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slider1109 发表于 2013-3-23 00:07:50 | 只看该作者
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Eliseyeah 发表于 2013-3-23 00:39:33 | 只看该作者
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ielts_2nd 发表于 2013-3-23 10:37:34 | 只看该作者
1.     在他的旅行过程中,他从来都是坚定地双脚站在土地上。
3 p( {& ?; r: j' M/ F; VDuring his joury, his feet are always stand on the earth.
3 J7 Q. M3 F4 y* e8 z2.     他成为了第一位不乘坐飞机游遍全世界201个国家和地区的人。/ R% U, t2 }* \- ?7 D# z
He became the 1st person who has traveled 201 countries and regions in the world without taking aircraft.
! b- O  K3 t1 j% M6 y+ e3.     在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里
. |" q: D, o. k6 QIn the 1426 days, he traveled 160 thousand miles via bus, taxi, train and hiking.
1 M9 K2 J% w5 S$ V; p4.     我想我这么做的原因是,我想知道一个人在有限条件下是否能独自旅行。4 z# X+ m! B$ F+ @$ Z
I think the reason of why I did this is I want to know if a person can travel alone in the limited conditions. 3 M) F' I& p7 S
5.    The main feeling today is just one of intense gratitude to every person around the world who helped me get here. 8 B) d/ U  `& |  H, T
我现在最大的感觉就是一种对全世界每一个帮助过我的人的感激, 是他们帮助我到这里的。
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使用道具 举报

WAzy-O 发表于 2013-3-23 13:11:52 | 只看该作者
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难哪。。 发表于 2013-3-23 21:09:25 | 只看该作者
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咔咔了个维 发表于 2013-3-26 17:08:16 | 只看该作者
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麦田里的小恩西 发表于 2013-3-27 20:13:03 | 只看该作者
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shenye 发表于 2013-4-1 21:34:31 | 只看该作者
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bird_911 发表于 2013-4-5 22:09:15 来自手机 | 只看该作者
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on9boy 发表于 2013-4-5 23:25:08 | 只看该作者
1.     在他的旅行过程中,他从来都是坚定地双脚站在土地上。
4 b" p! S  ^$ N4 F8 E% EDuring his journey,he has always standed on the land firmly.
* F+ v7 t0 T. r) ?
" Y" p5 L- d  K* s' W) t' e0 }2.     他成为了第一位不乘坐飞机游遍全世界201个国家和地区的人。
* [4 @* o  z1 p% I2 ^* AHe became the first one who traveled over 201 nations and areas around the world without using the airplane.
2 ]; `) X' E8 K) T6 R& l6 w0 r4 y$ h. l8 t
3.     在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里。
; S$ f9 ~/ l9 F: [In 1426 days,he traveled over the sum of one hundred sixty thousand kilometers by bus,taxi,train and on foot.
7 M8 F# i: E% \+ F5 d7 k
' `- p. [* h0 [# _  Y4.     我想我这么做的原因是,我想知道一个人在有限条件下是否能独自旅行。9 x2 B$ ?4 ?+ L
The reason why I wanted to to was to know that whether one person could travel alone or not under limited conditions.
. p% ^& T% v& k5 ]( O( {: }6 r5 `
5.    The main feeling today is just one of intense gratitude to every person around the world who helped me get here.
" B  `% D/ U0 k! c. _8 M今天我最主要的感觉只是想感激那些全世界帮助过我到达那里的每一人。
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