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MIZPAH 发表于 2012-9-2 12:42:05 | 显示全部楼层
1.瑞士具有悠久的中立历史,位于阿尔卑斯山环抱的山谷中 * N4 {( D3 N/ ?$ s# ~
Switzerland has long neutral history, which located in the valley of the Alps. 6 S7 T7 K4 v& N0 u, `! c
2.哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)在全球和平指数、快乐星球指数、生活满意度指数上都名列前茅。% ~, p( b6 U- _! ~6 M
Costa Rica be top in GPI, Happy Planet Index  and the LSI.6 I! s& D; r# L3 Z% z) R( s
( D( p: k0 ~, z- f2 v! ?Canada is the second largest country in the world, while it only borders America.! k7 S4 S/ x/ N: z$ }$ w2 R6 o+ Q
4.这个美丽的岛国还是一个忘忧解愁的绝佳去处。% r7 _  M# ], y5 E& n% c
The beautiful island Country  also is good place to get rid of  trouble.
# t' p* j& m3 h- v" ~, T# Q5.Finland has a long history of desiring to stay out of international conflicts, is recognized as neutral 芬兰对于脱离国际冲突有悠久的历史,被认为是中立国家。8 S" x( ~8 N. G9 {
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