
标题: 《每日英语第50期》英汉互译:(2011年4月10日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2011-4-10 07:21
标题: 《每日英语第50期》英汉互译:(2011年4月10日)

8 \% U0 L2 A, e' I1.请留步,不用送了!
, J2 |, o1 w$ V, N5 v4 l2 e
8 c+ A/ n1 R  y+ M* S$ F2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?
8 `# E& W& t2 q0 _. p8 b8 R
: p, j! ^0 {5 B6 J' T, b' m3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。' i6 Q: p! _# s2 s: Y
5 C+ H& A+ m+ a8 }8 l
- x3 u2 U/ B; [6 o% m( B: b/ I* r. E
* `" h5 M1 r+ G& q6 P5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?
, ~" b0 F6 [, @# o/ C9 b   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。
0 \8 r- u) M2 d9 U. H% C# j, J( Q: c( {+ g
2 L' F/ g6 C6 I, m6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)

9 r7 N0 n3 C  O3 t5 |- j / X9 `0 |1 h4 v5 c" c
每日翻译,敬请关注,重在参与!一天积累几个句子,长期下来可是一笔巨大的财富!不知不觉中,你的英语水平也会跟着提升哦~~9 N/ e8 I; D! }. L
4 k, S+ @+ R% l4 U) F; Z$ {
日英语的金币奖励规则:5 V1 Y  C  k8 L4 b  i

+ V$ V3 G9 W  ~: G: ya、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<30个金币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同
: O& v' p+ x4 R: G0 M. Z
0 m9 U2 |: p' x( Z$ {$ d- K) |! hb、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!; {8 k: Z) e* M" _2 I9 V. t: a  F
! k6 n/ _0 C. F6 \

# n% a7 }% U, P  G - O2 g. P0 [. y/ z$ z
( S! L7 H6 Z) ]4 a2 Z0 V
( v8 g) l' u, Q2 q! u0 q别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯* E6 J6 w" i7 _- W

; s9 s9 |  ?4 c9 A5 L3 Y; m/ R听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~/ ]2 j& ?+ i* t; n, Q% ^1 W

- \% H1 p/ C' |参考答案回复可见
. o  q, E  H, G0 R- G# s
- H' O" f2 n* a( x! A  _1 K

5 m- W; K0 z" H
  l9 N2 W/ G8 J5 Z& L
; }5 U: q* Z$ y
$ {& d% w* Y2 g2 u+ E) W7 t
  A- H- J) r. Y9 {* Z3 y4 ?) \7 Z 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: rhnv    时间: 2011-4-10 07:26
作者: 郑小恺    时间: 2011-4-10 09:34
) t* i( N0 C# f( q0 m5 Gi will see myself out please!
; L* {) J6 n' J$ ]2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?  N& d* D6 o0 V; F  r2 {+ q
by the way, what's the weather like in BT(这句做过)9 V2 j% S* b/ ~2 v
3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。" y2 Y2 J( m7 T4 J7 y1 k
please convey my sympathy and  cordial greeting to you family9 [, y! I. [! q4 T4 s5 U4 Q
4.我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。2 [  x/ L  j; ~2 Z( ~0 {
my grandpa always tell stories about his hard life in childhood to stimulate us- m7 W0 s% S2 E- Y
  z2 M$ d* h3 |  P( N& @9 I* \   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。7 F+ s/ _5 l1 J3 o, F' L) B, K) J
A:he dress ordinary and drive a pool car, who will think of he is the richest in the town
  P$ E* S4 g5 I1 y. vB:you can judge people with their appearence9 K; ?* H! J2 B+ N
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
7 C9 W/ D8 @: R& [童年预示一生,犹如早晨预兆全天
作者: 阿火火火火火火    时间: 2011-4-10 09:53
作者: mayx0522    时间: 2011-4-10 09:58
/ ~" B" ^/ p* N- a+ AI will see myself out, please!
! U, K& y5 V& C& V2 t) m5 w4 g
# ?, f, ]  K5 X: D2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?/ [  c3 L. z  o; R0 z
By the way,what is the weather like in Beijing?8 m. O: H0 Q0 I2 l. }  A3 g

3 J  ?, d8 }3 E" `9 T( `" B: `3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。
6 o) p! _* u1 y7 z* uPlease convey sympathy and cordial greetings for your family instead of me.! }8 B/ t5 _# I- W4 \
. a* ]" a+ ^; z% z9 |
4.我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。4 T* p( H2 B: D3 P  l7 ]# N
My grandpa often told the hard life of his childhood to stimulate us.; W1 q, ?  k2 f) u8 |! Z

3 s; R7 T+ y( {# o1 y& h; H$ Y5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?
+ t3 ?% V' `! T8 d   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。
& t" V3 F: \: V* lA. He dressed ordinarily and drove a poor car, who would thought that he was the richest man in town?
! \% R7 {5 i; i  L5 N; g, B3 hB. You can not judge a book by its cover.
- i4 M* ~) g& a0 \+ B; J8 o$ q. _$ A% m: f3 }
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)0 p; c/ k3 Y+ l% d5 n
童年能反映出一生,就像早晨能反映出一天一样。' u) t1 ~1 U0 ~5 @3 z: I' z+ \

作者: 天阶    时间: 2011-4-10 10:04
1.I will see myself out, please.( x1 g6 X' R7 k3 H$ k& M! a
2.By the way, how is the weather in Beijing now?
- {6 _# d% u3 l* z3.Please convey my sympathy and my warm personal regards to all your family.: s5 K5 k; [. I+ _: L8 f4 f! |
4.In order to inspire us, my grandfather often tell us the hard time he spent while he was young.
  N& P. c5 [# t5. A:He dresses ordinary and drives an old car.Who would consider him as the richest person in the town?! v7 e) W& `. V8 }5 O3 o
    B:You can't judge people by their appearance.
: j# T! t8 v* r  B8 w6.三岁看大,七岁看老?
) U' }; d; ?, j! t2 v0 N
作者: Feuany    时间: 2011-4-10 10:27
作者: 曉_Mika    时间: 2011-4-10 10:49
答案  J2 U, `! ^  _7 l4 b

作者: czyaozhe    时间: 2011-4-10 11:03
作者: 邵麟淋sshower    时间: 2011-4-10 11:27
1.Please dont bother to send me.
0 b4 Z6 h" ]$ J+ i2.By the way,what's the weather like in Beijing?0 M( ?) \. {: @. [% i, g& r
3.Please convey my greetings and kind regard to your family.
. v1 d- S% T5 k: D4.My grandpa usually tell us how difficult he was when he was a child which inspire us a lot. 0 T5 U& ^# ^0 k. |" Z
5.Dressing up ordinarily,he drives a terrible car,yet who would have guessed he was the richest?: E5 j/ {/ i3 g' z
作者: 邱某人Minoz    时间: 2011-4-10 11:28
作者: 小狮子011    时间: 2011-4-10 11:36

作者: 二二shirley    时间: 2011-4-10 11:39
作者: kichan    时间: 2011-4-10 11:40
; s7 t5 H9 _- S3 P5 z+ FIt is enough to send me out right here.% M; q6 B3 F3 w$ w' H- s+ \+ Z
2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?) p- U! h9 q! Y8 I' |0 q+ n
By the way, what is the weather of BJ now?* q" N  C: V- z* d# F
- c+ s: |, a) ^Please convey my greeting and sincere respects to your whole families.9 [/ o# U- Q* S6 d) ?- X0 ~
7 }8 L. N8 q' p& ~$ Z0 y$ SMy grandfather always tell us how tough he sufferred in his childhood to encourage us.% H, a5 E/ }! [7 A9 Z
( I8 C+ C0 u1 \4 F3 B           He wears in ordinary and drive a poor car. Who would realize he is the wealthest guy in the town?
1 U2 }0 v& i, p  q   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。
: y3 {+ @$ Y5 X' H- {' {         You can not judge someone depanding on his appearance.' d( V, {  N. c8 _# e% Y) L
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
3 ]- U4 u1 Q8 K+ c" A, O童年折射出一个人,正如清晨展示了一天。
作者: 景砚    时间: 2011-4-10 11:48
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2011-4-10 12:14
4 y9 v- e3 k' v& L* }2 t% Z( C& G0 d  v& T. [
来自 仙人掌世界 的新浪微博
作者: yinggelishu    时间: 2011-4-10 12:29
$ T* g$ J: c  _
作者: verleen    时间: 2011-4-10 12:43
0 n1 y3 P5 b( x! \5 S7 o: K$ U2.By the way,how is the weather now in Beijing?& _" A9 ~& [1 b! R5 w" @
3.Please 5 {% e: N1 L3 ?$ J
4.My grandfather often tells us the hard life in the past to inspire us。
# @( \0 n0 i. R  B0 ]5.A:He dress 普通and drives a bad car,so eho can guess he is the richest in the town?
7 r' P+ i# Z2 v7 N; B" l/ ]7 d" M B:You can’t 以貌取人。
& b% @  `. G# K7 }5 L6. 三岁看老- o0 W, ^2 R; D

作者: 木布吉的歌    时间: 2011-4-10 12:46
作者: QuentonLi    时间: 2011-4-10 13:10
作者: 錒明    时间: 2011-4-10 13:26
1 I will see myself out please!& s  J( P3 U" c; u

* ^8 G* \) }( Y( Q2 P3 O; l7 v2 by the way, what's the weather like in Beijing?
( c. j; |- |- {8 U
& a& ^+ c$ Z. a. |& P- Y9 N* \3 please convey my sympathy and  cordial greeting to you family7 W! ]7 o+ Z6 \0 n$ p+ |

. i% i- G# T; |, g7 [. }# }4. my grandpa always tell stories about his hard life in childhood to stimulate us4 l. {$ v# m+ \

0 j4 m1 j0 \7 f# \0 k5 A:he dress ordinary and drive a pool car, who will think of he is the richest in the town
: g! |/ V8 l) n+ A" a8 P. b9 g, N. lB:you can judge people with their appearence9 w, w1 K; c# g" x$ ?+ l7 ^& }

1 u. R' B) Y. h1 g6 童年预示一生,犹如早晨预兆全天
; ^, r+ O+ V  _
作者: maomao02005    时间: 2011-4-10 13:29
作者: elviass    时间: 2011-4-10 13:50
作者: xiao狸    时间: 2011-4-10 14:03
1.请留步,不用送了!, ]! q7 e8 b  \& e/ M% h" t& P
Please don’t see me out.
- v# u& {+ v8 D2 `2 N; d1 p: N0 n+ }
- `# Z* L5 D( T- }/ H; t2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?: S8 Q- b$ B# a# S4 l% l
By the way, what’s the weather like in Beijing?( m, @: J1 ~5 J

' L; G2 p' ^4 b4 E! B8 L0 X# Z3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。9 O8 ~! Z& A- z# |8 @
Please convey my warm greetings to your family. 9 t8 B; _0 }, ?) o& g
, r0 m9 N4 c3 [1 n* S
; `- V$ P1 A1 z1 EMy grandfather often tells the hard life in his childhood to encourage us.
) ]) @5 e$ y; g( O+ d! d" r# L# U" f/ I
) W7 A. d; ^; J3 }5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?
: v+ R: c/ p' Q8 h6 c   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。" b* \2 k" |& B1 Y) J
A. He dresses ordinary and drives a poor car. But who knows his the richest man in the town?
8 `0 E8 i" r) ~9 ^$ ^5 I/ |4 ^B. You shouldn’t judge people by appearance." n4 ]( n2 r# ~8 a, [0 p
! y9 O! `8 }* z4 Q' H( N) E1 x* U
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
7 J: \5 H4 n( P  r, D% \1 @看人看年少,看天看破晓。5 X% P- F: h, X

作者: Qi菓菓    时间: 2011-4-10 15:35
$ k8 p" v9 f) v. @- V0 D& s5 JI'll see myself out please
9 ]' P7 ?# O0 Y0 d, l2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?
) ?' D1 e6 i# u' l$ p/ z2 \4 OBy the way,how is the weather like in Beijing now# G- J) s" L+ M3 Z' p- P( L
3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。0 |, }8 J9 T5 A$ E( ]- R
Please convey my condolence and gracious greeting to your family4 o3 l3 B' t. O
4.我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。7 j$ S# [0 j* `' h4 B: j
My grandfather often inspires us through his hard childhood experience5 B( ^& v  ]4 f- J
5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?6 Q0 {, K! C5 G5 W0 l: Z( e
   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。! O& _9 k9 s2 V6 u% R; ]
He is in general colthes, driving a shabby car, who believes that he is the richeast one in the town ---You can't make judgement by people's appearance
$ R3 W0 l6 t  K5 w6 K6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)  d# y5 q# P2 Y
9 n8 I- v7 p9 H* o
8 [) Z9 @2 S8 S% J. Y
作者: Cyan    时间: 2011-4-10 15:54
作者: Dorange    时间: 2011-4-10 18:37
作者: zhaoyu0603    时间: 2011-4-10 20:41
1.Please stop you step, don't see me away.
9 s7 d' e0 b; ~2.By the way, what's the weather like in beijing right now?
+ \" ^! P% C" [$ v: }& _+ S3.Please take my wishes ang sincere greeding to your family.0 K; k( p; Y% d0 L/ z: W% n: C. d; Q
4.My grandpa often tell us his hard life in childhood in order to inspire us.. K& H; P. {2 d/ e9 G' G  s+ U
5.A:He wears commom clothes, drives pool car,who would guess that he is the riches in town?   # E. O0 h; _; x9 n/ N, W
   B:Don't judge people with their appearance.
3 ]' h2 G! U6 V1 r8 c* c( |8 A6.从小看大,从早晨看全天。
作者: Cindy-穎    时间: 2011-4-10 22:28
please , stop step, see you.
0 Q& x) q. \+ N" f4 I" t# |9 ~6 C. B
By the way, how's the weather in Beijing now?0 V# V$ a5 x* M0 J) `* ?. d
+ W+ e1 C/ u) y. O9 {+ D$ Y
Please give your family convey my sympathy and kind regards.
9 G, F7 H0 N/ _+ z: Z: \1 v6 C2 M1 y! Z' d  J
My grandfather often tells us of his difficult childhood life inspire us.4 i' q- `8 E8 Q/ k% r. p1 F/ K

, X$ d; X4 N+ ~9 g" AA, he dresses in plain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town?
  G# Z5 ^4 F+ rB well, you can't judge a book by its cover.- r' z* @( z9 @' q' _7 ~( s; b
, I. Q" R6 v4 K: H$ }$ ~! W
. u2 G0 N7 O0 V$ B& I
作者: JohNNy_Chau    时间: 2011-4-10 22:37
作者: 宝贝儿乖218    时间: 2011-4-10 22:49
作者: leep_H    时间: 2011-4-10 22:49
作者: 烤鸭蛋    时间: 2011-4-10 23:20
Please don’t bother to sent me " N  h+ k* M& _+ n
By the way,how’s the weather in Beijing?! W. x6 E# H. N& P; P% }
Please send my sympathies and kind regards to your family9 t3 l+ N) S" F+ T7 ^
My grandpa constantly tells us about his hardship in his childhood ,which inspires us a lot.
! v* }( k6 }/ k; O7 r9 w: hA:He wears plain dress,and drives a shabby car,who would have thought he is the richest man in the town?% ], l; \0 A9 }& W$ H5 R7 o( S+ ?
B:You can’t judge people with appearance. R( r" M5 V; T0 N9 `( J
! Z6 ?) T% q& y- x5 E
作者: cherry    时间: 2011-4-10 23:20
作者: 岳冰冰子    时间: 2011-4-11 00:06
作者: 幸福小鱼的幸福    时间: 2011-4-11 02:26
答案 :$
作者: crazycat    时间: 2011-4-11 04:35
9 H: |2 H/ v, ~  b- t: k  _- h% `I will see myself out, please.% W, \- `% n& ?+ |, G- E9 o7 s
2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?$ f1 D* Z$ K: }# V# }
By the way, how is the weather in Beijing now?
4 h0 C: K+ B* |% ~& j, N8 o  z3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。1 a; X, B' c4 {8 x# A
Please convey my kind greetings to your family.
: W8 n4 N8 J, C2 G4.我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。7 W4 p& u; u3 {( I4 q
My grandpa often tells his miserable childhood to encourage us.
8 R$ R1 x4 ?( h( U5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?
' k& d* _0 f6 H: k! P/ h   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。" R1 Y! x' n  Y6 O
Dressing ordinary and driving a poor car, he will never be guessed as the richest man in the town.5 u8 j1 G2 {! x
A man must not be judged by his appearance.) x. }; J3 w0 o' m% e3 }# I
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day.; n6 j1 k- ?# P+ u+ _
! R; Y- v+ n; f) V" I- a$ V$ P
作者: biua    时间: 2011-4-11 09:38
please stay here, do not carry me~. c+ \- W* h! ^4 E* Y
by the way, now in beijing,what's weather?
# ?+ n2 e0 Z7 R7 e8 v$ s; T  ^3 k  ~please convey my blessing for your families.7 ~$ E2 R4 Q. Z1 ^! m' D% E
my grandfather always encourage me with told him difficult life,when he was a little boy
8 f: x6 h8 d, s
# y8 x' @0 X/ n; x2 Y' D" m5 M3 k9 ohe wear and drive so common that no one knows he is a richman
' F/ M3 O, \4 q* g# B; X0 n9 hyou should not be basis face to judge a man!
% x0 J6 J9 R7 t' k8 s$ u  I' d9 E" |. q# [2 G
作者: 潇洒地GO    时间: 2011-4-11 09:38
作者: 陶梦寒    时间: 2011-4-11 11:40

作者: ninamanman    时间: 2011-4-11 15:08
1/ Please stay, don't send.
6 k/ j! z: U; L7 _; `& U) ?: B2/ By the way, what is the weather like at present in Beijing?
3 s' n- ?9 Y: y9 _4 v3/ Please convey my condolence and the close greeting to your family.6 E9 @! z8 m4 F
4/ My grandpa always tells us about his hard childhood to encourage us.
# y- e' W% R2 q* t# E9 h$ H" w5/ He dresses odinarily and drives a poor car, who can imagine he is the richest person in the town?
* v* W- ?" m6 _  i; N7 v( }* p6/ 三岁看小,七岁看老。, ]+ ?  T4 {: h( X& t5 C
作者: ninamanman    时间: 2011-4-11 15:14
作者: 宇文亭    时间: 2011-4-11 15:54
) h7 O% ~5 f8 g% k. \
# u9 w, _; M9 K! r
( w- H$ d! l0 e- G4 e+ @( q2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?
& e, ?8 m+ Z& {/ |7 GBy the way, what is the weather like now?
, z! N# w. K# F9 p/ R, Q( P6 x% s6 O% E' E
0 H1 e  C0 _* y( y) D6 m& p" x6 g( I& zPlease give my regards to your family.
' e, Z" x% R; X# l' {5 R  W! x( j0 b! s
4.我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。* i. G1 E5 i$ f" [
My grandfather often tells us his hard childhood to enourage us.
# I& H" q0 i2 A! S  v# v5 h7 w2 w9 W# S1 K
8 M- }/ Z0 L# b+ v1 f8 b8 S; S# h   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。7 ^* ]/ X' x, ?8 G3 Q, Y% ^
He dresses normally, and drives an old car, who gonna trust that he is the richest man in the town?
9 h1 @- Z) \/ v! d4 zDo not judge a person by his appearance.
2 M7 V/ d  ^1 l7 V& K" q$ f* b6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
7 n; h1 p0 V0 y" j/ U6 L; H+ o从童年可以了解一个人,就像从清晨可以看出这天的天气状况。
作者: Nicole-Day    时间: 2011-4-11 21:04
作者: red    时间: 2011-4-11 23:05
作者: 浔城叶孤城    时间: 2011-4-12 10:28
1. I will see my way out, please!8 `( ]* N* C$ q) B# d! S
2. By the way, what is the weather like in Beijng?  h9 x0 N5 y/ ~0 x
3. Please take my condole and sincere greeting to your family.  ]+ z# s+ c0 k- O
4. My grandpa usually talks to us about his hard life in his childhood, which is in order to inspire us.
" \4 V# n% e7 O5 q5. A: He wears commonly with a old car, who would have thought that he is the richest man in town?  r6 k1 I' |: o" c: o; x6 d
   B: You can't judge people with their appearance.+ h4 X& t7 r' G
6. 三岁看小,七岁看老
作者: 李四家    时间: 2011-4-12 15:00
1.请留步,不用送了!1 C5 t2 [2 M  W1 K/ j
Please stay, and I will see myself out!* z8 x; D- R" P0 b  ^

1 T8 f+ v2 ]" ]1 k2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?
! T8 k! v3 K+ Y$ sBy the way, what the weather like in Beijing?6 _% d  f0 c# l# {! s0 \
0 w  ^% E# R- b& A' n) b
6 o$ f! Z( U9 l0 Y) n; [+ }Please give my regards to your family.# k5 b0 B$ d- v* M

" f2 K2 F2 o5 \. F( z& e& g& q4.我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。
1 v: q  `& \+ G8 OMy grandpa often tells us story about his miserable childhood to encourage us. 5 w0 V8 f' y; p0 A2 j) G

9 l9 Z! a1 m+ B$ |9 k' C7 a5 V5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?
% n" _6 i# z( T3 R- |3 T   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。! K% s  _* l9 f0 j8 d/ d+ |

3 _; N1 {; ]+ V2 F! S5 ~* rA: He wears painly and drives a broken car. Who would consider that he is the richest man in the town.
, D, n% l' J& ?- [B: You can’t judge a person by apperance.
1 ^3 _1 K* ^, R  i- A/ j9 U& n% ?" e
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
: D* s" u1 ^3 D- ?# h! A% t% I( ^4 d
' ~3 x% b1 H9 o& W三岁看老,正如看看清晨就知道这一天是什么天气了。
$ b$ Y$ p( U) ^2 K) h' U
作者: ilovebeagle    时间: 2011-4-12 21:54
1.请留步,不用送了!+ N) V& V" ~, L! y
I will see myself out, please.
; g# D  o1 J) x; k2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?
, \  X4 X( G6 Q2 TBy the way, what's the weather like in Beijing?% R7 Q5 b% A( T4 h
7 i/ Q2 z! q3 L/ x3 F- G; EPlease convey my sympathy and warm regards to your family.1 z! w: T6 Y7 o# u+ U% q
$ |, F9 X! A; a: z# z$ SMy grandpa always tells us his childhood hard life to inspire us.9 F5 u2 H. H5 L
5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?* ]' B5 C0 j/ j9 L( P
   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。# k+ d/ U1 U8 y5 ?- Q" b7 j! {; |
A:He wears common and drives an old car, who will know he is the richest person in the town?) d( O9 M/ P8 j
B: You can't judge people by their apperance.
4 ^2 V9 F1 C! h: S6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
/ O3 \% S* L4 s% O# f' ]童年就预示着你将来会成为什么样的人就像早晨预示着一天一样。
作者: 一朵废柴会幸福    时间: 2011-4-14 13:37
作者: Yeh-Trista    时间: 2011-4-19 10:22
. M" r* g& }4 x2 [please keep your steps!
6 Y6 A6 e7 W3 r0 B5 x" }5 `
' g; e) ]+ |6 N2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?
" j# C9 R7 C" P4 h+ Y2 P2 w" c  {' z6 @by the way, How is the whether in Beijing?
- g% s: s7 |8 F: }: g" ]4 Q8 K3 |/ a# t9 E
  G( U* `  G6 J1 a8 eplease show my sympathy and kind greeting to your family.
9 o' ?) j) ~5 M5 F. c# o+ w1 r8 L% @; o' G4 B, M5 O
2 K4 `: Z2 F/ }( }. TMy grandfather always motivate us with his tough story in childhood.1 N2 z3 d: V/ V% ~7 e9 J
2 N1 I+ W3 t/ p# ~% @3 W; `$ X% L; W
5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?! C" \; h4 E# B, N3 X2 n
" J6 I! k; l: ^9 [6 g1 kA: he wears normally, drives a broken car, who can image he is the richest one in the village?9 ^, Y5 x. ~$ Q3 n6 B. t' j
B: that's why you can not judge a person by appearance.$ _5 d' p9 f# h, X) b

, i2 w+ U! V" l$ H) E6 I6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
+ J3 z& f, j. w/ S/ a. D童年决定人的一生,就像清晨决定一整天 (三岁看老)
作者: yyl1984    时间: 2011-4-27 17:35
作者: yyl1984    时间: 2011-4-27 17:35
作者: sain-zihan    时间: 2011-5-1 10:48
作者: qq595264112    时间: 2012-10-30 08:18

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