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linda_lyj 发表于 2013-3-22 10:13:28 | 只看该作者
1.     在他的旅行过程中,他从来都是坚定地双脚站在土地上。
& A& g- n3 _  E4 O/ W2 Y( QHis feet stand strongly on the earth in his journey.
3 L6 q3 l# y. }5 W/ K" L. [& d+ L$ [( A
2.     他成为了第一位不乘坐飞机游遍全世界201个国家和地区的人。+ B. ?# P# q7 r- ]3 a6 N% u
He became the first passenger who had traveled 201 countries and regions around the world without by airplane.
% r- _5 y3 X" ]+ a! N8 p' u2 x' e : ~1 B  @" S% [, r
3.     在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里。
( d: ~; ^% `1 _1 D* y3 fHe had traveled 160 thousand miles by bus, taxi, train and on foot during 1426 days.
  E& r( {# `* S, f) O9 U' |9 U8 b& F. W7 S9 z# v/ c; h
4.     我想我这么做的原因是,我想知道一个人在有限条件下是否能独自旅行。
. L% l) X8 }) UI think the reason why I do this is that I want to know whether a man travel alone in limited condition.  g" R/ P% U9 A% B$ A' g! P

" j- F: ~1 Q; L5.    The main feeling today is just one of intense gratitude to every person around the world who helped me get here.
7 H. z' \! f4 A* ?8 U# j+ L今天主要感觉之一是要非常感谢世界各地每位帮助我到达这里的人
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懒懒Cassie 发表于 2013-3-22 10:34:06 | 只看该作者
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心的旅程花园 发表于 2013-3-22 10:45:15 | 只看该作者
1. 在他的旅行过程中,他从来都是坚定地双脚站在土地上。
5 L/ c- y  i% k$ k=> During his journey, he always be down to the earth insistently.+ D9 J1 V; K: p4 h: P7 r
3 V3 m# x' ^8 `
2.     他成为了第一位不乘坐飞机游遍全世界201个国家和地区的人。, y0 u; K4 D0 U: U+ _$ K. x# [
=> He is the first person who travels around the world without flight and have been to 201 countries and areas.9 c- I% W+ J8 `7 \  Z5 Q& r6 P
  k9 u) t$ h$ ]3 f: `
3.     在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里。" `; j) Y1 s5 }, z' W6 C
=> In past 1426 days, he traveled 160,000 miles by different means of transportation, including bus, cap, train and hiking. 5 P- L% ~, |9 g

/ Z4 e8 L( v+ J' k2 ~7 U4.     我想我这么做的原因是,我想知道一个人在有限条件下是否能独自旅行。- P& Y! e3 E$ {# o9 [
=> I think why I do so is because I want to know the possibility that one person is able to travel on his own under the extreme limited conditions.0 j, L! A$ y+ n* j
: \5 w  J# X& L" r- I
5.    The main feeling today is just one of intense gratitude to every person around the world who helped me get here. 6 [) X9 w5 n; y# M8 q% P
=> 今天我特别觉得要深深地感谢那些帮助我一路走到今天这里的每一个人。
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造梦的阿囧 发表于 2013-3-22 10:54:50 | 只看该作者
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蹦豆 发表于 2013-3-22 11:03:51 | 只看该作者
1.     在他的旅行过程中,他从来都是坚定地双脚站在土地上.9 c; X5 {. M$ J
During his travel, he always stand firmly on the ground.
" r- E! e8 H0 x' ^: ]$ \8 m; }2.     他成为了第一位不乘坐飞机游遍全世界201个国家和地区的人./ g  C; @+ a% W1 s2 r3 i! V8 r- m) C
He became the first one who travelled more than 201 countries or areas across the world not bying air.
+ F& c8 F' Q5 Z$ Z# X+ S3.     在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里
) ~& [- F, Z% J& {- z8 NDuring these 1426 days he travelled 160,000 miles by public transport, taxi, train or foot.3 ~; @' u+ q0 ?; z
4.     我想我这么做的原因是,我想知道一个人在有限条件下是否能独自旅行。7 w( Y+ V: g2 b# G$ w0 ?" q
I guess the reason why i did this is to figure out if a person can travel alone under limited conditions.5 `6 C, Z6 @9 G! ~; i! u+ D5 P
5.    The main feeling today is just one of intense gratitude to every person around the world who helped me get here.
2 G6 i) Q- G. b$ T4 T现在最主要的感受就是对世界上那些帮助过我的人的深深的感激。
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晴心 发表于 2013-3-22 11:18:02 | 只看该作者
1.     在他的旅行过程中,他从来都是坚定地双脚站在土地上。; A2 w0 O8 n8 S7 p
He always firmly sets his feet on land during his travelling.
- Y  J$ Q7 h1 Q* ^) @2.     他成为了第一位不乘坐飞机游遍全世界201个国家和地区的人。
5 ^' Q2 d$ t$ J7 c7 q' A! ?( F+ THe became the first man travelling around not by plane 201 countries and regions all over the world." ?' L6 k8 D* V8 G5 {; Z6 p# C
3.     在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里。+ \  d8 Y" c# ^( A/ u7 D) P
In 1426 days,he travelled 160,000 miles by bus,taxi,train and on foot.
4 |. T3 a, v1 n2 A  Q4.     我想我这么做的原因是,我想知道一个人在有限条件下是否能独自旅行。
2 i. I& L) A$ l8 x2 F  [7 rThe reason why I did so is to know whether or not one can go travelling alone if under limited conditions.& f* X/ d' Y. T% L  v5 `1 j
5.    The main feeling today is just one of intense gratitude to every person around the world who helped me get here.
' L, f/ L& A9 ?2 N7 d现在的感觉就是衷心感谢每一位帮助我成功的人。
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RAINSUN 发表于 2013-3-22 11:31:32 | 只看该作者
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AphenaPP 发表于 2013-3-22 11:37:46 | 只看该作者
1.     在他的旅行过程中,他从来都是坚定地双脚站在土地上。1 p4 M, @$ f8 R9 l. g/ r
     While the traveling, he is always stand on the ground firmly., Z6 e6 Y; I: q9 ?# _
2.     他成为了第一位不乘坐飞机游遍全世界201个国家和地区的人。9 w) H7 \* P& {, O0 s, t: [
     He became the first one who be traveling to 201 countries and also do not fly by plane
9 S3 i6 c) H" A2 I/ Q2 p1 E3.     在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里。
7 e1 @2 q$ N4 D% R4 G  N5 ]     He traveled one hundred and sixty thousand miles by bus, taxi, train or on foot in 1,426 days.
: ]8 B" V4 ~6 T# N2 _4.     我想我这么做的原因是,我想知道一个人在有限条件下是否能独自旅行。3 z6 B# x" N# P% K! {
        Supposed my reason is what I tend to know whether a person who are able to travel alone under condition limited by oneself.
/ }8 T1 y9 }4 F- P2 ?3 Y2 U5.    The main feeling today is just one of intense gratitude to every person around the world who helped me get here. 2 I- T7 j9 M6 C% i
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飘着的文珺 发表于 2013-3-22 12:00:53 | 只看该作者
1. 在他的旅行过程中,他从来都是坚定地双脚站在土地上。
: [: L% N# J( T. A9 `He always stands on the land during his trips.
6 \  j; T! E9 c
4 z  X2 L! s, F9 A2. 他成为了第一位不乘坐飞机游遍全世界201个国家和地区的人。
$ S& J' [) E- |2 ZHe has became the first person travelling to 201 countries and regions all over the world without taking the airplane.
) j2 F% N$ ?7 r7 n! L- c' M9 i- h; L2 D& e. I( z# ^
3. 在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里.
8 R8 V, L* ?( o# oHe has travelled 160 thousands miles by taking buses, taixs, trains and walking during the 1426 days.
$ t9 s4 i( S* p0 X! V
+ f6 m! X$ d4 ~: D, l1 p4. 我想我这么做的原因是,我想知道一个人在有限条件下是否能独自旅行。9 |. N1 `  t' f2 J5 @* r6 R
I think the reason why I am doing this is that I want to know whether a man can travel alone under a limited condition.+ x" k- d5 H+ L8 o1 h# x# g! P: u

! P. `! P% k3 s& V+ {( A; X, l0 G5. The main feeling today is just one of intense gratitude to every person around the world who helped me get here.
( z2 Q* j8 N- D3 i& y对全世界每一位帮助我到达目的地的人表达我强烈的感谢是我今天最深的感情。
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brouillard 发表于 2013-3-22 12:51:38 | 只看该作者
1.He's always standing on the land firmly during his journey.! p- ~5 ~: V0 {
7 t* {3 h9 a2 v- h7 K: B6 q) s
2.He become the first one who explore 201 countries and regions around the world without plane.1 [/ t4 v  C& \% M4 Q
! d6 x; y/ W0 x
3.During 1426 days,he traveled 160,000 miles by bus,taxi,train or even on foot.
3 m  J* A: o8 H  U+ n1 N
4 p$ l6 ~- u% N4 [4.I think I did so because I want to know whether one can travel alone under a limited condition.
, M. P+ I& |6 m& w9 c, W) ~' ~8 g3 Q2 Y( J4 N& N: J
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