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晴心 发表于 2013-3-14 10:58:27 | 只看该作者
1.      怎么能让事情重回轨道呢?
& T1 A4 m9 H0 Y! q; l0 |+ {How can I make things back to orbit?
8 B4 H6 k' i9 U0 H1 Q: b/ }! e2.      其实有的时候只要有积极的态度即可。" p1 K1 I/ w! l6 o9 ^
Sometimes it's okay as long as with positive attitude.
2 q- F* e: @% ?4 }" {8 a! w3.      生气解决不了任何问题。" n  L. i& N" p: Z8 V. |) U$ ~
Anger doesn't resolve any problems.; B% ]; c3 h1 A: q9 _- j
4.      在你最需要正能量时,帮助你唤醒它们。3 I1 F- J2 ?( h6 G
It can help you awake them when you need energy most.  C5 J6 }6 }  _% p/ |0 n
5.      When things are going south, you need to turn your attitude around. 7 o9 U. C% P* Y  ^+ j$ [9 t6 |
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judy_1219 发表于 2013-3-14 11:26:10 | 只看该作者
1.      怎么能让事情重回轨道呢?* T3 G% i2 y4 p+ Z# k. p* k  ]2 c
How could we make this back to  again?
; g$ q1 ~1 V7 w2 l2.      其实有的时候只要有积极的态度即可。  e3 S- Z) f; J+ f3 x
Actually, positive attitudes are good sometimes.
9 Y. ^  S. `% L3 I3.      生气解决不了任何问题。. anger cannot solve any problem. ; e2 L+ E& S: P+ [3 H# t+ H$ a# P
7 P9 Q! Q. k! y& I
4.      在你最需要正能量时,帮助你唤醒它们。) `  n0 p3 K# `' c& w" f: V
when you need some positive energy, it will help you wake them up.4 G5 L) b5 c' g
$ r2 ?! o* |5 T! ~# S
5.      When things are going south, you need to turn your attitude around. 当事情已经变化时,你就需要适当改变你的态度。
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Lily猫猫小 发表于 2013-3-14 11:31:36 | 只看该作者
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heheon 发表于 2013-3-14 11:45:56 | 只看该作者
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懒懒Cassie 发表于 2013-3-14 11:56:26 | 只看该作者
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飘着的文珺 发表于 2013-3-14 12:30:16 | 只看该作者
1. How to get things back on track?2 U& K/ R" {% K; v1 l0 M% s

1 D2 N2 t  y5 e2. Sometimes a positive attitude is all we need., A! W8 T% J. \1 O2 }- @& |

0 o: v6 l/ y) v3 F5 y% @3. Anger is not the solution to any problem.) s$ Y5 \& K% E4 {. X1 l6 R5 ~
0 s# y/ v5 v8 v. q9 U
4. When you need positive energy, it will help you to wake it up.
) T/ P  |2 i1 s/ N/ D1 S+ R) `
6 {+ A- j- n1 A: k! `4 M; r- u& C* s5. 当事情往不好的方向发展的时候,你需要改变你的心态。
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jiuer 发表于 2013-3-14 12:54:50 | 只看该作者
1 how to get the condition back to its orbit.
0 [' Y1 L! Q1 U/ s: U0 s/ v5 Q: L9 ~2 actually,the positive attitude is enough.2 R$ `; G% V' \- C1 n  e
3 anger can solve nothing," P) j0 o" j2 i% r6 w
4 it can arouse your positive energy when need it.- q$ ], k! _8 r3 T. X% J" b
  X$ p  \, c% B/ G
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微博评论 发表于 2013-3-14 13:45:24 | 只看该作者
1.How to make things come back track?2.Sometime,it is only need ipposite attitude.3.Angry slove nothing4.When we need opposite energy,it help you call them.\n\n 来自 娜红颜害了谁 的新浪微博
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Phoebe0228 发表于 2013-3-14 14:11:16 | 只看该作者
thx for share!
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zvivy 发表于 2013-3-14 14:45:18 | 只看该作者
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