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xiyu 发表于 2013-3-24 12:49:27 | 只看该作者
1.If you really want to lose weight,you may have to avoid involvement with fat friends.
2 x9 `5 b: q* s4 J% N0 J6 F2.If your friend is fatter than you ,you are also likely to get fat.$ k* k! Q7 O, l7 m7 R( g5 A0 _! X
3.The study aims to explore why get together the problems of fat and related behavors.
5 B& }+ H$ ]) A! U" @$ \$ ~4.Student's weight index is calculated accoding to height and weight., M" @1 t, q) M
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when1973 发表于 2013-3-24 12:54:10 | 只看该作者
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黄涩奠影 发表于 2013-3-24 13:04:06 | 只看该作者
1. 如果你真想减肥,可能得避免跟胖朋友厮混
5 p' w$ I8 O9 G' `9 b- N9 R8 Q' iu need to avoid probably playing around with fat friends, if u really want to lose ur weight.
3 v1 y/ v7 U9 V3 C) F2. 如果朋友比自己胖,学生本人也很可能变胖。
9 P" d# b4 W5 cif  ur friends are fatter than u, the student individual maybe become fat as well) v& d. H2 W) Y( h
3. 该研究旨在探究社会中肥胖及相关行为为何扎堆的问题。
! b( d( {0 p5 t  }$ t9 \The proposal of this reseach is to detect why so many prombles concerned with fatness and overweight action
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linda_lyj 发表于 2013-3-24 13:10:23 | 只看该作者
1. 如果你真想减肥,可能得避免跟胖朋友厮混了。 5 o" q7 U$ t( q# O( w% l
If you really want on diet, you might have to avoid to hang out with obese friends.7 _& b0 T& p, ~

; e' k) q) S* \0 |: [& s: G( N 2. 如果朋友比自己胖,学生本人也很可能变胖。6 C; v; S: X# ^3 m( b! \
Student is likely to become fat if her friends are fatter than her.
0 u, A# k' N+ B7 N# X  F8 ^; g3 D. @0 Q& i: V3 o
3. 该研究旨在探究社会中肥胖及相关行为为何扎堆的问题。 ! J8 f4 b) r& }+ h
This research intends to explore the problem of why the behaviour associated with obesity gather together in society.5 c+ @" s1 v7 v; J- o& l& e

" K- N0 e" ?1 o. @  X9 m# F4. 学生的体重指数按照身高和体重计算。
% z9 G; M. x- N' @* F. e" H Students' body mass index is calculated by their own height and weight.; Y! E. `1 o+ J  H
6 G7 @8 k: u6 j* p3 }0 \
5. We should not be treating adolescents in isolation., L# }: y+ {9 K# B* g3 T
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getready 发表于 2013-3-24 14:06:02 | 只看该作者
If you really want to losing weight,which may probably mean you just stop hanging out with your fat friends.
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蹦豆 发表于 2013-3-24 18:06:35 | 只看该作者
1. 如果你真想减肥,可能得避免跟胖朋友厮混了。, B, s& \+ h4 v2 I& f
If you really want to lose weight, you have to avoid hanging out with fat friends.- r+ R7 C' E% b$ \3 t8 t6 Y! ?
2. 如果朋友比自己胖,学生本人也很可能变胖
) \6 E3 `* o5 y+ LIf his friends are fatter than himself, then the student is propbably getting fatter.2 f7 f* F0 g2 g+ N" ^# k& O2 j+ G2 p
3. 该研究旨在探究社会中肥胖及相关行为为何扎堆的问题) J/ x1 b1 Z5 t6 w9 }
The research tends to figure out the grouping problem of the fat and related activities.
! C2 C) L9 O  i3 c4. 学生的体重指数按照身高和体重计算。
( y, X3 y  n8 mThe students' weight parameters are calculated according to the height and weight.
. [9 ]7 S, i! `) O5. We should not be treating adolescents in isolation
* Y8 T* C$ p( x, @+ N9 I我们不应该隔离青少年。
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brouillard 发表于 2013-3-24 19:23:44 | 只看该作者
1.If you want to slim,you'd better avoid fat friends.
0 Q6 X" A- ]  s4 y2 X8 C$ w& O7 d1 L2 P% J
2.Students may gain weight while their friends are fatter than them.$ U% p7 v6 w& L
' d3 i% K) k( s; d+ r  A* {) d
3.There should be a study designed on why obesity and the behavior related always cluster.
" |# G  L0 z' j9 o- v" |  B" H! r6 i1 L0 }6 {. E
4.The students' BMI should be in terms of height and weight.
/ _; t2 R8 u* T% K, Q
& m. G# M! B  P# L% V+ x5.我们不应该孤立对待青少年问题。
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造梦的阿囧 发表于 2013-3-24 20:06:25 | 只看该作者
1. 如果你真想减肥,可能得避免跟胖朋友厮混了。 2 m+ O  B% k$ B; K: h3 g" z
If you are really trying to lose some weight,you might want to avoid hanging out with your friends.3 f0 R: |. E" ^% E
2. 如果朋友比自己胖,学生本人也很可能变胖。 $ k" L. z" k9 Q, U
You may become fat when your friend is even fatter.
4 h1 r* v, a" l+ o3. 该研究旨在探究社会中肥胖及相关行为为何扎堆的问题。. H! ?- \/ f5 ?: A& I$ K% H
The research intended to find out why the obesity and its relavent activities are bind together in a society.
! {, B% e7 X8 T/ N9 g" n4. 学生的体重指数按照身高和体重计算。 4 u) \. b. P5 L% P
A student‘s Body Mass Index is calculated by his height and weight.2 [, }- ]& p5 M, N
5. We should not be treating adolescents in isolation.
* x, ]0 @( m0 o" P  _: _: g我们不该孤立青少年。
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RAINSUN 发表于 2013-3-24 20:17:20 | 只看该作者
+ H2 o; G) _3 H8 ~0 p# m1 M
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若安谷的笛声 发表于 2013-3-24 20:46:17 | 只看该作者
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