
标题: 《每日英语第186期》英汉互译:(2011年10月28日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2011-10-28 08:39
标题: 《每日英语第186期》英汉互译:(2011年10月28日)
今日学习内容:9 C8 M1 a6 t8 n! ^8 H

, m! G+ k. T( B1.这些花需要每天浇水。
7 Q" @/ U8 g( |- e5 f4 E; P4 A0 F
- {  ^9 Q. |5 A% [2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。
8 z. U! c. R9 @5 ?8 K- S+ q" ^+ |) w% a* T
0 W+ p2 z- Y& ?6 @: A" Y
! U6 u+ w& `* n4 D5 s6 \4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。
" |# H+ j# }, Z9 d7 R' {8 p! E3 ^* t( `$ |
5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。/ U3 s7 L# s" N; h3 o- V

; g% C, ^' ], w9 b6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)5 Q2 E# h  z- K. c$ w
每日英语的金币奖励规则:/ v: Y( b& C% h% b

- k  l/ h2 [+ s: ]a、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=30个金币;

- V6 Q, A1 U) f3 k' d/ g+ V       次日新翻译的时候,完成和截止评分;
5 i6 }7 Y. Z3 |% Z' G' k4 ?2 K3 p1 D7 T2 A+ K8 J$ [/ d
b、发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!' L% [9 }+ v+ q  L& N( E( D2 E5 k& v

" p, J- s$ @  H  n- W: I5 M2 hc、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励1 {. S( }7 T5 x
& Q. o  ^: Z% {
d、论坛程序的bug,有的时候大家提交答案的时候会显示“含有非法内容:'(”;而且也无法保存内容;0 h, U$ x8 M7 n! Y
6 f, q3 |. y$ f
) w6 h# P- W5 ^( E8 {' b  Se、每日英语大家和我都要坚持,发每日英语的确很辛苦,接受广大会员的投稿;
4 ~1 V4 y9 O4 G  ^3 |4 ~1 c; b     内容含:5道汉翻英,发送到info@ieltschn.com8 P& c; X8 Q5 r. \" ]- I

0 H% P. h! C+ |+ r4 F, Zf、遇到有雅思考试的日子,会暂停每日翻译
# q( j4 {- ]$ d. g3 K! s+ ?# J- o* p. G1 H
g、有啥问题,直接给@雅思中国网 私信或者论坛PM我

5 q* s2 M- k$ m+ v. b7 E5 I% J2 Q[attach]2268[/attach]
! X: m. c$ W# j" d8 W# D+ I5 \; Y: W- U; c2 v7 H2 y
( n5 F, r* O: z; C5 c& o; e$ }
: R3 L& K2 \4 R! n( T4 X) l当然了,翻译是没有标准答案的;我也准备逐渐的去除正确答案,从你们的回帖中选出最佳答案;+ L. z8 W8 n1 f" R+ w- q% {8 E  _' F

+ u, M! [! s9 G: V, `4 z
要相信,长期的坚持肯定会有回报的!( B+ f8 _6 g5 i9 w
* {& Y+ m& L. }- y% e- F3 X% [: s
7 t) W- k, D1 [3 p$ _7 I! a

$ t! A4 y* [4 w

( \% n+ i; S0 Q: e6 g  {7 \- Q3 B% s, ^) R( v
5 h% W$ v2 [5 X, n
最近太忙了,可能不能及时评分,莫怪我哈~~谢谢你们啦! I  x! H& R" B, m5 s/ S0 ]

8 E0 B- K) {; E/ w, F  s# g/ P8 y/ F$ W& Q& N5 L
3 g" E6 I5 y8 _5 N+ [7 C
% s9 }8 z/ V, |4 s2 k9 {: b
该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: Sola    时间: 2011-10-28 08:48
作者: 天聪皇家四少爷    时间: 2011-10-28 09:19
本帖最后由 天聪皇家四少爷 于 2011-10-28 09:20 编辑   j3 o6 w9 K& ]8 V% N& ]0 m
- `6 M7 @; E9 V" w% ^
1 These flowers need to water every day.
* j6 y2 S: \( t. S2 Pedestrians should look around before crossing the road.( r% [, }9 @0 g. u6 c
3 I plan to pay my own expenses to go to a college for further English study.8 h8 y4 D7 r3 r$ R: h  x- @8 I: b" w
4 As an interpreter,you should be aware of the cultural background of English-speaking countries.! x" j; j( x6 s5 L: B# G5 x. K
5 The Chinese people have come to realize the importance of protecting the ecological environment, in the vast rural areas, building water conservancy projects is in the ascendant.: p+ f. V( C5 B& d
6 不要相信和拒绝任何事,就因为其他人已经拒绝或相信。上天给了我们头脑去判断正误,那就使用它。
作者: everlonely007    时间: 2011-10-28 09:25
1.这些花需要每天浇水。7 x5 Y4 @# t) {" V9 G4 z3 Y2 \. h
These flowers need water everyday.
, w5 O; f! N" Q' i; h. c2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。- P  b/ b9 u  O; u
Pedestrians should look around before they cross roads.& d- w6 P/ l1 }' i! \
3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。! Y. ?' p- M0 q
I'm planning to learn English at a college at my own expense.
: s" w' Q2 a- V* m& j% q5 W4 d4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。7 @( w; h- {4 U
As a oral translator, you should understand the cultural background in English speaking countries.7 b2 W0 i( y; f5 D
/ a. s8 y2 Q' u# B5 o% u* Q3 ?Chinese have been gradually realizing the importance of protection of ecological environment, so water conservancy projects are thriving in many rural areas.
作者: 丁丁饱饱    时间: 2011-10-28 09:29
/ o7 ]6 k2 ]$ P7 DThese flowers need to be watered everyday." i6 c( H7 k! M  e" f) c
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。: _( W2 n; H6 O$ s3 f
When passerby go across the road, they have to look left and right first.
3 Q! Y  k1 y2 x* [  y; `3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。
' ^$ J, H( M9 w2 U# v8 II plan to learn English in a academy at my own expense.9 w' P/ [, t6 K2 G# o2 ]
% w4 F" {/ l+ A# K$ cAs an oral interpreter, you should know cultural background of English-spoken countries.$ v$ N8 a" N% t* K/ S; D
5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。3 C% K0 |$ M* D6 k
Chinese people have noticed the significance of protecting entrionment little by little, in wide countryside field, the activity of buliding hydraulic engineering is going to be execution.
9 {2 P, S; |* b# q9 H6 E6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)
# R# ?; G" S# t+ v- G' f无论相信或者拒绝什么,都是因为曾经相信或者拒绝过。地狱给予你判断事实和错误的思想。使用它
作者: biua    时间: 2011-10-28 09:51

- U$ x6 h8 v8 q$ \; @8 K& P
" ^( D4 G% i" C3 Z- U1.这些花需要每天浇水。! \5 p* d  b4 u2 }5 [  ]/ j3 M
5 S* q5 [6 l1 X8 ^% A
these flowers need watering everyday; y9 x0 u, O8 Y' b
& ]& y5 l! h. c$ }! K3 j: |; b

6 |/ g! [9 G4 c$ V8 y8 [9 I) h- ?2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。
1 b8 f! y+ Y$ k. ~2 Q# l/ R; X, ^5 f5 c& i5 i) f) E8 T

+ I" w& N, U; ^, V4 H: uwalkman should look around before crossing road3 E1 [( S6 i$ P  L7 a

4 \8 n1 B9 w8 P" _4 v$ V8 f1 M1 l6 ?$ g1 n# S* X4 Z% p
9 f) A& s8 B' H' R& y$ e% l# F8 w
" h# n4 G0 i3 U* J0 ]# f
0 {3 }+ H7 D2 u4 I1 M0 I/ V
% c/ `/ R. o, C& ^9 t5 C0 @i wanna spend own money go to study english into a college6 g8 D7 l5 X. F5 L; X
) q: c  ~/ v. Z1 w( t
8 p# e" d! d" ?* l1 k8 ^
) H  Q- x& I# {  b. {2 r3 e0 I# l& P9 F# B/ I4 j) z* s- m  @' l

" j4 W/ ^  o0 p7 n1 uas a interpreter,  you should be know english-speaking countries culture background 4 t  c: ?; b% a6 h5 w
9 G# ?- b2 L2 x* z" p/ u7 R

) y9 |' J6 p: N; a% E+ \5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。
' _$ G3 _9 @4 ^/ Q6 S: v+ O; |# c0 B. f/ w

0 ]; w; ?6 P' ^/ X; J% T$ gchinese people is realizing the importance of protecting natural environment, so they are building water conservancy projects in the vast countryside areas
# O8 ~6 u9 a3 r' j( W  N) u- f3 l, I8 L& i0 q. `
) l7 f  [8 {0 j8 q2 Y, Z3 Y8 q
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)
1 a+ M! V1 o$ z5 z$ G. X- f* h, q( o" ~/ c# F1 _7 M

: Z  c" u1 q$ T. B" W8 K5 H) f不因他人的判断轻易相信或否定,上天赋予了你独立判断的头脑
作者: vivianlu1116    时间: 2011-10-28 09:51
本帖最后由 vivianlu1116 于 2011-10-28 09:55 编辑
+ l/ d. L3 f2 v: `" _2 d. R: L+ r& X+ i
1、These flowers need to be watered everyday.
3 M) l: {) O; z+ {8 _" s2、Pedestrian should look around before walking across the road." r) S6 L1 S4 |' x
3、I plan to go to futher study in English at my own expense.: x; n/ Z& h8 G, v! r5 _* J2 s5 g) d5 G
4、As a interpreter,you should know a great deal about the cultural background about english-speaking country.! O5 B. i, i4 }$ T; G, w
5、Chinese people has come to realize the significance of protecting ecological environment,in most rural areas,work on irrigation is still making progress.# G! ]2 z$ w  D5 s
3 k; D8 I) n$ l
作者: crystalDou    时间: 2011-10-28 10:20
作者: 幸运裤子    时间: 2011-10-28 10:25
作者: 走刀口鸟    时间: 2011-10-28 10:35
不错 看看
作者: 吉美好    时间: 2011-10-28 11:13
1, These flowers need to be watered everyday.
0 u8 G1 z  Y( H! o2, Passagers should look around when walk across the road.) f! \: Z. `+ z& m  E
3, I plan to go to a college for further English study with my own expense.+ O. L( l) y0 ?  C, G* s4 R
4, As an interpreter, you should be master of the cultural background of English-speaking countries.
/ ?- W, \* W$ s% L3 ]5, Chinese have come to realize the importance of ecological environment protection, for water conservancy projects are being bulit in many rural areas.
8 y1 i* P9 x  m. H+ m9 E+ {3 p6, 不要因为别人对某事物的态度而决定自己的态度,上天已经给予我们判断是非的能力,就利用它吧。
作者: 吴彧潇    时间: 2011-10-28 11:14
作者: 金金草草    时间: 2011-10-28 11:46
1.这些花需要每天浇水。6 A0 E2 `, g5 i9 i/ p/ p
These followers should water everday.& d. l2 v$ _6 ^
/ g) C: V& l; ?. D* c; s$ b( ]+ [
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。5 u) q: T3 g9 ?0 w; g2 m0 n
Passenger should watch back & round when they pass the road.
0 U# P8 u* p( ?' F
% t+ E) j! C6 n9 c3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。
+ C: n( x- h5 l9 fI am planning to study English in this university and pay by myself.
3 f1 C" K. O$ n0 O/ B" P0 Y( B, _) i" X8 e9 H
4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。% [* N' B& N9 G7 ?
Be an oral translator, you should understand the cultural founding of England countries.
4 {0 d; p5 \$ V6 R% R1 {: u% P
" Z$ O9 }! i" w" N7 y7 m7 W$ w5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。& m+ z/ b! ]4 }  I  Q7 Y- ?* _
Chinese are realizing the importance of environment protection, the irrigation events are ongoing in most of remote areas.
( s' P; J& Q& P6 u# w7 L, ~, p0 f
6. Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)7 T5 z  q( }- n+ {/ I
既不要盲信也不要拒绝相信,因为有的人在拒绝相信他所相信的事而失败了。上天早已经提供给你判断真假的方法,你所需要的只是好好运用它。. M  G1 R2 Q% s0 l& p

作者: 俏然无声0412    时间: 2011-10-28 12:09
8 l. H" l' G4 ZThese flowers require watering everyday.
( ~5 o; B- e8 R- R2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。 ; S& f/ x& E% g% ~" R0 [% _6 B
Passengers need to look around before cross the street.
( |9 O% I( L8 q3 ^" Z- w0 n4 T# p. S3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。# g+ I* l' d1 `: p5 a$ a
I plan to study English in a college at my own cost.% ]% C. P; n9 z. r* s
4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。3 k* u$ u& o% S  U% e
As a interpreter you have to realise the English speaking countries` cultural background.
2 i: N% F0 ^4 z5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。
* X% h8 U' [  u9 N( x8 ?: o0 h0 \Chinese gradually recognise the importance of protecting the ecological environment and begin to construct the water conservancy.) ]! |2 L" U5 h- s3 O
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)
) [& V8 {+ i9 f/ k3 H( U9 n# f不要因为别人相信或拒绝什么而去相信拒绝什么。用自己的想法去判断真理或谬误。
作者: KOP月吉木杉V5    时间: 2011-10-28 12:16
1.这些花需要每天浇水。3 y8 Z& I. _7 T+ s3 _0 E: O
These flowers need to be watered everyday.) d, v& D! ]9 c1 ]. l( {& T: S! c
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾.2 w7 U+ m% _+ Q: ?* b7 E
Look around first before cross the road./ I2 v( ~6 h, @$ D1 v5 G
6 K- \, J' s/ h8 C# OI am gonna a college to study English at my own expense.
8 G# W! _  ^0 ]$ _+ v( P4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。
  [- U2 Y) B( D# Y. r* JAs a oral trantslator ,you need to know the background of English-speaking countries.
( `) f; y/ h) x0 I5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。
0 O8 `8 u7 m) N9 c, z; ZChinese have gradually relalized the importance of protecting environment ,the water conservancy is on the way in rural areas.
3 m' W1 c  I8 Y: d8 p) t6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)
7 W8 |0 w. ^5 x* J既不要相信,也不要反对,因为所有人都反对相信它。0 h5 F- E- a. C+ L6 `1 V- r
作者: 东方文    时间: 2011-10-28 12:51
作者: 东方文    时间: 2011-10-28 12:52
1 These flowers need be watered every day.4 f7 K& [( v' H  G
2 The pedestrian should look around before crossing the road.
8 `9 `3 o7 B' K+ s+ i0 o3 I plan to study English in a academy at my own expenses.9 ~- q) k" e/ L% j) z
4 As a interpreter, you should know the culture backround of English-speaking countries.
! F. C$ J6 ?2 F8 H5 Because of Chinese people’s realizing the importance of protecting environment ,building water conservancy projects are on in many villages.
) m9 |- i- l# u: S% {+ [1 T6 不要相信,也不要反对,因为其他人已经反对相信它。上帝已经给了你一个判断对错的思想,使用它吧。
  S: ^% \2 e7 c) l8 I% l7 e
作者: 柒落安    时间: 2011-10-28 13:02
作者: jellyjessie    时间: 2011-10-28 13:05
) |9 d  [% A: e# HThose flowers need to be watered every day.6 `- R1 G4 h* G
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。* Y' M/ ]% X* c
Passers-by should look around before they go across the street." |; O$ g" @, _
* c4 p! d3 j' r8 |I plan to support myself to get a higher English proficiency in a college
/ e- {; m7 b( C; t9 W$ K4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。) s! s3 I9 c1 \8 c  M: \3 |: W2 }( b3 ?  K( W" y6 v5 d
As  an oral interpreter,you should understand the cultural background of english-speaking countries.0 P  {% I+ X9 d4 @' n" V
5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。8 L) G+ u0 w# O6 p/ P- l# O/ m# W/ h' I: W
The Chinese people have come to be aware of the importance of protecting the ecological environment .In vast  runal area , water conservancy projects are still going well on.- y+ t9 Y. v2 b; E
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉) . J: X$ \0 N/ ?' w# v, O" j
不要被他人的判斷影響自己,好好利用上天早已給你的分辨是非的頭腦。/ a" P5 P+ z( J: V

作者: 尘封踏雪    时间: 2011-10-28 13:16
1、These flowers which need watered everyday.* H1 c8 Q3 n* c0 O
2、When  through road  pedestrian should be look around.
, D* X' A' a9 \0 e3、I plan  go to academic college study english at one's own expense.
/ p4 K0 e' H* U+ V4、As an interpreter, you should know that culture background of english-spoken countaries.
1 C, e6 W* W9 o1 o) K9 [5、Chinese have gradually realized singificance of prevent natural enviroment ,in the wildly countryside which the enthusiastic events of construction of water conservancy./ j8 {% B4 }8 c% L: C
作者: zzzzz西    时间: 2011-10-28 13:59
these flowers need to be watered every day.' w8 ^$ I& o% w- G
i plan to pursue futher english education in a college at my own expense.
- ~7 u2 D4 s) n" D' |4 D9 m9 T$ kas an interpreter, you should comprehend the cultural backgrouds of english-speaking countries.5 Z  u. D" [* X7 t: @  Q
chinese people have got aware of the importance of ecological environment conservation. In the vast rural areas, the construction projects of water conservancy facilities are in the ascendant.
作者: 叫什么好呢    时间: 2011-10-28 19:35
作者: 狂派蒹葭    时间: 2011-10-28 21:32
本帖最后由 狂派蒹葭 于 2011-10-29 06:56 编辑 3 _9 T# R" g. k# Q
2 K+ [- l# W8 r
0 r. p$ l8 I) d! T& b9 e
6 C3 L7 T: |+ l6 c; [These flowers need watering everyday., V' q! E7 s5 K. Z! r

1 F( }# ?: B0 `' s0 U2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。/ i: W  b  a( W7 c# m# H0 s" t6 X
Pedestrian should look around before crossing road.
7 T7 |6 g" f) O
) z: c. {5 d, ]5 J4 L7 `5 K 3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。3 L& m% q% b3 l. l8 [6 ], c
I am going to study English in a college at my own expense.4 e- y/ X3 D3 j

0 p7 s0 g3 P( m. ~ 4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。; f0 e% ^3 T3 s/ d
As a interpreter,  you should be know english-speaking countries culture background
+ y0 I8 |# s; A
5 [6 @& h; b( u
( y, u, {8 b1 f) n; Y$ M  _5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。
% T) A+ X$ I, E7 R) fChinese people is realizing the importance of protecting natural environment, so they are building water conservancy projects in the vast countryside areas./ k8 S4 W, G8 N! ~
7 j. _- h6 a8 ~* O! ^) `; Z) K' U
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)
; o5 Z) n& k& B& D! w7 n3 o- ] 不因他人的判断而盲从,用用上天已经赐予你能够独立判断的脑子。
作者: 博仔王博    时间: 2011-10-28 23:09
1.        these flowers need water every day
2 l+ O3 g7 A& A/ }2.        pedestrians should look around before cross the road
1 z7 r! _1 x9 B! n/ G2 V3.        I going to a further study of English in a collage at my own expense
- k) T" \, ]) l( o4.        as a interpreter ,you should know about the culture background of English-speaking countries
' e( b$ j& Q% y, H5.        the Chinese people have come to realize the importance of protecting ecological environment ,in many rural areas, the activities of water conservancy are thriving
2 P$ _: I* R" s) N6.        不要因为别人相信或者拒绝一样事情,你就跟同他的意见去相信或者拒绝,老天给了你个用来判断对错的脑子,要用起来!. C) w0 I. m. }2 K) k/ g3 g

作者: 博仔王博    时间: 2011-10-28 23:09
1.        these flowers need water every day4 g  q( t8 Z, j& Q7 v
2.        pedestrians should look around before cross the road. y9 Q2 L/ K% ?  p1 F+ T
3.        I going to a further study of English in a collage at my own expense
7 Y2 \' H2 h% [" i1 l6 N# t4.        as a interpreter ,you should know about the culture background of English-speaking countries& _5 O9 l1 q0 q3 v: [4 E, E
5.        the Chinese people have come to realize the importance of protecting ecological environment ,in many rural areas, the activities of water conservancy are thriving
3 t- O8 [% T* Z. S0 `6.        不要因为别人相信或者拒绝一样事情,你就跟同他的意见去相信或者拒绝,老天给了你个用来判断对错的脑子,要用起来!' g  i$ _$ L0 i9 w

作者: 弥漫行歌    时间: 2011-10-28 23:27
1:These flowers need water everyday$ G% [" {7 V4 g& S/ o% r6 d$ X
2:Walkers should look around before they across the roads.
; m3 T$ P$ V: q& f9 z7 V6 f! ~3:My plan is to go to a college to have further English education at my own expense.
0 O% O2 A9 o3 Z% s' S# N3 d4:As an interpteter,you should master the cultural background of the english-speaking countries./ Q, @" H$ S0 H8 b- C
5:People in china have been realized the importance of protecting environment, in the vast rural areas, building water conservancy projects is in the ascendant./ `9 @  @! h* f( w
作者: 宅男費電    时间: 2011-10-29 09:06
1.这些花需要每天浇水。9 T( P* ^1 A) e& D9 I9 P$ _
These flowers need to be watered every day.! K8 H: m. I# g* S  v
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。; _$ [' J6 f) m  p- [
The pedestrians should look around before go across streets.
: p; U; Y4 C+ h/ L' n6 x) H3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。- J# S5 j; m5 P1 P" R
I planed to take advanced courses of English at my own expense.
5 p* x9 \7 }) m9 f4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。
3 I6 p, |9 p1 e) ]4 `: hAs a interpreter , you should know the cultural background about English countries.
7 ^& Z4 z: [% U) \4 x6 z5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。
* t3 F& |0 @* \  p2 |3 `5 {+ q/ ~: iThe Chinese people increasingly get aware of the significance of protecting environment, the construction of irrigation works is in progress in most rural area.
7 O1 e' \9 u+ Z6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉), y) b) v" y1 }3 o8 O: I
作者: Crystalyip    时间: 2011-10-29 12:09
1.        These flowers need to be watered everyday.9 k% G, B' T0 i, T
2.        Passers-by who cross the road should look around first.
5 l$ b+ v- [9 P3.        I have planned that I will go to an institute to improve my English which pay by myself.
/ ?0 \( i" J9 o' c% r) g4.        As an interpreter, you should get to know the cultural background of   English-speaking countries.
1 R; H/ m/ \4 Z+ K5.        Chinese people have realized the importance of the protection of ecological environment, in most village areas, the activities to build the water system has become more and more popular.. M4 j9 c. k+ _7 J
6.        不要相信或拒绝任何东西,因为其他人已经拒绝去相信了。上天已经给予了你判断正确和错误的头脑,使用他吧。+ w6 Y% W' U* @" B0 G

作者: Evan    时间: 2011-10-29 12:17
these flower need to be wated everyday
作者: Samantha    时间: 2011-10-29 17:44
1.这些花需要每天浇水。! \7 Q- b8 W2 N  t( Y
1.Thess flowers need watering everyday.) _5 i! i! J7 d8 q7 {- V. h
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。# {1 i0 K/ H5 e7 f9 O' c2 A% |3 |
2.People should look around ahead crossing roads.: L1 o$ h3 e- h4 x# `5 I$ K( e6 D/ k' d
4 g1 S# i8 G8 w1 D3.I plan to improve english skill into a institute with paying by myself., ?5 {) w* y# q
4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。7 I) [. c! |5 \
4. You should learn the culture background in english speaking nations, as you are a oral translation.# D0 p, q, P% M5 p2 Q  J  f
5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。, K2 E6 T% s% u
5.The chinese has gradually  acknowledged the importance in ecology protecting, and the activities  constructing the water engineering is booming in the vast rural regions. . J$ F: c, Q" z2 Y
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)+ ?# {% M- l9 }* k
作者: 天雨流芳de雅    时间: 2011-10-29 21:49
作者: Sierra_faye    时间: 2011-10-29 23:53
作者: 悦_and_悦    时间: 2011-10-30 01:08
These flowers need watering daily.1 F) X9 q0 S2 h! u8 S! _* a
Pedestrians should look around before they cross the road.: g2 X$ W( M1 u4 s) |0 E0 c# [
I plan to go to an institute for further education of English at my own expense.8 z0 m# P  N# Z! }
As an interpreter, you should get to know the culture backgrounds of English nations.
$ x! H; J6 J- q; N0 ~Chines people learn the importance environmental protection gradually. In the wild rural areas, construction of water conservancy projects are undergoing.! ]+ k8 ?9 P+ c1 M; e7 j5 p
作者: mikimayan    时间: 2011-10-30 01:25
作者: 沦不綸陷    时间: 2011-10-30 07:57
just look the answer
作者: 二姑娘00    时间: 2011-10-30 10:40
7 w4 E# i; |, J6 Z' LThose flowers need watering everyday.
5 {) m9 G9 B( }) r2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。+ t2 k! ^) F0 b4 L
The pedestrian needs looking around before they across the road.
; Z& Q' M8 ^. z8 ]9 J6 M, E5 |& f3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。
) H, A/ Z# H" t  iI plan to studying english in an academic at my own expense.
2 k9 e! u) S8 G/ Y8 v% _1 a4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。
& q$ O! b2 L; V, l0 ^* T+ bAs an interpreter , you should be learning the cultural background about the countries which  speaking english.
% G: K; f' w' M' N$ f0 U  `5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。
2 b) N1 a' O: U0 a( L. OThe chinese people have gradually realised the significant of protect the eco-envirnmental.In the vast rural areas,the activities of the water conservancy are thriving
  Y# T6 _; l' {4 j7 _2 c, i9 T$ x+ q& e
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it.
% D, q! o) X( S- x7 {不要别人相信或是拒绝什么,你也去相信或者拒绝它。上天已经赋予你一个思想去判断是非,使用它。
作者: Jem_B    时间: 2011-10-30 16:32
1.        these flowers need to be watered everydays.
5 q4 V  ^% \/ a; f4 G* X' }2.        Walking men should see around before they walk across the road  .
# W, T5 k4 \& _9 z) M3.        I plan to study English course further in a academy at my own expense: G; ?1 c7 m+ U, |, s8 x
4.        As a interpreter, you should know the background of culture about the English speaking countries.! ~& d" j( P3 J, c2 l
5.        Chinese were getting aware of the significance of eco-environment preservation, in most of rural area, so many water conservancy projects are thriving5 a" h& m1 c, M+ Q7 f

作者: sissy楠    时间: 2011-10-30 19:01
1.这些花需要每天浇水。* j( v! @. B4 ^
These flowers need to watered everyday
+ ~3 z6 n+ J* M+ ^) R! F2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。
# ?) w4 d# R0 y, t  sPasserby should look the both sides before they across the street.& X1 r7 s! o$ Q: {
6 C! _$ Z1 H/ j# R/ VI plann to learn English in a college at my own expense.0 f) _( i' }- I8 q! P& g$ r+ E9 [
4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。7 |* }- u& e4 o2 M3 o9 c0 y( _
As a  interpreter,you should know the culture backgound of those English-speaking countries.
7 w- j( }4 \' @5 l7 g! U5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。
+ E+ {7 T, r. E$ `! k8 AChinese have gradual realized the importance of protecting enviroment,many water conservency projects are been built in rural areas. 6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. / G+ @3 s- ^0 j! z
作者: solarwind    时间: 2011-10-31 10:49
周末没看, 直接看看答案
作者: 张博大爱潘玮柏    时间: 2011-10-31 13:31
作者: LovestoryLO    时间: 2011-10-31 21:03
1.These flowers need to wash everyday." d1 O. @* @; r; y( _4 m' d/ a* o* E
2.Pedestrians should look around before they pass the street.
; I; \% n6 a( z0 p* o9 `3.I plan to learn English in a college at my own expense.: G4 r$ F4 a: a3 M- }, O! D
4.As an interpreter,you should know the background of the culture of the English-spoken countries.
: i) I# [3 V* x1 \# L- o5.The Chinese people have gradually realized the importance of protecting the environment.In the vast country land,the movement of infensify watercontrol project is booming.. a: ^3 V6 r& Z& k( u
作者: 张_叶_Foliyo    时间: 2011-11-1 17:42
作者: 周洁    时间: 2011-11-13 16:19
作者: cotton2cotton    时间: 2011-11-17 22:38
作者: 奔腾xp    时间: 2011-12-1 20:14
作者: 奔腾xp    时间: 2011-12-1 20:28
/ p3 o' I. m% H7 g0 XThese flowers need watering everyday.7 a9 Q; H" u: s1 v4 e: Y
' V/ C' Z8 D" a* L% n8 [/ t
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。- h4 G) {+ Z8 F4 b$ M3 i
It is wise for pedestrians look around before crossing the road.
: U, n+ F, O$ `3 d1 G' d7 Y& Z; v" g. l6 ]* {* G6 M" Q
3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。+ l: D$ t$ {  {7 J, l
I plan to improve my English by paying to attend a school.) y* B9 P$ H- R  f! {5 I
# r3 q) V, p. T+ T, r
2 z1 W$ @& [3 E! z0 U7 o/ KAs a oral translator, you should understand the culture background of the countries whose official language is English.
( t# r2 W" u( s$ t9 R, H& P* A" z4 W
: t; N$ V9 K! q8 |- r7 eThe importance of environment protection is gradually known to Chinese people, and the projects of irrigation works are just launched.
' i( G' i. v: J  l( u
6 }! y8 R4 p" W) K- Y/ h, o0 t6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. 1 Q; n' b  ]: C
作者: 加油小山东    时间: 2011-12-16 09:22
nice day
作者: taoheart    时间: 2012-3-7 12:18
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-10-14 21:27
1.这些花需要每天浇水。- I, Q7 C& U9 l
these flower need water everyday.
0 N$ F& b* R4 e2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。! v7 C0 C7 o6 O* g0 `. I
the passengers should look at left and right before passing the road.1 @  F- `( Y4 j( K) X
3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。6 K; p! B$ `4 E7 N* D
i plan to go to a colleage to learn english at my own expense.
& _* T* [# A+ }9 Y4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。
! c% [2 a! X+ e5 Y# P7 h+ C- yas an interpreter, you should understand the cultural background of english countries.. Y( L* K& X3 S% V# N
5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。4 V3 `: N) F1 S) j+ T7 K" m6 \4 f
chinese people are gradually recognizing the importance of proecting ecological environment, in widely rural areas, the activity of water conservancy are continuing.
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2020-4-3 11:18
very good

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