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金金草草 发表于 2012-7-12 11:13:54 | 只看该作者
Let me give it to you straight,you are the worst person I've ever seen. 这个为什么会译成“直接告诉我吧,我可以接受批评”?
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hahadeng 发表于 2012-7-12 11:16:11 | 只看该作者
1.你们要去聚餐吗?算我一个! % K) t1 Q. ^: |" ]4 `6 N) {- ?
2 [( K# T2 [. \" h3 h; m. l6 P5 L5 E7 `  e& }) n% h2 v$ s
Are you going to meal together?I'm in!1 L& l' s) _. u+ E$ V& P

) \5 P; r. W6 R% ~8 t" s" ]) e; p2.一辆时速为96公里的快速火车,横跨美国需要48小时以上.
. K- S# P3 o4 Q: H& R8 F& c+ ~% u7 \6 Z4 r5 [+ E3 }3 H5 I; o$ M6 K7 c; {. T
4 W  p5 o& U0 w/ m4 D
a express train with 96 kilometer per hour crossing the U.S. need over 48 hours.
, |- {6 o* ?+ [6 o* S# T& q: b
$ |) u- o$ R) m( F6 f8 t  |# }+ T& g1 r; ~- ~* c- j- G4 A- j* j( t4 k. A
3、香港被公认为亚州乃至全球最具发展活力的地区之一. 4 j1 ^2 N( F+ S0 W- ^* o+ L! g5 I( t3 Z
2 U5 _1 y5 F$ K; }0 v6 O. K
Hong Kong is known as one of all areas that have the most potential to develop  vigor at Asia even whole world.
% P# {: Y, p9 j/ T  b* p. M  
& G- e6 k. V8 g4、提醒你,我并非是个乳臭未干的孩子。
# s& u2 X  A/ ^* e- S& J# C9 n  V( X' M+ E+ T" t% B- a5 E& u- U, [/ Z* x9 m
Remind you,i wasn't born yesterday.2 |7 }) ]- i2 X$ Y6 o* [

, S+ B# [! `' \5、直接告诉我吧,我可以接受批评(我抗得住)  6 |6 }# v7 {  f! W3 n4 c* ?0 a1 @' h) B# V" `5 R7 d& t1 m

1 Z" B4 K% ]; [) otell me the truth directly,i can hold the criticism.  y4 r( e/ y+ U# }0 a
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hahadeng 发表于 2012-7-12 11:19:56 | 只看该作者
1.你们要去聚餐吗?算我一个! % K) t1 Q. ^: |" ]4 `6 N) {- ?
( Q! P5 I& X9 ^& T* V# O! E# Z/ V/ p+ |$ Q3 ]' T5 _
are you going to meal together ? i'm in!
3 `5 e) I' Y9 w/ p- B) f1 ?, x1 e' @- |& V# u# c
2.一辆时速为96公里的快速火车,横跨美国需要48小时以上. . l3 E) K3 @$ K" i5 X
& R8 F& c+ ~% u7 \6 Z4 r: T. o8 }: S) }
/ X+ M% d- ]- E4 `0 L
an express train with 96 kilometers per hour crossing the US need over 48 hours.
; n# B6 @* F3 p( ^: O! o# D4 r$ z5 f& w& n: P% V- J' y7 u& h
3、香港被公认为亚州乃至全球最具发展活力的地区之一. 4 j1 ^2 N( F+ S0 W( a! _# h) g% X% \9 H$ I. ~
9 K; ~. n  l. h7 I) X8 |) {3 EHK is known as one of all areas that have the most potential to develop vigor at Asia even whole world.
5 {- |2 G" W! Q/ f
+ [% c2 M8 U2 U0 ]4、提醒你,我并非是个乳臭未干的孩子。
. G% j  M* D5 u% a! U; A
( V: I( R/ X; z$ K  Fremind you, i wasn't born yesterday.) m/ O. p) M4 G
: g' a; P% z2 Q. y- }% e$ R6 m! ]
5、直接告诉我吧,我可以接受批评(我抗得住)  6 |6 }# v7 {  f! W3 n4 c* ?0 a1+ Y+ J- U* x, w5 E# t1 C7 a

$ H: ~6 T5 z3 z1 ytell me the truth directly,i can hold the criticism.
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有背景的人 发表于 2012-7-12 12:24:40 | 只看该作者
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gabirila 发表于 2012-7-12 12:40:49 | 只看该作者
1.你们要去聚餐吗?算我一个! 1 c8 @" T! Y" }+ j1 Q) ?
2.一辆时速为96公里的快速火车,横跨美国需要48小时以上. / h# f! m& j; w: E2 }4 @  H
( b$ u" |7 w0 O. i" s4、提醒你,我并非是个乳臭未干的孩子。 2 M9 \' Y* g1 V: \; a, ?
, B  H3 n1 R: r* C; Z+ D; F1、Are you going to have a dinner party ?count me!
5 W( e* A6 G' h; c2、A high-speed train needs 48hours to go across America at the speed of  96km per  hour. 0 `- ^8 C9 [' [5 h
3、HongKong was recognised to be one of the most active areas in Asia and allover the world.' T5 x* y. S3 D( |; v
4、I want to remind you that I am not a innocent child .
' A4 g4 q. l1 e  _; ^5、Tell me directly, I can hold it.
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pigbaby86 发表于 2012-7-12 13:46:39 | 只看该作者
Would you go dinner together?Take me in acount.
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cztom 该用户已被删除
cztom 发表于 2012-7-12 15:46:29 | 只看该作者
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D-Frosting 发表于 2012-7-12 17:25:56 | 只看该作者
1.你们要去聚餐吗?算我一个!) w) d* C. t- j
You are gonna to have a dinner party? Count on me!
$ e" b$ D4 W) }/ Z0 O, s- P2.一辆时速为96公里的快速火车,横跨美国需要48小时以上.
" l( _9 C( M% x5 W$ S* B& x3 j! C* qIt takes more than 48 hours for a train moving at the speed of 96km/h to travel across the States.
2 |2 [! ~# c, P+ K1 }3、香港被公认为亚州乃至全球最具发展活力的地区之一. 2 ?. g' y8 e% w8 {; o( f" A
HK is considered to be one of the most active district not only in Asia but in the whole world.
8 S  \0 _8 I( t# w; S$ u) C4、提醒你,我并非是个乳臭未干的孩子。
' f2 t5 [4 [+ H0 N! U5 PMind you, i am no babe in the woods. ' Z& y! p9 T# y0 `
5、直接告诉我吧,我可以接受批评(我抗得住)  ( T0 X' G& d0 j$ q, h! N' N
Please tell me directly, i can take criticism.
' w6 P# u2 W0 V
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会城门妞妞 发表于 2012-7-12 17:51:06 | 只看该作者
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LauKachun 发表于 2012-7-12 18:25:15 | 只看该作者
1.你们要去聚餐吗?算我一个! % f" z% v4 `+ d" a4 r8 Z0 F
Are you going to dine together? let me in!
% p4 f; f. T! B2 ~: b' o) i$ T) e( W2.一辆时速为96公里的快速火车,横跨美国需要48小时以上.
2 j; M& k9 g5 s1 VIt need more than 48 hours to get across america for a 96 kilometers per hour train.$ f, p, ?; B4 F
! ]! x4 p( ?- F# O8 OHongKong, which is realized by human, is the most develop city in area and even all over the world.
5 S3 v. C8 ^! O4、提醒你,我并非是个乳臭未干的孩子。
' V) q. ]% F7 h/ S% X/ n" f# |  aWarning, i am a adult., X9 n8 Z% j6 f- l1 w, h- o$ ~! l
) d* @# g' c0 D, |- b' |I can face the judge, so tell me.
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