
标题: 《每日翻译第556期》英汉互译:(2013年1月15日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2013-1-15 12:51
标题: 《每日翻译第556期》英汉互译:(2013年1月15日)
3 N2 l7 v: V' S( ~) j: j' |( c% _. X0 A& [0 l
1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。
4 q: a. w  e5 B* `0 [$ u+ [/ Y/ f* O6 w, [
2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。  

  A. D! o" W1 l+ }
" V7 ~2 q  Q. p6 g; \
3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。& m$ i+ s% R" I" E# v; A
  - _% F- E* f8 y7 ?( H4 \
4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。( p& M. A2 h: E. n# R- u: y# h6 b# r8 M
, I# ~0 ^5 |7 M. Y8 F* d/ F
5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.
$ q1 l! Y. q' M( R) s: l& n
/ X+ E: Y' C4 j8 F. k+ ?) s6 v
) C# U3 f4 d" E- M) E& t" z! t/ Ta、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个人品币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同
$ ^* m6 t9 c; B
" F0 h' u) W% \" {  K9 z8 Ec、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励
6 P5 b1 ]- u' A; m5 B. ?, m
d、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..9 l6 M8 h) c6 v  K5 m) V0 ]6 Q
& I4 f: ?$ c/ F- j1 T& H
$ y$ @6 F) [  B; j7 e; ^' p=======我是插图=========
1 W0 l9 s' V: ?& M+ i

1 m# r$ T5 @; o[attach]4973[/attach]6 S: [# b6 M- T5 A9 Y* ^
( I, }% z0 E/ ^4 ^
=======我是可爱的插图=========$ i, A8 \4 Y/ V! u
& e9 S, M  V1 Z% |% P' {

3 d& @6 [# c- ^% P# w别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯5 c3 u2 @8 K6 v& ?: b4 Z& N

- z- ?( L% Y3 n8 l4 Y- Q听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~8 q, `8 w/ z( U4 M
9 z. {( b) j# ?
2 v( a, T3 B! `

% `) v( E6 U! F  ^

. S1 Z* [: r- @8 J* h) o

' n6 O/ Q) R7 a  U+ O
6 v7 @. y/ W6 ]
( u3 ]' \0 C( @: v( b) g7 ]9 K. G8 W 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: Selma16    时间: 2013-1-15 13:07
作者: 书书书sue    时间: 2013-1-15 13:36
You cannot get the goal not because of life.
作者: pushenghua    时间: 2013-1-15 13:37
1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。
0 j* L6 j: I% p7 F  q( vWhen you fail ,cheer up ,and  make sure you will get through the finish line.
- T9 W5 l) b2 x7 W& Y 2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。  
2 {. M; u' a( v' u; cThey seemed don't want to cross the finish line ,and they fear to fail.
' ]; N) m/ w3 y 3.    在你完成前总会有事发生# S  l$ v, I- T& M7 x
Something will always happen before you finish it .# k3 U2 C8 V7 G! `; b
4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。
2 ?* m! s6 M/ V" N+ _# v- P# o& MNever turn "the life" to the reason why you didn't reach the goal.# _/ e% R3 P% u# ~! K( ]
5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.:
8 X! z, T6 C" c. P7 }那些看似唾手可得的成功通常都是通过多年准备,实践得来的。
作者: Sanlll    时间: 2013-1-15 13:57
1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。
; j5 I% g; s8 C8 M; YWhen you fails, stand up.Uminately insure you will reach the final line.& R" N7 ?$ ?: z. n
2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。   ) s, C) h* m  B( i% O
It looks like they don't want to final. They are afraid of success. ( ^, `% U$ D) a5 O4 U) f3 A
3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。! ?* V- D1 M6 O4 X1 {$ B
   Things always happen before it is done.
( O4 b9 M1 m3 \+ K" N; \9 M5 J 4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。
: h( k+ T1 }: m' N& wDon't use "life" as an excuse of not reaching goals.1 j0 y% M/ a1 M
5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.. ?; |$ }& o; q4 x% @, n' e
4 \- ^) X8 {& e1 R1 [* Q" @
作者: уǒпの涌    时间: 2013-1-15 14:01
1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。2 m* d( z  ?- {# ~/ K9 n0 ]) j
Cheering up when you fail and believe you can pass the finish line.7 v7 u, _! K1 P- W( c/ `8 x
2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。  # ^/ M+ |8 O( u' s
It seems like they afraid of the success instead of unwilling about crossing the finish line.
" F6 s1 R2 @6 P3 R1 l7 X 3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。, ~7 l/ w8 P4 N; b# y# @% @' D2 i
Everything happens before your finish.
3 L( m: F" O% Q% X 4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。* N3 Q; w7 V0 V3 Z! b
Never make life become your excuse about failing to meet goals.5 S- J1 D# A0 K5 T4 w
5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.
+ ?) X9 v  V  m  H- i那些看似很轻易的成功背后往往隐藏着长时间的准备和练习9 D3 O4 p" x- T' n" y
" Y+ v6 ^( K* r7 b, ^/ Z
作者: 寒江--雪    时间: 2013-1-15 14:09
1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。
% h/ E# m* E+ B/ e9 R8 a1 z2 xWhen you failed, cheer up and make sure that you will pass through the finish line eventually.& C  X4 J9 z# B5 G& y
2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。
# @4 _0 \6 [6 s; zIt looks like that they doesn't want to pass through the finish line, they are afraid of being success.! H$ x2 m# h9 }+ [# ]2 k+ x! r
3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。
9 V1 V8 e+ L4 {" bThere will always sth happend before you complete it.
% \% a, u) j  H7 f4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。
6 P3 H; _. d9 {; D$ lDon't let life become a reason of not achiving the goals.
. T6 l, V2 M( o5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.
# ^  Q, s1 F- J那些轻松获得成功的人往往付出了几年的准备和联系。
作者: yonseikiki    时间: 2013-1-15 15:21
kiso 加油学英语啦
作者: 艾梦    时间: 2013-1-15 15:36
作者: francy22    时间: 2013-1-15 15:38
1.Cheer up when you lose,to trust yourself,you will do through the ending line at last.( q' C$ J# {* T% u+ ]
0 B$ M" ?6 ^7 L0 E
2.It seems like they scare to go through the ending line to hold the successes.6 @$ |4 h8 i/ u

* f' `' L7 K- d1 S" r, i$ a9 h3.Something always happen before you done your goals.8 i8 v/ `. f3 f, B; C/ m) u2 V

+ T/ [3 ~5 t# f" @1 s4.Don't make the so called 'life' become the reason of demising goals.
% }+ p9 @$ p4 u( O6 {4 l$ g* W8 P6 \# a* y5 B" u% y1 ?" J9 l( H! `
作者: 企鹅wei    时间: 2013-1-15 16:47
1、When you fail you should cheer up and believe you can cross the final line at last.& b6 M, y& c; E) r
2、It seems they don't want to cross the final line cause they are afraid of succeeded.
  h- f3 G# l8 p% d! d; `3、There always will be something happen before you finish one thing." h7 L7 H- V" z! {
4、Don't let "Living"become the reason why you did not reach the goal.
  f; m$ \8 V  R' o5、那些似乎十分有影响的成功通常需要数年时间的准备和练习。
作者: 加纳利岛的番茄    时间: 2013-1-15 17:55
it seems like they don"t want to cross the ending-line because of fearing to secceed.
作者: scarlett_526    时间: 2013-1-15 18:34
1.when you fail, cheer up. In the end, make sure you will cross the finishing line.2.It seems that they don't want to cross the finishing line. They are afraid of success.3.there are always things happening before you finish.4.Don't let "life" become the excuse of your failure of reaching the goal.5.那些看上去不费吹灰之力取得成功的人往往付出了许多年的准备与努力。
作者: 匿名    时间: 2013-1-15 20:45
.............[tthread=PHJ1005965347, 潘海军]http://app.qlogo.cn/mbloghead/136ec5e667715dcead16[/tthread]
作者: Mazrael    时间: 2013-1-15 20:57
1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。
+ a/ K8 w* N+ P7 p& H2 T/ H8 UCheer up and make sure you would go through the finish line while you are surfering failures.
- x0 J, Y* ]# @: H0 u2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。  
; c$ o( \9 {! _It looks as if that they do not want to go through the finish line, because they are afraid of success.8 s# M/ O& W" k0 p; T
3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。
" h6 c8 X/ e- o7 }% t& iSomething will always be happened when you complete.  7 L, V# e4 V% {1 r: i
4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。
9 J# j; c- e% ]0 C) ^Don't let your life become a reason of failure.5 M8 N" ~9 L! F7 j& Z1 U5 ^
5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.
* A! ^$ |% ~2 T" d那些经常把时间用于准备和练习的人都能轻易取得成功。
作者: leilalxz    时间: 2013-1-15 21:29
作者: zhengdetaileile    时间: 2013-1-16 06:40
i need answers
作者: Check_in    时间: 2013-1-16 11:44
1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。
" _6 [" J, F# o0 B; v6 p* mYou shall cheer up when you fail and ultimately believe in that you would come across the finishing line.! r  B9 G  @7 |
2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。  $ b! F, G# g3 j: B9 P
It seems that they are not willing to come across the finishing line and they are afraid of success.7 @) h& O; n2 X; W( o$ K5 E4 O6 P: W
3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。9 z0 E1 M- N+ c) V- X
Something always happens before you have completed it.
" n3 l4 N5 ?. v* @8 L: Q  K4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。
; n: M8 S; G( v2 w& f/ U2 z& NDon't make life become the excuse of not achieving the goal.
: o) |$ Z  N$ M; _. ~+ A5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.& r% q/ C% a2 o/ s2 T+ |6 x2 t
1 T# f5 U8 o& P( K# T$ R% T4 m) |7 Z
作者: xiyu    时间: 2013-1-16 12:26
1.When you fail ,take up.Finally make sure you cross the finish line.1 X* K; Q/ k' O. ~. m. G5 Z
2.It seems likely they don't want to cross the finish line.They are afraid of success.
3 ?# W6 M/ Z$ {+ h1 L3 S) T  q3.Somethings always happened before you have finished it.* k' C+ m3 y/ u+ a0 Y+ L
4.Don't let the "life" be a reason ou have not reached the goal.
5 [# j8 D0 p* x! B; a5 I' J5.那些看似不费力的成功通常投入了多年的准备和实践。
作者: yisi2005    时间: 2013-1-16 16:27
1. Cheer up when you failed. Make sure you will cross the finish line in the end.
作者: yisi2005    时间: 2013-1-16 16:31
2. Looks like they don't want to cross the finish line. They are fraid of success.
# {  A+ W. F: [& Q6 [0 C3.Things are always happened before you have done.. }" \+ B' i% W- T
4. Don't make "life"to responsible for the failed goals which you haven't achived.1 q9 X8 _1 \5 Y0 a8 x6 l  i
作者: nine段    时间: 2013-1-18 17:57
1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。$ J7 t- K2 \8 b! x+ L
when you failed ,just cheer up and make sure that you will cross the final line eventually8 M( z! P0 o; ?
2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。 $ v% U3 I5 D' R: I" [0 k
it seems like they didn't want to cross the final line . and they are fear of failure
0 O1 \4 H5 G! X9 K) G) J" k/ l8 Z3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。  8 B' |8 X& m6 a9 Y9 O- d7 Q- t9 Z' O  [
Nothing will happen before you finish it* }+ _: C) k3 b/ e/ t
4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。
& s9 I$ E1 W# p! B8 aNever let the life become your excuse for not achieving your goals
9 h8 B  E, z8 G9 e2 R; t0 q$ }7 S5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.6 K1 @: C5 Z; `  F' u# M
作者: fan91    时间: 2013-1-23 10:43
作者: blummy雅思要过7    时间: 2013-1-23 10:53
0 W0 o1 q% @/ ^+ f1  when you fail , you should stand up ,making sure that you  can come cross the final line.
6 h& O0 R- _% Z8 _) N2 i2  it seems that they don't want to across the final line .they are afraid of success.
8 M8 D" y6 `$ A: _" j3  things occur before you finish- }3 v6 r0 H' ?! R5 ?' W
4  life is not the reason why you don't get the goal1 n8 @) ]& I+ W& {" p
5  那些有所成就的人,总是把大量的时间花在准备和练习上。
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2018-9-5 11:15
very 够哦的
作者: 车险服务    时间: 2018-9-29 00:38
+ ]5 M$ r+ o! z% m1 z! U3 z  d

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