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寒江--雪 发表于 2013-2-26 21:55:38 | 只看该作者

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1.     化妆可是能让你显瘦的强大武器哦.
0 P* }/ t8 h5 YMake up is a strong weapon which could makes you looked thin.8 O- _7 Z, G1 M6 J3 C  Q
2.     大部分人看起来比实际漂亮很多。' G. w/ e' c1 ~8 T4 v: `0 M" Y5 Q0 s
Most of people looked more beautiful than in the reality.$ V1 r0 C. ]- R
3.     他们的妆容和发型能够改变脸型,并凸显出脸部的优点。) i8 v5 j1 W, H; Y& ?7 q6 F
their makeup and hair style could change their face and highlights the advantages of face.
# _+ w: k2 }+ _7 |7 J5 r, E4.     你也可以用同样的技巧让脸部显得更小点。
% a. X, ~7 ^& b- c( s6 Hyou can use the same way to make your face looked smaller.
* P. {. W! q! |  a0 g" W8 x5.      Arched brows help lift the face and make your face look slimmer
, y* U2 s- Z2 I( A- }( z8 M弓形眉毛可以提高脸型让你的脸看起来像是在笑。
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Terrence 发表于 2013-2-28 10:32:15 | 只看该作者
check words
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玄野兔 发表于 2013-2-28 11:22:20 | 只看该作者

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1.     化妆可是能让你显瘦的强大武器哦。
; m: m% ?6 _7 [. w0 d: y) s; hMake-up may be a strong weapon for you to look slimmer.
7 o6 W8 b- _- ]2. Most people look more beautiful that they actually are.
4 k( d2 z, N2 m8 W3.     他们的妆容和发型能够改变脸型,并凸显出脸部的优点。2 F$ t4 [3 w9 C6 {* }1 p; B
3. Their make-up and hair style could change their face outline,  stressing the advantages of face.; S& f# `2 L8 M6 \8 N2 G9 R
4.     你也可以用同样的技巧让脸部显得更小点。
( W- x6 B$ I3 }1 X0 K4. You could also make your face look slimmer with the same skills.2 H8 Q$ d6 m4 F2 ]' g1 [. B
5.      Arched brows help lift the face and make your face look slimmer.
6 d' R. B2 r" n; _5.弯眉毛有利于提升脸型,使得你的脸蛋看起来更瘦小。
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玄野兔 发表于 2013-2-28 11:29:07 | 只看该作者
1.    人的一生中,难免会遇见一些很难打交道的人。" L8 |& h; w( x1 Q' v# [
It's not difficult to meet some people who are unfriendly in our life6 D4 w% W1 ~2 u, _2 Q( t8 T1 B8 `. C: Y7 b6 z7 n5 l
2.    花点时间好好想想吧,找出那些容易让你暴躁的事物来) N: D7 C- w: H, x
Let's spend some time to think about what make you so distraught; d" C4 u( J! `3 S" j! {6 A' |# z1 f- F: w& R. R
3.    一旦熟知自己的底线,那你就变得无坚不摧。*; I1 m0 g5 a& o1 D
can become stronger as long as you know your bottom line- D( I1 d7 B1 c' p" R( P# d
, U6 Q& z6 {1 Z4.    那些难打交道的人,最爱做的事就是让你卷入争执中。! `0 ?% E. Y( v: @) X' B
The unkind people are likely to drag you into conversation5 J$ l9 V; X: h, C; a4 R
( O5 O2 ?6 \% h% H+ S# |
5.     If you don’t, the conversation will just continue to go around in circles( R; x4 a, @; [- O. M
; g4 O4 j- z, V) i你不愿意,那没办法有结论
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玄野兔 发表于 2013-2-28 11:31:08 | 只看该作者
1.     Makeup can be a powerful tool in helping you look slim. $ l- ^: H6 X9 E- }
2.     Most do not look like they do on their own.
& n; {* U* z& ?3.     Their makeup and hair really change how their faces look and draw attention to their best features.
2 ]4 t! a) S8 v/ I9 w! [" C4.     You can use some of the same tricks to make your face appear thinner.  
4 M6 P; t3 s+ s6 T4 V5.     弓形的眉毛能拉长脸型,使脸看起来更瘦。
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Phoebe0228 发表于 2013-2-28 14:57:04 | 只看该作者
thx for share
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Party-SHAN 发表于 2013-2-28 21:35:45 | 只看该作者

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咔咔了个维 发表于 2013-3-4 17:26:24 | 只看该作者

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i just want the truth.
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aking450 发表于 2013-3-5 20:49:40 | 只看该作者
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造梦的阿囧 发表于 2013-3-11 13:04:03 | 只看该作者

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1.Making up can be a strong tool to make you look slimmer.+ q  Z- d/ d5 G, s0 ?( \
2.It makes most people look prettier.
5 z" ~" r- b% j& A# \7 j, e- ?3.Their making up and hair style can change their faces' outline and bring out the advantages.3 q, H& i4 `' z4 l0 i. j+ W, E
4.The same skill can also be used to make your face look slimmer.
) }- `, ?. n) h7 z5.弯眉毛在提升你的脸型同时也能让你的脸更加显瘦。
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