
标题: 《每日英语第65期》英汉互译:(2011年4月25日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2011-4-25 06:13
标题: 《每日英语第65期》英汉互译:(2011年4月25日)
本帖最后由 雅思哥 于 2011-4-24 22:13 编辑
7 @9 k7 c' a8 Y0 Z" d$ P- q9 |8 M
2 ?4 }, G+ W* W2 M7 O# o今日学习内容: 8 N+ H/ C3 ~9 P2 d0 d0 T5 _% G
4 H. P0 L9 a# T# ^4 A

" V/ p5 n+ Y  n1、我们的对手赢得了比赛
$ Y0 |; Q7 D3 s( o9 p# Q: `( _2 j9 I( O) m& v5 v
2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生.# U: G3 |, V; s" G( C) b* W
8 D+ M2 @, g' U6 I6 s1 I' P& r) {+ m
& t  t$ L* D2 k3 U$ W
9 w& j# U+ I  a6 D% L4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围
1 F- _' Z- x& |+ h& G; ]; Y3 e( U* r$ X+ [" c' t; O+ A! v& }8 T) O
- |1 X! E2 o, E" e3 {# B% y" O1 \  k( N+ Q0 N! P2 j6 ~+ w9 g
6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )
: ^+ ^" v* w! G7 y) p7 ]( i# B! P7 f/ V# z' N
5 }( R4 [" z# x) v! i
日英语的金币奖励规则:& e# I! Z' L" d+ N

/ f+ ]" x# u" p* X6 O7 ha、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<30个金币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同

- u4 a) d9 n5 W- _
& Z5 g1 J& u2 Y, e9 Pb、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!8 ?0 x  F+ S1 n+ S5 I6 J$ n

4 ]2 c0 K: h8 v! i; ic、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励
  q, q% C9 E' w/ k& Z* r9 O5 i
: H5 y% E; O' k
[attach]743[/attach]0 L. E7 R. P+ P4 f
; z9 w0 K8 M9 W: \* X
. C. M) G, ?- T9 U听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~' W) e- k  y# u0 a
# u$ J, u% N8 g  Y9 e
# R3 V" N+ }: C( Q% b. c) [" k

5 Q! C0 `8 J! M/ T; Z3 Z8 A$ t; q; q. a" J/ x. ^& s) D

  T  X  m1 s# r' U0 B
3 d" E$ c" m! A: U: A/ M' {- v* [5 O  A8 x- M
该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
6 Y: B- h# W8 ^& O$ W. G
作者: 戴辰羽    时间: 2011-4-25 07:13
1  Our opponent  won the competetion.
3 i9 J. m1 S/ b  _7 }/ K2 Since  HIV was first discovered in the 70s of 20 century,there were above 47 million people infected with thiis virus,including 14million people were died.
" e9 g: ?! t9 M+ c% u! T% O/ P3 They will  try their best.
作者: 錒明    时间: 2011-4-25 07:33
1, our opponents  won the match
# E; b' B. H0 v: J  s
& G! L# ~& g5 O; V" p' ~- ~$ o( s2, since the early 1970s HIV was first discovered, had 47 million since more people were infected with the virus this year, which killed nearly 14 million people for this.2 G# Q2 b1 D  L' U  m, ^
0 d& Q+ j$ @9 A+ h  `& d( s
3 They avoid the shortage of funds for the project should be failed
- U( P7 N3 r3 O# t: J  c( {
- Q$ l; n0 C) j) h* a& c5 e4, Manager in the office to create a pleasant atmosphere; B  c; E$ c  C, N( N% C8 ~
/ H. c; Y' i* R0 ?, {
5, Some consumers think that organic food can maintain health
  Q, B! V; J7 M4 o& @0 a+ N4 M; m" b
作者: 錒明    时间: 2011-4-25 07:34
1、our opponents won the game) j" H' n$ v6 p2 k  c

& x8 L- n. m0 S/ T7 v; t- R2、since HIV was first identified in the 1970s, over 47 million people have been infecred, of whom 14 million have died.
+ g9 o9 h- v7 F4 q$ ~3 a8 _0 ?! g( k* _" @! f$ C8 V, ?
3、they tried to prevent the project from being destroyed for shotage of money% l; D3 C8 d% ^

3 D1 T! V2 u  y7 g4、the manager tries to crear a pleasant atmosphere in the office  p+ B/ Z3 u- X* w0 M( s6 i4 H/ _
: |% M- S, C& }* A
5、some consumer believe organic foods can maitian health7 T/ b0 g$ A; U' }
' e% ^8 J) T+ O9 f1 w
8 B) Y' i$ [5 E  {
* u8 B! u, d# W4 h5 _2 S4 d& i* A
7 j% x& R3 j: s- G4 `
作者: azuredove    时间: 2011-4-25 08:10
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 郑小恺    时间: 2011-4-25 08:25
1、我们的对手赢得了比赛7 U) k- y+ W: s
our opponents won the game
2 {" j. i2 n+ L; |8 ~8 z2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生.
4 O5 ]; e# `; b. j% m( w; f; Nsince the 70s of 20th centry the HIV was discovered at first time, 47million people have caught the virus and 14million of then have been dead
* ^; z; B. J) M4 z) \3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败
' X  o3 r  Z. ~/ Q5 e7 d1 Nthey should viode the faiure of the task due to short of found
: w- X/ I; v( k- \  e4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围0 j* e4 c: g: C/ C: a6 Z
manager try to create an enjoyable atmosphere in the office
3 R6 {) o: V. r3 K* J7 D. H1 S5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康2 `* T' |& y  C: O2 s# S' E, i
some of the consumers hold the opiont that organic food can keep healthy* i6 _1 E  o" R2 ]
6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )
, i; F+ m9 {+ @% J8 f' f星期一,日本计划发送超过20000名士兵进入灾区在其北部,去完成一个j艰巨的使命,即去处理那些在上个月地震和海啸丧生人的尸体
作者: Susan_Ning    时间: 2011-4-25 08:47
1. Our opponents have won the game.
! Q3 W5 K7 S) i: Z2. There has been more than 47million people infected with HIV, and 14million of them died from/of the virus, since it had been found in the 1970s.
, r' v3 W& }; C8 e" w! F3. They try their best to avoid losing this project for capital shortage.0 ?5 S1 U, b8 s' i8 w: D; E" y3 p- g
4. The manager is trying to build a happy atmosphere in the office.
1 h, n' u  F5 V5. Some of the consumers figure that organic food can keep people healthy.
8 B" h3 }5 m- |( T- d; x  v. u8 R6. 日本计划星期一派遣2万士兵进入北方灾区集中执行一项任务——再次搜救在上个月的地震和海啸中遇难者(中国日报)。
作者: sheepgz    时间: 2011-4-25 09:05
作者: orangesgo    时间: 2011-4-25 09:17
作者: 陶梦寒    时间: 2011-4-25 09:22

作者: cs87arthur    时间: 2011-4-25 10:08
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: mayx0522    时间: 2011-4-25 10:26
1、我们的对手赢得了比赛3 \5 g- B* ?8 c2 G$ H. T0 p: P
Our opponents won the competition.
* T4 e3 r; C, S* _4 T+ m9 r9 |
! x: |" i, d! E( x2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生.
8 O5 u5 Y2 U% t3 T* ^There were more than 47 million people infected with the virus, including 14 million people dead of it, since the HIV was discovered in 1970s century., H: u" [/ u' v: r( M' N
+ r" q# q8 P' T2 |
, {6 Y, b$ Z7 e2 U' u& UThey tried to avoid the project failed in short of money.  j9 F( l. B, l/ P# Y! x- ^

6 S8 A- p8 g! M. J% q/ Y! V  a$ F* u4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围9 F8 p- B# S1 ~  t
The management tried his best to build a happiness atmosphere.8 Y# F5 J& r3 f# X/ j2 }9 Q
- s9 T1 r% d" p6 G) I  r
. N- d% V9 G1 O0 J9 FSome customers thought that organic food could maintain their health.+ c7 ~  P2 o" P( p! E; k$ |3 {$ f* I

% D* X% s. x6 i$ e0 ~6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )
' E6 D+ O3 Z- d7 U$ p, }( n  r日本计划在周日派遣约超过20000士兵进入北方灾区,以进行密集地搜救任务来发现那些在上个月的地震和海啸中丧生的尸体(来自中国日报)- j  V4 Y$ h. [4 Q8 g7 u9 @# E

作者: ry31    时间: 2011-4-25 10:32
1. Our opponent won the game.
6 ?  P5 j+ G5 ]1 G& P' h2. From the first case of HIV was discovered in 70s 20th centry to today, there are more than 47 million people infected the virus, and 14 milion people of them were died for it./ v( U* I" G/ x" ]$ q
3. They try to avoid shortage of money lead to failure for the project.
3 z3 u# u3 c. u4. The manager try to create a pleasant atmosphere in the office.
" C& i4 E- `7 p5 Q5. Some customers think that organic food can help us to maintain ourselves healthy.
4 @6 l. k' ?2 n# G1 P' G6. 日本计划周一派遣两万多士兵前往其北部受灾地区,执行掩埋地震和海啸遇难者遗体的密集型任务。(中国日报报道)
作者: bluesnowman    时间: 2011-4-25 10:55
% B0 k( _4 z1 O0 dThe opponent won the game.
7 L7 }: }' B- E$ x$ i; a. Q# j7 G/ D9 D
# ?: z3 [* y/ u6 e( S, ZSince the 70s in twenty century that HIV firstly found, there are 47 million affected by HIV and 14 million of them died.
# j8 ^8 f2 s6 r/ d! }3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败
1 Z- c& K( Q( V+ r" YThey are trying to avoiding the lost of this profect for its found shortage.7 h; M; z$ c% W
3 @6 ~: y* y% h7 K: ~The manager is trying his best to establish a friendly atomosphere in the office.
3 t7 V6 m- z3 J1 ]" ^5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康& y2 C9 A) n5 @2 Q; T
Some costomers consider that organic food could keep health.* ^" t( I  b8 l: V
6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily ) & k* d9 i: z: \2 G
星期一,日本政府正紧急部署2万士兵前往北部地震海啸重灾区营救和搜寻尸体。中国日报报道。3 F* ?6 I4 [. G! h1 Z1 o
' A6 W5 L6 n5 l" p0 `' Q

作者: Colin    时间: 2011-4-25 11:31
本帖最后由 Colin 于 2011-4-25 11:33 编辑
) l$ K' L* H& M6 t- o% l9 N
1 D& Q7 O7 u5 N1、我们的对手赢得了比赛" h, F7 L& W6 Z7 b
Our adversary won the game.
% j" Y/ N( v* ~" M; R( x4 U* U2 y( q1 m8 [
7 Y; s6 ~! q# {" ~  @* MSince the first time HIV was discovered in 1970s, there are more than 47million people infected by this virus, 14million of which died from it.: H8 G5 E% N* O

! a# z: z6 D$ g# \3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败+ D* n5 M' C( Q" U2 E7 |
They are trying their best to avoid the failure of this project due to capitol lackage.
9 D# `. {: y& }- ^' ~, n1 j* g  y: Y* {+ U; B& Q
3 V( i0 c4 Y* j& PThe manager is making his effort to create a joyful atmosphere in the office.
; T' _# Q3 _- v( P6 V
" G4 f! d0 h& Y& x* @3 d, ?6 ]1 N5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康
% M& }- C# l( DSome customers hold the point that organic food could help staying healthy.
& O) q6 H% M8 f& n0 W& ^8 ^* \; l8 Q+ f6 ?+ j. T
6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )
: y9 q  m4 z" P( r, U- ^; M星期一,日本计划派超过2万名自卫军到北部灾害地区完成搜寻在上个月地震和海啸中丧生的民众尸体的艰巨任务(来自china daily)。
作者: Colin    时间: 2011-4-25 11:37
雅思哥 发表于 2011-4-25 06:13 6 K' j  V! z" s
6 U' y8 S9 @* p% e7 A5 i% p$ U

0 G7 V  t8 Q( G1 D: i3 c5 \8 _6 w- _2、 identified 用得很好! of whom 很妙!
; `) ]3 g7 p# ~" J8 ~) r. T6 K8 U, C5、maitian health 是地道的用法吗? 应该是maintain2 T; x0 ~% }5 Q6 i8 a# E
6、紧急任务- Q4 I1 H/ A( [$ l: z! M' k

/ O# G0 n! ]3 h8 S# g$ g0 K这三个很妙!学习了!
作者: 宝贝儿乖218    时间: 2011-4-25 11:49
1, our opponents  won the match: r. v  R- c% k. O- S
: I& Z% s, G; A. \  g* _5 U
2, since the early 1970s HIV was first discovered, had 47 million since more people were infected with the virus this year, which killed nearly 14 million people for this.
7 v4 F3 ^9 M5 D' f) y; F
/ ~. V! H' Y% U  m0 \, \3 They avoid the shortage of funds for the project should be failed% \* u% Z7 E2 ^, v+ r1 u

8 Y3 H. [4 f2 I3 _& f4, Manager in the office to create a pleasant atmosphere$ A- G8 k# B0 _' G! ^" T$ S: Q
, M5 x7 \  j4 Y; [7 h* R- V$ C
5, Some consumers think that organic food can maintain health
" S; F4 `7 S5 O# o7 t1 R; a) v
+ L: |' P& i0 X  x# I" F6.日本计划发送超过20000名士兵进入灾区星期一在其北部一个密集的使命去恢复那些被杀的尸体在上个月的地震和海啸
作者: 鑢_cosmos    时间: 2011-4-25 12:38
1. Our rivals win the game.
7 v: ~4 Z" W1 H2.Since the first discovery of HIV in 1970s, at least 47milion people have infected with it, and 14 milion among them have lost their lives.
; B- Y# ?* G7 y3.They try to save the project from abortion by tackling its fund shortage.
; L+ G; X0 O6 s9 v4. The manager spares no effort to establish an easy atmosphere around the office.% m3 E& G- ]& N# ~6 {5 q
5. Some consumers reckon that organic food help to keep the body in good condition.  G* _, h) s  X: P  j, K, R
作者: 豆麦    时间: 2011-4-25 13:56
作者: hease    时间: 2011-4-25 14:20
1 Our competitor has won the race.
, T5 H/ `3 U* l. A5 O) c' }/ x* o# z5 ]5 G
2 Since the virus HIV has been discovered in 1970's,there are 4.7million people have been infected this virus and 1.4million has dead for it.0 j, Y7 x4 D: @+ N

& ?! q7 h* ~& `# {3 They try to avoid failure of this programme due to lack of finance.- S0 U7 }+ h+ W" `6 J
- c9 i( t, T/ o/ t
4 The manager tried to maintain relax and easy atmosphere in office.9 G, p, q' e' {7 t* X& L

, b5 g3 g# I. }) g, i5 Some customers think that the organic food is helpful to sustain our health.
  J  \0 F1 u' q' E$ `# H% o. L+ V# w+ q& y0 b
6 日本计划在周一派出2000士兵到南部受灾地区执行高强度任务,他们是去回收上个月在地震海啸中不幸遇难者的遗体。
& Z- [- v  H. c. _  x- H
作者: ninamanman    时间: 2011-4-25 14:36
1、我们的对手赢得了比赛& ]) j1 x; u7 o
The opponents won the game.2 \, N* r) b, K, H* n4 a! |
0 z" H4 a; Z# r! e* q4 X
2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生." f% {6 ~9 b; {- j( j: K4 m
From the first time when the HIV has been found in 70s, 20th Century,47 millions got infected and 14 millions of them died from it.
$ T. U. _+ a. l' V  ?, |5 J7 F7 F& j# j+ N; l
3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败+ ^7 T0 u( d! ?! E" E% g* L
They try their best to avoid the failure of the project for lack of money.
+ f: K7 V0 _" h& `% W$ F  `8 M
6 ?7 u3 M' c/ ^- ]& S& L4 N4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围
) e- o6 y7 b: K1 K9 p% A( ?( IThe manager made efferts to create a pleasent atmosphere in the office., f6 [! U* S$ R+ {/ R. C
/ v* [+ Z5 G& ^" X  n, S# l
5 J; S. Y, Q. N9 R1 q. d4 [. i# R. E  [A part of cosumers considered the organic food can keep fit.
& N& W% b6 [$ y/ F+ N
) w6 k2 d- Z; [& W$ q6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )
7 Z2 u6 W& p/ ^日本计划于周一派出20000以上士兵到北部灾区执行紧急任务——收回上月地震及海啸死难者的遗体。(中国日报)
4 r0 J3 @( x6 O
1 [7 D" M' Y( b. ~$ H2 U
作者: rr_ying    时间: 2011-4-25 15:08
1、our opponents won the game.
& k0 W3 W9 k& E; R2、Since 1970s,HIV was first discovered, there have been over 4700 million peopel infected the viruvs,which killed nearly 1400 million of them.
+ X0 N7 |9 d+ r; P7 M: f1 y3、They try their best to avoid this project failing because of lacking money.
# p% h, q5 y3 ?  u4 U4、The manager made effort to make a happy astmosphere in the office.
  L2 _) I1 k" r6 |5、Some consumers think tha organic food can keep our body health.& f& S# q7 p. t
作者: Friedayip    时间: 2011-4-25 16:25
1、我们的对手赢得了比赛9 X* Q7 {6 ^* R) v+ y
Our opponent won the competition.   P0 Y0 s3 R7 l% _$ i, q% ?% w" X
2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生.7 f1 l7 w3 v) {! f
Since HIV first discovered from 1970, there are more than 47 million people infected with this virus, and 14 million among of them died from it.
/ u' _6 P9 B4 R& k3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败) i( e2 J/ G1 P
They are trying very hard to avoid the failure of this project because of lack of fund.
/ f) n- |" e& X& Z* C! d9 V" D4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围, x2 V3 I" G9 g) W
The manager is trying to create a cheerful atmosphere in the office. ! {: b: Q; `' k  k
5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康9 b6 b( x% {+ C5 D+ R
Some of the consumers think the organic food is good for health maintainence. ! e% o7 l- s# l# J
6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )
4 G: o: n3 b2 e9 C周一,日本计划向北部灾区派遣2万余名军人,彻底搜索在上个月地震和海啸中遇害者的尸体。(来自China Daily的报道)
) h3 w- P/ l  p+ K; w9 ?8 p. y7 U* Y2 A9 l% X' K! v! z

作者: Yeh-Trista    时间: 2011-4-25 16:36
) g: w% a1 J1 B  L/ h
2 [4 X4 F0 W5 o3 @4 a2 Kour rival won this competition (we lost this competition)' y9 F, N- n$ _) |+ @/ r/ U9 ?8 G- E
+ T6 A. e; u4 g5 Z/ D% P
5 T. J! X/ M6 _1 @. dsince from 1970s, the HIV was founded originally, there are already more than 47million people infected this virus, among which there are 14million people died from it.
+ d8 F7 f/ E+ Q) k6 k& Y; `2 E
) y% a2 E5 P. s/ C0 e3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败
' {# C/ d" g4 k2 c3 w$ F9 T. Athey've been trying to avoid the failure of this project because of lacking capital
; z3 B$ E, e0 F( Z2 }8 s+ k& N+ V7 O8 G$ i9 a7 G& \# S
: N, Y) b  Z) `: F& b* Z/ K+ n( rthe manager is tring to create a happy atomosphere in this office
0 C9 n* d3 k) I# Z* w
2 J/ G& W4 G* U2 M; ~  s. ^7 K5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康
+ ?  r( X9 C  ^5 V  Rsome customers think the organic food can maintain healthy4 j5 }+ M; E) i% k1 u: m
3 C7 R' a% j) ]; N, Q* o* L* Z' A6 x
6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami/ m3 ]0 @2 W; w: ~% t
作者: Yeh-Trista    时间: 2011-4-25 16:45
"回收"这个词用的 呵呵;P
作者: 小米粗线条    时间: 2011-4-25 16:51
本帖最后由 小米粗线条 于 2011-4-25 16:55 编辑
8 h2 }# A5 b' Q( g+ [0 ]" W
( T: {, @) X+ l0 d* q9 A( g: z1、我们的对手赢得了比赛' s: ~0 T9 r$ d% w
The rival of us won the competition.8 |- F) n  `/ e, e0 a
) t  L$ ]# S/ @
2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生." r3 w+ C- W$ C! s4 f' C
More than 4,700,000 people have infect the HIV virus since the virus was found during 1970s,and 1400 of them have died.
- ~; G+ _) ?2 w0 o3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败# N7 t; G. ^1 J2 u
They are trying not to make the program failed  by the lack of money.4 U3 h3 h; p8 d- k' \  o, ~% \
4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围。* N6 P3 S4 R5 G
The manager is making effort on creating a delightful atmosphere in the office.' G; ^5 Z$ S7 E# l! c
5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康9 y5 i* G5 O& u6 t
Some of the consumers consider that organic food can keep good health.
2 I! p0 R. f! I4 X" r2 I# j2 M6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )' I( n7 A- D; W4 t) f0 ~& t+ _% ?
- \  {0 Q2 W. F. j% O) M
/ |7 Y3 K( a$ \8 Q8 z  V( D9 u7 t' V7 U1 N

作者: xiao狸    时间: 2011-4-25 17:03
: J3 G" s  Y, L5 t4 y$ C4 IOur rival won the match.
% D3 L) Q# o2 S6 B8 ~( C
6 H- {+ b: m4 u; k; ?6 _2 i2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生.9 h! w" j+ t$ a/ x' Z6 P; i
Since HIV was first founded in 1970s, over 47 million people have been infected this virus, in which 14 million people have died.: \. Q/ y0 l- B" |& f( M

; j+ F* q2 B% }3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败
0 u" l# e* q" X! \  OThey tried to avoid failure from lacking of money.) n& o+ ~* o$ [# T3 a
) K6 }5 y! k9 P9 c1 a( U
8 j# d" q" N# q8 I! f0 W$ @The manager made an effort on creating an agreeable atmosphere in the office.
" O$ k; k# M! s( e. g3 t
$ j% ]0 Y7 `, C$ @6 Z5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康
: ~+ d9 x) g" e2 ?* D4 TSome consumers thought the organic food can maintain health.: ]% w" _6 g/ U

$ [9 I8 [' n3 N. {4 p' `6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )
; G. f7 z- Q& }# N5 v! o- L" I日本计划星期一派遣2万多名士兵去北部灾区,主要任务是找寻上月因地震和海啸而遇难的遗体。
: \- V' C% T; f7 y
作者: 蹦豆    时间: 2011-4-25 17:31
& q) o+ O0 }9 ~2 v7 [  z  C' eOur rival won the game.
, J# Y) X8 a) v; f4 _2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生./ R0 r: w, F7 j5 N
Since it has been detected from seventies of 21st century, HIV has infected more than 47 millions of people among them 12 milliongs passed away.! ~3 {, _% j! }: |, e
% v  f- a3 \0 @" ^. _' vThey try their best to avoid the failure of this project due to shortage of capitals.  }0 T6 U) {8 j& u
4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围! h) N! E/ v' l3 [% T
The manager is endeavoring to create a delighting atmosphere.3 z- K$ L7 ]6 T% e
: {: K# \% S8 y  C9 j- ?Some consumers think organic food as wholesome.
/ r8 i( P; Y/ x& X2 o" {6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )4 ~, K* }* L! k3 [8 [3 ^
作者: cherry    时间: 2011-4-25 19:29

作者: Cindy-穎    时间: 2011-4-25 20:48
1, our opponents  won the match7 J, u% |0 e+ j$ H  o: {
: D5 R0 Q- z1 [/ G' u- m1 B. b! b# o5 m
2, since the early 1970s HIV was first discovered, had 47 million since more people were infected with the virus this year, which killed nearly 14 million people for this.
9 d& W  u3 d. e* I! q6 B3 y6 g" z) Y% l6 p* A6 k$ U+ X3 \# P
3 They avoid the shortage of funds for the project should be failed! [, \# {1 D7 ?+ l6 ], l
4 ~. V, k( W5 H5 k) l- U
4, Manager in the office to create a pleasant atmosphere+ w* X. [. s' M; p  i# O
3 }# J0 k& h$ A( w; j
5, Some consumers think that organic food can maintain health
- U$ B4 N/ _& I  P$ l! m* g! k* _  e& J: c$ `, N7 \' X
6.日本计划发送超过20000名士兵进入灾区星期一在其北部一个密集的使命去恢复那些被杀的尸体在上个月的地震和海啸" h+ _- X% I, z; |

作者: elviass    时间: 2011-4-25 20:52
作者: Qi菓菓    时间: 2011-4-25 21:19
1、我们的对手赢得了比赛  z0 y. W( {1 ?
Our rival won the game.6 A! k* a: o' V- L. D
# w# ^+ I7 y' ASince first discovered in the 70s of the 20th century, there have been 47million people infected by HIV and 14million have been dead." j' k$ k2 J  X, }0 I3 q
3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败( w6 u( v( R! C+ I$ B, ]
They tried to protect the project from failing due to storage of fiance.
2 E6 K7 m" e1 \! ]3 z4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围4 b7 C- G( v% k  r$ G  S  j: U
Manager tried to make pleasure atmosphere in the office.
" p4 U( d1 [0 I6 t/ I5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康. f% `: |' T5 o7 n3 J7 p# k
Some consumers believed that organic food can help to maintain health." |) N6 n3 _7 F+ ~
6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily ) & P  U4 s: F4 A: t( w; t
3 w0 [& g  q+ A

作者: 张_叶_Foliyo    时间: 2011-4-25 21:46
作者: verleen    时间: 2011-4-25 22:44
1.        Our opposite won the games。
8 Y+ f" L" y9 l; y& y2.        Since the 70s of the 20th century that the HIV was first recovered,there have been 47million people have infected the virus,and 14million people were died from it。8 T" k( P3 V7 g% N8 Z# E% b2 F
3.        They try to avoid the failure cause of lacking money for this project。+ f- e$ v0 a' c, c! I
4.        The manager tries to build a happy atmosphere in the office。! n5 g, C: N3 r2 ]; K/ `
5.        Some costumers think that the organic food can keepfit。" j; ^4 H8 \$ b/ I
6.        日本计划周一派出20,000士兵去南方受灾区,目的是为了发现那些在上个月地震海啸留下的尸体(来自中国日报)。2 @! l" R7 z8 @, K

作者: googleyy    时间: 2011-4-25 22:55

$ s  r, j1 r% {1、我们的对手赢得了比赛& q) l2 e# z. {+ r: n7 n
Our opponents won the game.. ]/ F" ^1 T  Q: L0 r2 ^

  H+ v. J$ f' U0 [( A2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生.; {9 k+ _: C4 ]5 W
There are more than 47 million people having been infected HIV and 14 million of them has died since this virus has been found out in 1970s.
5 D2 d' [2 P- U0 M/ t0 s% j$ H2 |$ ~0 D# u9 P
3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败6 d2 o, ]% Z" p$ f
They have try their best to avoid the failure of this project capital 短缺。, V5 B' }9 f- t

1 Y! d& e9 z; B1 e9 h4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围/ O/ P4 l/ i9 X+ Q
The manager makes a happy 氛围 at office.  f7 E$ y5 C& j! \8 i! `
* f' m; l+ l3 B  Z
5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康& r9 D8 m- o' e  |# F8 }
Some consumers think that organic food is good for keeping healthy.4 \; f/ t1 J; v
) T) k+ D3 R& n& s  f
6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily ) ) U" J3 q" _6 f& T
% j& Z9 `0 Z1 w1 ^* |' U/ [
/ N% J! I) ?7 |$ D* h& r9 k+ z
7 ]2 L( A, S! e+ y- |3 w好难哦。。。词汇量不够。
作者: 潇洒地GO    时间: 2011-4-25 22:59
作者: googleyy    时间: 2011-4-25 23:00
作者: 苏不知    时间: 2011-4-25 23:02
作者: LL小懒    时间: 2011-4-25 23:10
1. Our opponent won the game.7 k! ]5 z- L1 L; ~
2. Since HIV was discovered in the 1970s, over 47million people have been infected by the virus, among which 14million people have died of it.
. o- B+ h2 o' `& z3. They tried to avoid the failure of the project because of financal shortage.
* q$ P0 W7 k6 K* A8 F. ]1 E4. The manager made every effort to arouse a pleasant atmosphere in the office.
" _" w! ], l1 M$ q5. Some consumers thought that organic foods could maintain health.9 B- X& y# D1 h) `5 x6 ?. q/ C: Z
6. 日本政府计划在下周一的强力执行任务中派遣2000多名士兵前往北方重灾区,处理那些地震以及海啸受难者的遗体。
6 J( z" e' l5 }4 Q5 D+ j8 P6 F" D! M
作者: Lika.D    时间: 2011-4-25 23:23
1、我们的对手赢得了比赛* r" m6 P  h7 ^, V& l& [
Our opponent has won the competetion
- T5 ^# x3 s9 @! l# l: W! z4 a4 V. q4 P/ {1 @4 e* u
4 R; N; I8 o' c; N$ Q: lSince HIV was discovered for the first time in 1970s, there has been 47 million people infected by the virus, among whom 14 million died of it.
  b. c% P  T; b
1 |& ^3 M* j* N7 ^7 k9 |4 Z3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败/ [5 A; P9 I( ?! `4 D& C0 R; w% i
They try their best to avoid failure of the program for lacking capital.
- s- f( i) U" s2 [+ Q
  Q9 \. f$ X  p3 q/ Y  q3 ~8 Q4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围
  l7 w. I  I3 }8 ~" q3 z' G, DManager tries to creat a plesant atmosphere in the office
5 S' G* l  S* G$ o0 l
9 O" N% A4 H- ~5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康, N% W; X5 y, A4 e
Some consumers figure that organic food can help to keep health.
, p% n# u4 |( P2 K) [
$ I, P" G5 G* E; y+ j6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )
# f* m; V8 h+ U' Y+ I. s4 l周一,日本计划派遣2万名士兵进入北部灾区集中执行一项任务,即重新寻找在上个月地震和海啸灾害中丧身群众的尸体。(来自中国日报)
作者: JohNNy_Chau    时间: 2011-4-26 00:10
作者: 木布吉的歌    时间: 2011-4-26 08:34
作者: 梓為Mars    时间: 2011-4-26 08:44
作者: Friedayip    时间: 2011-4-26 10:18
回复 rr_ying 的帖子
. C( O, q# q# `& w! S% b' g# }3 d
4700 million? 这个数字太恐怖了哦。
作者: biua    时间: 2011-4-26 11:30
our rival had win this game, j: {4 F+ W# G. Z6 l
from 1970s,HIv has been found,4700 million people had infect this virus and 1400 million people die in it
4 R: G8 a. q# ?! B& wthey are avoid the project failure that it is shortage of funds' q4 A& }% N4 l5 p
in the office,Manager create a happy environment
* j) G2 ~7 n9 x: }6 D, e0 X9 O  na few consumers think the organic food can keep healthy
8 a7 |3 v9 P5 I0 w. o% @9 Y- i. C日本计划周一派出20,000士兵进入北方灾区,掩埋和处理那些因为上月海啸与地震丧生的死者。
作者: kichan    时间: 2011-4-26 16:15
, Y, g- _$ {, y- d% y/ WOur opponents won the match.5 R' O% B- f, B' e) Y7 e
, x) |4 _& c. {Since HIV had been found in 1970s, over 47,000,000 people suffered from this kind of virus, including 14,000,000 of them who died from HIV.
4 N' x0 ^; ~( k7 o/ c0 W( C3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败
! p$ S* d5 C" m* w  a  D- L# |8 t0 uThey spared no efforts to avoid the project from failure in terms of funding shortage.
1 O8 f8 L! G+ ?; @; d  c4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围3 s3 d; P0 X5 a3 E/ o: j
The manager tries his best to bulid up a pleasant atmosphere in the office.; i  }) P+ J8 ]: o3 X) X
" G' g0 r2 F& g/ H' zServal  consumers regared organic food as something can maintain their health.' w9 g5 m( O7 t" _7 E3 s" ?- k( W
6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )
8 }- G# L' x, ~8 b  `+ p9 F星期一,日本计划派遣超过2万名士兵前往北方灾区,执行加强力度搜救那些在上个月地震和海啸中的遇难者的任务。
/ o' t) S# v% ~0 `, l
: n; S& W# J& f# ]) @: C9 Q
作者: yyl1984    时间: 2011-4-26 17:17
作者: 幸福小鱼的幸福    时间: 2011-4-27 10:08
作者: 一朵废柴会幸福    时间: 2011-4-28 14:00
作者: rr_ying    时间: 2011-4-28 15:26
回复 Friedayip 的帖子
" B! Y$ V1 x8 y( {* Y/ y8 v3 ~
4 w, w6 ]% V- q  k$ Q4 R% n呀,错了,应该是47million
作者: sain-zihan    时间: 2011-5-1 12:23
作者: 逆鳞蝶    时间: 2011-5-1 22:06
作者: 粉缘love静    时间: 2011-5-13 11:46
, J" A4 _% l+ ?3 e6 j

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