作者: Joanne小小茵 时间: 2011-11-5 14:24
TASK1: [bar chart] which is the most important factor in Europe and USA.
TASK 2:more government money should be invested in teaching science than other subjects,a country will develop and progress.
to what extent do u agreee or disagree
悲催呀...時間很緊,寫完都沒時間檢查:'( 貌似task2我的字數不夠:dizzy:
求RP爆發..求明天口語pass作者: 佳择 时间: 2011-11-5 14:55
1.bar people surveyed BY consider which as the important factor of success of business in Europe and the USA
2.More money should be invest in teaching science than other subjects in order to a country will develop and progress,to what extent do you agree and degree