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Gabirel_yrg 发表于 2012-3-8 13:30:45 | 只看该作者
1.        This is his style of doing things.. S, ?$ [2 x1 d- S. ~* a
: B1 z0 K: z& \. ?4 a( M
2.        He always takes a pocket dictionary.
6 [- g  n1 ]0 O6 B
# D/ ]( }' r$ x7 c; \- F' l; G. w" g" e3.        I can not help reminding the old times when I watch these old music films.
6 b- N' v& N% n/ k( Z& h* O
1 r! E. @( Y: I+ }4.        You eating habits are bad, and I think you know nothing about nutriology." w1 T8 |% R  n1 u4 L
$ b/ z# u  \2 g% L3 u
5.        A: Can you do me a favor? My car broke down.
1 E; P, M' N" v3 @( ~        B: Of course!5 M' A8 F' t; k
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麦_TD 发表于 2012-3-8 15:13:06 来自手机 | 只看该作者
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开心果李雪 发表于 2012-3-8 19:25:19 | 只看该作者
; d: |4 w% u( f. u3 k我:it is possible to do this thing for him.: H* ^& ^) g' b# E$ r# M
( {' ~$ s8 _. B我:he is always with a tiny dictionary.
' O$ m% i2 k1 v3.我从电视中看到这些旧音乐影片, 怀旧之情油然而生.! W8 G; B$ K- c# Y0 Y3 A
我:the feeling appeared from these old musical films I watch tv.
) K) a9 f5 K/ z4 e* X. b) c+ J4.你的饮食习惯很差, 并且我认为你对营养学一无所知。2 w* R' O  _* u: c, u4 g
我:your dinner habits are wrong and I don’t think you know about the  P( T, y7 l$ B- M9 c+ _
5. A.劳驾帮我推一下好吗?我的车抛锚了。
- a0 O: U4 L7 z. t  B.好的.当然可以!(没问题)
  _& \# h" v4 ~" X" o我:a;could you push a bit please?my car is broke down.. k  p9 T7 B8 I. B3 K( Z0 S; }
B”all right,certainly.4 E- c4 L* E6 ~* Q  d
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圣圣圣丶圣三一 发表于 2012-3-8 19:53:15 | 只看该作者
1.He could possibly do it.' u3 ]$ N% X0 N& F1 L
2.He always brings a pocket dictionary with him./ r6 F7 L2 t6 @0 B
3.I had a wave of nostalgia when I watched these old music films on TV.
2 w& P; o; S9 T4.You have a bad diet,and I don't think that you know anything about nutrition.' u+ e4 n; z. t- _  F! C" S
5.Excuse me ,would you mind giving me a pushing? My car doesn't work.3 j& k2 n4 ?( Q
Sure,no problem.
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legend11 发表于 2012-3-9 13:06:04 | 只看该作者
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acillce 发表于 2012-3-9 13:39:33 | 只看该作者
1.他有可能做这件事。/ `  S- q" \( C: ^  _: J7 H
He could have done this.
4 G& m) ?" v+ N. h! c/ _2.他总是随身携带一本袖珍字典。9 f' L( @  P# S7 C
He is always taking a mini-dictionary with him.3 n) Q8 U( Y; j% ~0 M& V7 J3 @
3.我从电视中看到这些旧音乐影片, 怀旧之情油然而生.
& Y* B* @6 c( z9 b: y3 E% iSeeing the old music video in TV, I recall my old time.
9 \/ z# v1 @6 F, H4.你的饮食习惯很差, 并且我认为你对营养学一无所知。
* X" [0 Q3 I+ PYou have a bad eating habit.From that, I conclude that you know nothing about ....1 j2 r2 c5 o% _0 r( ~
5. A.劳驾帮我推一下好吗?我的车抛锚了。
$ _( K; w, E. O  G/ m. NB.好的.当然可以!(没问题)2 A; H  D( [9 v" O' j+ `6 q- d
-Could you please pull it together.It cast away. -Sure.
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Zona 发表于 2012-3-9 14:49:52 | 只看该作者
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Zona 发表于 2012-3-9 14:50:34 | 只看该作者
圣圣圣丶圣三一 发表于 2012-3-8 19:53
' u8 D/ p; |' q. M/ m" U3 Q1 X, Y' Q0 n1.He could possibly do it.
& x( C$ X' n& d" F& `, Y  C2 f2.He always brings a pocket dictionary with him.
& X+ N7 ^$ ^% q! g: L5 j% }9 f3.I had a wave of nost ...

, K2 S: Q% B' q- P0 F* G1 F写的好好!
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几木1027 发表于 2012-3-10 16:57:09 | 只看该作者
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okho 发表于 2012-3-11 20:20:48 | 只看该作者
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