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番薯 发表于 2012-5-18 19:29:46 | 只看该作者
$ g2 A4 ?- j0 p  ], g% ]
0 C& J- h" L" w3 b- d2 F7 PMany just act on impulsion, not rationalities.& {+ z3 s( b/ w' b
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机& U1 ~) k* C- J$ V' D3 G
He has a weak motivation for working hard. $ P6 H7 g7 M0 V6 j
4 V2 [: }3 u- D* B. X7 j% u& dAn odd thing happened in the supermarket today.
8 q' V3 R7 `' _2 p+ D, s   @4 L  r: k  h0 B+ E5 r3 i+ k
6 j  K1 K+ a. t; N/ [You say one thing and do another.# q, ?+ G( J: K& j
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的4 Y6 M9 Z; F; a& l" n
A sufficient leader is crucial to the well-being of the company.
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小么的国度 发表于 2012-5-20 13:17:05 | 只看该作者
1、Many people act as impulse not sentiment.) \1 s) G4 ^* f7 X
2、He has not too much incentives to work hard.- c$ |$ o2 ~3 D' c# K1 ?1 l& d
3、There is a weird thing in the supermarket today.
$ R& M8 S2 Y! I3 s) Z; \4、Your speaking is not consisted with your action./ z2 P! I% B4 m, K1 a
5、A good leader is key point to the success of a company.
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heechuldonghae 发表于 2012-5-21 10:37:46 | 只看该作者
A good leader is very important to a successful company+ C% F7 k4 e6 v" _, j) W2 ]
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gaotide 发表于 2012-5-22 08:22:27 | 只看该作者
) V0 ~. _, V  C3 k7 q; o; rMany people act impulsely rather than reasonablely
5 F7 L4 G3 }* I8 ~2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机5 ?  h* W$ m- F2 w0 U
He has very few of motivation of work hard
' i+ J7 ^% O& t8 {" V.今天超市发生了一件怪事
9 P, z! s2 c$ @3 HA weird thing happende in the supermarket today
1 s% H  k6 {: A2 你言行不一致  W7 |( }/ I; m! Q' m) j; }% [
your action doesnt account with your words
4 y2 P! Q7 s- I' F7 M5 {
8 d: k* G* e, L: N$ O& G5 G一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的
$ T6 m' f1 U( j& g, {0 ?; zAgood leader is of great importance to a successful compony
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111111carolyn 发表于 2012-5-22 12:10:29 | 只看该作者
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jxzy1299 发表于 2012-5-23 22:50:40 | 只看该作者
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腿太郎 发表于 2012-5-24 11:16:40 | 只看该作者
Many people depends on the impulse rather than the reason action
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腿太郎 发表于 2012-5-24 11:25:00 | 只看该作者

) u8 y, Q; k+ ]- G* G9 `1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动, ~: {, c  l0 u4 [- V5 D6 B7 o
Many people depends on the impulse rather than the reason action
. D& t8 x5 `# o6 r7 S( B" S/ `4 _2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机2 X9 h/ B7 X, E  t/ X. H
He don't have much work motivation./ ?' m1 \5 v) \$ |: Q: e
3 C2 H6 ^: {4 j  t3 n" _% P( e0 WA weird affair happened in the market today.
. [! x' ?% h" I+ m4.你言行不一致
/ @& T; S" S6 q  ~) [3 t+ g# \; i% A8 yYour actions lack consistency.8 F5 y0 ~- J: ^+ Y6 f9 F
5 O% M6 Y" V0 h# AIt is too much important for a success company to have a intelligent leader
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MG.R.Chan 发表于 2012-5-25 09:23:27 | 只看该作者
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动) B. a9 S0 S8 y2 x5 {% X! w8 t' V
many people take actions depend on impulse not reasonable sense
" J# A9 t2 f; Z" H8 J" Q2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机* J* [* R5 C6 `3 S* D3 f
He  has little  motivation to work hard  ( n* d0 p* f% L" i- I( @. ?
+ w0 W2 F# @% j( Q5 Dsomething strange has happened in the supermarket today
* k8 S, M# K, `) Q" X9 F) M" r4.你言行不一致
5 r9 x6 D, A6 e* L  Q, ZYour action didn't fit  with your words
+ d: x' S' a$ s5 q& j! w5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的
9 {$ @- \/ _( xA good leader is of great importance for a successful company
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Joanne小小茵 发表于 2012-6-28 14:51:55 | 只看该作者
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