先说阅读好了,我觉得中国考生阅读都很好,咱就靠这个拉分的。。。。阅读有个《无词阅读法》挺好用,精髓就是DO THE BEST ,“蒙” THE REST. 因为雅思是纸考,可以做各种记号,强烈建议先看题目,再看文章,划出题目中的定位词,关键词,然后按照题目的顺序去文章中找,英国人出题很绅士的,顺序都是一一对应的,那个小小的乱了个序了就是难题了,又不要得9分,做错三四个还是够的。各个具体题型的讲解可以听听祁连山在《无词》里的,个人觉得有帮助。强调一个题型,就是TRUE FALSE NOTGIVEN,一定要写全,不能简写!
然后说我最头疼的写作吧。这次算是我历史性的突破了,之前两次都是6啊6啊,我都无语了,都不知道该怎么复习了。我的经验教训就是要有自己的模板,(慎小嶷的书用的人太多了,一定不要照搬,死的很惨的~)不要什么都现想真的来不及啊~审题很重要,偏题的什么都白搭了,一定要把题目里每个问题都回答了。模板准备两到三个开头句,分别是现象开头和对比开头。然后是段落过渡句,一般写三段,准备三到四个。结尾句准备两到三句。写作按“总分总”格式,不建议写一边倒式,对论据要求太高了,考场上想不到那么多点。每个段落以一句分论点,一个例子来阐明,简明扼要。句式要长短结合,句式丰富,多用些特殊句式,不要老是there is there are,sb have sth的,多用各种从句是很好的摆脱句式单调的分法。比如可以用原因状语从句(since啊as啊代替because)或者把状语啦副词啦前置,都是很可爱的亮点。
健康与安全:refresh my mind and recharge myself. Get relaxation. Ease emotional stress. Release/reduce one’s pressure. keep energetic. Nutritious. Healthy diet. Security. Stable/steady situation
便利:convenient. Flexible. Have easy/fast access to. Time-saving. Productive. Efficient. Effective mark the beginning of information age School facilities: badminton, tennis, gym
经济:cheap/economical. High cost performance. profitable!
交流:promote/facilitate communication. Be well-informed. Exchange ideas and thoughts. Interact with others. Hinder/obstruct/impede. build genuine and solid friendship. Acquaint with people of similar interest or ambition. Form alliance. Make one’s voice heard. Present oneself/express one’s feelings. Keep in touch with others. Profound relationship. Social networks. Teamwork spirit. As no one live isolated.
幸福与情感:family love. Friendship. Enjoy more companion and happier mood Personal preference. Passion. Find sth enjoyable/amusing/pleasant. Tedious/boring enrich our life
成功:gain sense of achievement. Self-realization. Boost self-confidence. Driving force. Motivation. Competition. Capacity. Drive for superiority. Peer pressure. Accumulate amounts of useful experience and acquire some social skills
环保:ecological balance. Sustainable development. Fossil fuel. Desertification. Deforestation. Water/air/noise/light pollution. Contamination. Environmentally friendly. Greenhouse effect. Climate change. Over-exploitation. Biodiversity crisis. Discovering new source of energy. For military demands and national requirement Long-term vision Concerned department
品格:be constructive to build a … character. Optimistic. Positive. Merit/personality/virtue. Both physically and mentally Academic intelligence, social intelligence
科技与教育:advanced technology. Automobile. Computer. Internet. Accumulate/acquire knowledge. Be more informational, a broader scope of knowledge Whole-person education
国家与文明:pass down the traditions. Safeguard national security/world peace. Harmonious coexistence between human and nature . steady growth of people’s living standard. The inevitable result of social development Globalization
人性:human nature. bring happiness and joy, fun and pleasure. Curiosity. Natural mentality