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RAINSUN 发表于 2013-3-25 10:21:24 | 只看该作者
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heheon 发表于 2013-3-25 10:34:11 | 只看该作者
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bearjane 发表于 2013-3-25 10:35:28 | 只看该作者
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心的旅程花园 发表于 2013-3-25 10:44:22 | 只看该作者
$ Q6 e+ h$ i! d4 o' ?=> Obviously, only few people can get the sense of satisfaction from work.. ?/ }8 \( q0 F! M' Z8 g  V

* d* ]4 y' U) g6 z7 v2 k) ^! Q2.无论你的工作是什么,为了让你感到满意,薪酬应该是合理的。
" I- Z. d" l. P5 I=> No matter what kind of job you work on, salary should be reasonable to satisfy you.
1 `" {, w% ~: B0 l
. Q& i0 b: W1 P- G3.这里的重点是如何看待薪酬。3 H! O* B7 P. b; q7 o
=> The point is how to consider salary./ m- f. B! b# n6 U2 J

+ V$ z5 _4 i- t8 h4.在工作中获得成就,人们对工作的满意度就会更高。: V7 V8 ]- G# ]. ]4 j
=> The more achievement gained from work, the more sanctification of it. & v' p# ]$ s% P$ ?& X0 _: M
; r  S6 @3 F* ^0 W0 f* R9 X( K
5.There's nothing worse than not knowing whether or not you're doing a good job.
" F0 b2 S2 u& ^& I" m=> 没有比连自己是否工作得好都不知道更糟糕的事情了。
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贫血的向日葵 发表于 2013-3-25 10:54:12 | 只看该作者
Apparently, many people feel difficult to achieve a sense of accomplishment from their job.
4 V2 |. D# m5 u5 E! g; ^/ YWhatever your job is,to gratify yourself, the wage should be reasonable
2 ?3 ?" N' ^- \' l7 |6 p& D; n/ PThe point is how you consider your wage
+ ]2 K5 ~: D, Q: n/ PThe accomplishment in job will increase your acceptance toward your job.
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linda_lyj 发表于 2013-3-25 11:11:36 | 只看该作者
1.显然,很多人觉得很难从工作中获得满足感。# H8 X& H/ X6 J( W! V
Obviously, most people hardly feel satisfied from their workplace: m/ j! q: o5 }' Y; k5 l. O/ ?. _

  m) U3 L0 D; ?* m& r2.无论你的工作是什么,为了让你感到满意,薪酬应该是合理的。
( Z: d# i( n6 }5 j% ^Your salary should be reasonable for feeling satisfied, no matter what's your job.
& ~# g' A$ y7 _% V2 J$ W( i9 Q
, ~* {% N0 |+ h" D* v; r1 C3.这里的重点是如何看待薪酬.7 G7 K" Y, s: E& H; h) f, {2 H+ l8 j
The point is how to balance your salary.
" w% @9 `/ B- V/ E, h: Z1 D, y8 H) z1 q1 @7 a; i
  d, i: e% d& T( j" \People will be more satisfied with their work when they have a sense of achievement in the workplace.1 p/ @, }- N* {9 Y0 V; K

" n) Z6 ]7 s6 ^- P' r' ]. w5.There's nothing worse than not knowing whether or not you're doing a good job.
  U! A6 ]3 X( ?1 b, h! H* \- E没有比不知道自己到底工作做的好不好更糟糕的事了.
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getready 发表于 2013-3-25 12:01:34 | 只看该作者
Apparently,loads of people think it is hard to acquire satisfaction in daily work.
2 I0 G" N% W1 GNo matter what your job is,for fulfil your demand the payment should be reasonable.  ]+ v, @8 n, [9 s% O
The whole point is how to treat payment.4 B7 b. G; J9 \" u# J/ L# i4 T- I
People raise the satisfaction of their work owing to acquiring achievements in work.
/ Z1 O* k4 k. `5 a没有什么比不知道自己是否在做一个好工作更糟糕的事了
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麦田里的小恩西 发表于 2013-3-25 12:03:02 | 只看该作者
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brouillard 发表于 2013-3-25 12:11:21 | 只看该作者
1.Obviously,tons of people find it hard to enjoy satisfaction at work
% L# E9 H7 e& u  j$ E. }2 D* r
2.To your satisfiction,whatever you do,salary should be reasonable.' G+ e9 n, ?& x# u% p

0 n7 f! c2 M4 L3.The point here is how you treat your salary.! @5 p) P5 }9 H- u1 \7 ~
. `% q3 J6 q2 [1 [! t
4.With achievements,people feel more satisfiction with the job.
( _/ X" g+ e# e9 G8 ?+ X( O1 g5 I# p* p5 q6 m
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xiyu 发表于 2013-3-25 12:42:20 | 只看该作者
1.Obviously,many people find it difficult to obtain satisfaction from the work.( E. {9 x" v0 N: W( G
2.No matter what your job to make you feel satisfied,the pay should be reasonable.& f6 a8 X9 e3 A: _) b
3.The focus here is how to treat the pay.
) M' L  u, K0 I0 E9 O# R3 V4.Success at work ,job satisfaction is higher.* E" a2 N7 z4 F4 U' t
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