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admin 发表于 2015-5-9 14:55:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
A类大作文:Governments should focus spending only on public services, not waste on the arts. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  预测命中原题!
A类小作文:地图题,Sydney international airport 1930年和现在的对比
G类大作文:Some people think controls should be made for the media such as newspapers to publish other people’s private lives, while others disagree, discuss both views.

1. 审题—newspaper-report—private lives—control
2. 同义media/the mass media/ censor/censorship/ privacy/invade/
3. 素材
– invasion of one’ privacy.—paparazzi – tabloid
—disturb their life— For example—some politician/scandal/ ask for prostitutes and pay with public money—The newspaper pester this family members and take a photo of his wife while taking a bath.
+ sufficient coverage from newspapers can maintain social order/Uphold the social justice— king without a crown—report red taps/ bribery/corruption—the Australian politician who pay a prostitute with public money
+…Serve as a reminder when some cruelties are reported/ if newspapers were deprived of all the rights, there would be no news at all because there must be some common people or celebrities involved.
总结:newspapers should comply with certain rules to avoid the invasion of one’s privacy. They can use acronyms or alias when referring to some criminals and not use any clear and recognisable photos of a certain person. They should ask for approval before publishing any articles or feature stories.


雅思写作5月9日:小作文静态表格 5个国家高中老师薪水不同
大作文Development in technology causes many environmental problems.Some people believe that people should choose a simpler way of life.Others think that technology can solve the problems.
A 类阅读填空和选择多,matching主旨题少,每篇都有T、N、NG
第一篇:indoor air pollution;
第三篇:world languages in the future
Section 1买票,电话号码那空有点难,特别快而且长,没停顿。
section2 :mentor scheme,有地图题,难度一般。
section 3: 学生和老师讨论assignment丢分和应该add的,难度一般。
section 4:earth-shelteted house,填空,有几空比较难
听力1.买票,四种方式:网上,电话,代理,门口;2.mentor,帮助新来city的人适应生活,后半部分是地图题:open air market,lib,coucil,post;3. asig点评:扣分的三点,应该提到的内容和follow-on worj;4. earth-shelter
回忆一:Describe an occasion when you helped a stranger
回忆二:part1:name home movie part2:a person who can speak other lunguage very well part3: 继续关于语言的问题
回忆三:P1 最喜欢的房子,public transport or personal one p2a person dressing well Part3 fashion
回忆四:part1:apartment+sky….part2:famous people…famous people’s private life…their children…feeling when they are not famous anymore
回忆五:part1 house or flat 、book. part2人生一个阶段, part3. 各种法定年龄 结婚年龄 拿到驾照年龄。。。
回忆六:part1:学习工作 衣服 part2:以前不喜欢但现在喜欢的课程 part3:教学方式对学生的影响,小孩子学什么比较有趣,网络对学生学习的影响。
回忆七:1 home house。reading。 p2 indoor game
回忆八:趴1name where from major sleep mail 趴2advice 趴3 一般谁给建议,青少年得到什么建议,怎么获得。家长应该用什么方式给建议
回忆九:part1 flat or house future house mobile phone, send message 巴拉巴拉一堆。怕兔是准备过的话题。就是描述一个在花园或者park享受过的时间。怕3关于儿童啊啥的activities
回忆十:p1 name study major 难不难之类的 weekend 喜欢有计划吗p2 favourite famous people p3 围绕着famous people 想不想成为 什么样的人可以成为 人们会想知道名人的隐私吗等等
回忆十二: 趴一,住所,旁边有否超市,收藏,为什么喜欢收藏,通过什么途径收藏。从网上学什么有趣的事情。 趴二,一条网上的或者电视的新闻。什么新闻,如何得到的,当时的感受
回忆十三:p1 student major fruits and vegetables的好处,经常吃吗,喜欢吃什么等等。p2 有教育意义的电视节目 P3 围绕电视节目讨论
回忆十四:趴1:喜欢的点house or apartment you live in the past. 然后是now哪个更好喜欢哪个 趴2: 早上起的尤其早的一次。几点起的做了什么。
回忆十五:a series  of educational TV program
回忆十六:prefer to go to sport event in person or watch tv at home. a sport u would try in the future. do u like send sms or call. would u leave a message to the answer machine. p2. describe an interesting paid job you or your friends had done. what the job was? when where did u do it. 最后一问忘了. p3 do u think perfect job exists?
回忆十七:part 1,住什么样的房子,喜欢吗,为什么。喜欢看电视吗,为什么,喜欢什么类型的节目,为什么,小时候看电视多吗,现在的小孩看电视多吗,part 2,描述一次迷路的经历,去哪里,为什么迷路,怎么办,什么感受
回忆十八:P1.work,vegetables and fruits P2.Place to relax,not your home P3.leisure time,indoor/outdoor activities,life and work balance

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yzuyial1z 发表于 2017-7-28 20:18:12 | 只看该作者
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ljlinunimelb 发表于 2017-5-23 18:11:10 | 只看该作者
thanks a lot
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sherlly 发表于 2017-1-11 19:45:01 | 只看该作者
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