Q* P9 Z' Y' B# GI have interviewed another candidate for the position, who seems well. Why I have to hire you?- B5 M) \% Y- ]* }9 E
笨鸟先飞。% J( n* b: ~$ @4 k* ^- @0 C
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cherry2dan 发表于 2011-9-9 23:03:57 | 只看该作者
求答案; A5 N* C2 A- K, e7 m0 U. {) |
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LL小懒 发表于 2011-9-11 20:36:28 | 只看该作者
$ ^7 T" b) A: V8 |- I0 yThe key to winning a football match is the team spirit.% R1 u" `; ]0 R9 k2 |( N9 g% \
0 E% n# c- @: X! N$ {! x- z* ?1 [9 _He broke his leg so that he walked with a cane.  p2 y! ^; X8 u2 S' n, {
3.他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。9 x; i5 j. y* X
He explained the reason why he was absent, which no one would believe.5 y- D; _* e8 `9 n  G4 f- W
& ^7 o6 [3 Q( ~+ ^; v3 ~I regretted to have your name spelled wrongly, and that's just a mistake.
+ A# ^# B8 u: C- ^( V8 Q5.我已经面试过另一位想获得这个职位的人。他/她看上去很不错。为什么我得聘用你?
% l2 V" p  E' o( C( hI have interviewed another one who wants to get the job, and he/she seems suitable for the job, so why I have to employ you?! e% ^9 N- _) o
6.Clumsy birds have to start flying early.(英译汉)
9 v" L" L/ ]1 T7 a$ Q8 _  a笨鸟先飞
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悦_and_悦 发表于 2011-9-12 22:08:02 | 只看该作者
The most important thing in soccor match is team work.
/ o/ A' _; b' ]- v5 C4 uHe is lame with one leg, have to walk by the use of crotches.
: n/ f# `1 K* L: g) w4 ~# \He found an unreasonable excuse to explain his absence.& F( h" S( C- M! O- |
I am sorry to spell your name wrong, which is a mistake of handwriting.
% P7 D) M  H6 F' f) V. F/ _I have interviewed another guy who want this job. He appears great. Why should I hire you?5 Z, C% o4 o6 {, Q* m: |! [
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cotton2cotton 发表于 2011-9-13 14:59:30 | 只看该作者
怎么没有4号的 继续补课
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滴Moondance 发表于 2011-9-21 21:35:31 | 只看该作者
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