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IELTS哥 发表于 2013-3-28 08:26:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
今日学习内容:$ t+ \3 \1 `; s( f) P. q
" z# V6 k7 i1 n# s" q0 t

3 m4 Z. [5 D0 i: J" L1 @5 x1. 展现真我不利职场发展
* o2 J: ]( I' v5 k, b8 |, i9 F9 c/ o, `3 ]% L; Q9 w
2. 那些对伴侣敞开心扉的人通常更幸福,对生活更满足。
! s3 ?5 A$ S8 o/ x- c
9 d. [" V$ Q% K4 c3. 人们满怀期望,我们不会让大家失望。
* Y0 J; f% G, e$ l" I
7 Q. e; L& f7 n5 u4. 人们常说诚实是处世的最佳策略, W2 v6 T) n' V3 D

7 ^' ~6 ^! c4 w( v6 q5. The motto for the London Olympics has been revealed as "Inspire a generation" .
& C# M, O* |8 x9 [' j8 ?

# _) ^/ z, c: I9 |& e9 _9 A
1 w4 Z( j& C: g5 |每日英语的金币奖励规则:
# b* q( U, F# B/ \, V7 oa、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个金币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同
6 T1 Y5 A# f2 b" S, s: c; A1 c* u% N+ }+ p* ]* w/ ~
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!# A6 p$ M, b& j/ g/ U1 N; V) N
( E! M- {. Q- j$ s- K0 Q( a

1 L4 @1 Z) d" I- Y4 q+ L; Q, \; C" z" |d、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..
# T# Y6 n+ g6 C4 s$ f3 ^  " y: i; u9 D" ?7 E2 X# y

- T2 Y+ R8 x% O+ u3 f6 q+ y/ @' w=======我是可爱的插图=========: }. j, I! @& C# I- J' y+ Z: N

9 G8 H+ E& y: J" k  A8 S9 o  E9 q: T2 ?5 m7 i
3 x- u8 E8 D; H
; D$ q1 z% P" Y6 }0 {
" w2 `( d' H0 D/ ]
=======我是可爱的插图=========3 u9 z  r0 F0 f
7 g; p+ N* n/ o) M! M

6 Q% j+ N' i+ ~别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯, }  c- R" c& x& j

3 ~$ x  N! y. B0 K听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~
! Z& v4 {$ a8 X9 m" ^! [6 q
' \( L: C2 J4 t; r参考答案回复可见

( T- Z3 t2 C1 n5 g
$ k* f8 P( h5 i3 N7 ~3 u* k6 h
8 b* p2 F! g$ G* d% P
4 }9 W$ d' v! O; T

* G6 V7 j4 d1 U0 w7 h( W& r) o5 s$ s( Y


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晴心 发表于 2013-3-28 09:19:28 | 显示全部楼层
1. 展现真我不利职场发展。: p- t- j- o4 l- Y* S$ ?
Showing real personalities is not good for promoting in working career.
8 ^; G" t" T7 s" I; t1 |2. 那些对伴侣敞开心扉的人通常更幸福,对生活更满足。
4 \; D  J; _- J! \! O9 r5 r9 fThose people who open their hearts to their soulmates usually are happier and more satisfied with life.3 k2 _, r; H* S+ h, B7 J  m; V0 `; P
3. 人们满怀期望,我们不会让大家失望。
# \  G6 T- X  l4 FPeople hold great expectations,we will not fail people.
# D8 n/ T: I( t+ ^9 R" h% y4. 人们常说诚实是处世的最佳策略。
* w$ r4 `1 Y" l) n# h$ ZPeople usually say honesty is the best strategy of getting along with others.3 I% \4 w% B2 H0 s# G) L
5. The motto for the London Olympics has been revealed as "Inspire a generation" .2 c# I* x2 @6 D1 p2 N3 \6 g: A- ^
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造梦的阿囧 发表于 2013-3-28 09:16:11 | 显示全部楼层
1. 展现真我不利职场发展8 y1 E" g" b# f5 e3 R% E
Revealing yourself will reverse to your development in a career.
4 {3 ^8 z7 s% ]1 ^; s7 `" v! U2. 那些对伴侣敞开心扉的人通常更幸福,对生活更满足。+ a7 I5 S+ ^/ V+ g& @, A
Those who open up their minds to their mates are likely more happiness and more satisfaction with life.# L$ O& u% W" R7 i+ O
3. 人们满怀期望,我们不会让大家失望。
  E6 `6 h* y# u/ K6 v6 V; qPeople are looking forward and we won't let them down.  p5 O/ i3 {% a  q4 h" }
4. 人们常说诚实是处世的最佳策略2 c& d/ H2 O1 y
There is a saying that honesty is the best strategy for living.
% F6 v! T  [- l; K, o2 P; ?5. The motto for the London Olympics has been revealed as "Inspire a generation" .* |+ y  d% r& o: c% q& X+ ^
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yanhuanum1 发表于 2013-3-28 09:22:59 | 显示全部楼层
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linda_lyj 发表于 2013-3-28 10:48:08 | 显示全部楼层
1. 展现真我不利职场发展
+ N5 F  Y8 N; }# O! u' y' o/ aShowing true individuality is not good for development in workplace.6 s0 \) k+ j8 R( N, l- |! g0 j* a& z" i
' M6 k& Q7 d1 c6 J
2. 那些对伴侣敞开心扉的人通常更幸福,对生活更满足。
+ L7 p% j% \, x+ j# A7 i  W* M* K" MThose who open heart to their partners are normally happier and more satisfied with life.
5 I( Z& @6 i8 {0 H5 O, X
; I( m1 r# g) r9 e8 U. t1 y 3. 人们满怀期望,我们不会让大家失望.
  q  h$ N/ \! gPeople are full of expectation, so we can't let them down.
# o! B9 g# F4 ~5 x4 \
1 ^) d8 _2 P) l5 t4 h, @ 4. 人们常说诚实是处世的最佳策略- T- I3 |) F5 b- k- a
It's always said that the means of honesty is the optimal strategy in society.
9 Y+ q. r; Y' B  x) T) [
) M0 G1 _& ~7 Q5 I& G5 O9 [4 ? 5. The motto for the London Olympics has been revealed as "Inspire a generation" .+ P3 [. }% ?. ]% X
伦敦奥林匹克的座右铭是激励下一代。9 |8 D( p3 ?% b; v6 U8 ]

3 _9 }$ W6 c0 w
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空知英夏 发表于 2013-3-28 14:32:38 | 显示全部楼层
1. 展现真我不利职场发展
- H1 n- z, Z; S3 d9 F, DShowing real self is not good for job‘s development.7 b: w* C( f- w* ~. z
2. 那些对伴侣敞开心扉的人通常更幸福,对生活更满足。
6 x- ?* V4 B  a) c( Y( G( s; P' VOpening up to partners is usually more happiness,more satisfy for life.
4 a' e" _4 f$ Q8 L3. 人们满怀期望,我们不会让大家失望。* }, W8 u" T* E3 x$ z  V% X, {
People full of expectations, we won't let you down
- B1 _: d* J0 o6 }0 x: {4. 人们常说诚实是处世的最佳策略, Q5 h! U( @$ }/ Z

7 x4 i4 L; l" C  \5. The motto for the London Olympics has been revealed as "Inspire a generation" .) H; _+ B8 I% g2 i
伦敦奥运会的主题是 激励一代人
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活着就出彩儿 发表于 2013-3-28 14:56:36 | 显示全部楼层
so good
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brouillard 发表于 2013-3-28 15:03:38 | 显示全部楼层
1.Complete honesty does no good to your career development.
, A8 l' {4 u% Q# B3 z% I! T4 F1 q, {$ t/ Y
2.Usually,those who are open to their partner are more happier and contented with life.
5 Y5 n& H, Z( x) b/ K
. G6 G9 ^/ j8 J" {  r3.There being so much expectation,we'll never disappoint you.) x- R* r$ l1 I, ?1 ~$ B

* O5 i8 y+ a. B4.People say honesty should be the best living strategy.   6 ^) u7 H4 S( o# y6 J# O, Z

1 n; o: r, M* I" k3 y& C5.伦敦奥运会公布口号:激励一代人。
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getready 发表于 2013-3-28 16:48:46 | 显示全部楼层
Showing true individuality is not good for development in workplace
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贫血的向日葵 发表于 2013-3-28 18:40:31 | 显示全部楼层
Showing your ownself is not conducive to career development0 L! J, G1 s1 `8 B& g+ h
The people who are willing to open theri heart to theri mate tend to be more happy and feel satisfactory toward life. H( g% E$ l# p6 }% a8 l  X+ K
People are full of hope, we will not disappoint them2 b1 s1 K5 @0 f0 U( r
People say that the honor is the best strategy of living
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