
标题: 《每日英语第256期》英汉互译:(2012年3月4日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-3-4 09:21
标题: 《每日英语第256期》英汉互译:(2012年3月4日)
今日学习内容:8 X% a  [' K, F6 ]- @) W
! k) S# Y4 X* r( m6 K  o% R1 @
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大) V  C# l6 K  S3 D) n- c& W
5 m4 z7 F* u8 D, o, i9 k
2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府6 q6 G8 ~+ [" g6 r; I

0 O& X) |2 l" T6 b" h3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易3 q0 U1 O+ _7 {. n5 t1 W

  }, t4 U' o$ c1 J) T0 X9 Q) N  V% D4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息 1 N  C# G, q. q0 Y2 N
+ y' T0 B4 a3 L$ B" `- t. {1 |9 H
8 ^% t+ f# Q" H: E
$ W* t* h5 @+ c1 s! C# n每日英语的金币奖励规则:
; B  ^; m. S9 K0 K, x2 h$ ?$ p) N
a、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个金币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同+ h* F; |6 s! G0 A# `: K
3 q8 e. T, N- L. W/ S
( W) [- ?5 \! ]* [
: s: F) t/ P8 z% a: ~! Zc、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励

7 c7 P# {+ r' Y9 Yd、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..9 |  {! b7 m. z" ~( `" d! O# t
  0 J. x( N' f" s$ j- C+ A% a

% X; n- o8 X& ^
0 q7 H4 q0 R( F+ i别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯2 A/ `; h3 ^; [/ E, u& ~

, m! f* ~0 U4 G" g5 D( y, {- t7 K, {听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~
. G$ I- T1 n$ V- a7 v  q8 n9 R- P

9 u6 d( m& q+ r- P. C
; }. M1 Z8 y7 S2 c/ t, C& V

+ Z) n, J# i" p. C9 H+ P: D; O; d6 ^; [6 \9 {* Y: }/ }
6 _1 A  @  ~. W, q/ z- d
该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博! R; j8 }( B& p1 ]2 m

作者: fernandoway    时间: 2012-3-4 09:32
作者: .Xiu々xiu    时间: 2012-3-4 09:37

作者: 浣熊    时间: 2012-3-4 09:50
作者: Vered    时间: 2012-3-4 09:55
作者: wyym    时间: 2012-3-4 09:58
作者: 阿宅=目    时间: 2012-3-4 10:01
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大( N" F2 N. Y( [- H
As the development of globalization, the gap between poor and rich country is getting increasing.
3 L3 ]7 W  H: `1 m" i  c& n2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府
  }! h) j0 f; e0 E1 HNowadays, many transnational enterprise scale is similar to a medium-size government.
/ a& G1 H" X$ p3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易
) [; i. E0 D/ ~! c! W4 C* I2 aAs an international organization, the purpose of WTO is to promote the trade of cross-border.
9 c) q' e/ P; v7 a) U. q& {' V4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息 9 ?+ h$ V9 S7 B7 `+ H7 g; d
The decresed in taxes is a good news for everybody.
# e; l3 t5 ~' @4 p7 u0 B5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校0 {, }  B7 [1 g: f# m
I hope to get in to my dreamed school.
作者: 怡___川    时间: 2012-3-4 10:06
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大" j7 F5 @  o5 Q5 t* K
with the deep development of globalization,the gap between the rich and the poor countries become more widely.
7 ^% @  R, p  ]% g2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府7 x5 L4 y- T% X& ?7 q
Nowadays,the scale of many mul-national companys  looks like a medium-size governments'.
+ h0 s6 F% |$ t- F3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易:
* g2 e$ X8 Z& _# dWTO,which is an international organisation,the purpose of the organisation is to develop the cross-border trade., e4 t7 \+ Z* C. j% T$ w3 t* ^
4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
. m2 r# v( d3 c4 c" w" XCutting the tax is a good news for all people.
1 v) t8 B1 l  b& H; R9 d/ r' B  k1 |* V5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校# ]. i$ x  `+ B1 q8 {- V4 l; z, t
I hope I can enter the school which is always in my dream.
作者: lkaya    时间: 2012-3-4 10:10
1. The gap between the rich and the poverty increase with the developing of globalization.) Y8 n0 ]. c1 R3 m

2 N3 Z. y  \5 e1 C, k7 X; j% ~5 v2.nowadays, lots of international company scale as a medium-size government.: @" a* u3 x0 }' U5 l3 s: \

4 m7 t! C; b4 i) E2 |7 n3.As a international organization , promoting bilateral trade is the goal of WTO.
- }2 ~9 W! S' F) L$ }) }6 H. P+ j, T) m% O
4.Tax cutting is a good news to all people.
, w$ M8 T4 g+ z3 R# M! C- t+ n$ z* u: {2 Y5 t* ^
5.I hope i can into my dream school.
作者: zsl12117    时间: 2012-3-4 10:18
作者: 几木1027    时间: 2012-3-4 10:20
作者: 董霏?Gintama    时间: 2012-3-4 10:20
每天看一文。。oh yeah  妈妈再也不用担心我的学习了
作者: 开ˉ到荼靡    时间: 2012-3-4 10:22
3.As an international organization,WTO is aim for promote the trade of cross-border.
作者: qixiaosen    时间: 2012-3-4 10:30
雅思哥能说说什么时候用形式主语,什么时候用人做主语吗? 这体现了汉语和英语的什么差异?文化差异吗?
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-3-4 10:32
With the development of globalization,increasingly number gap are between the haves and have-nots.1 h3 }/ B) t2 t1 q6 V1 r

- c- S, f7 R  Q2 X3 ~2 X1 } 来自 户豆豆-迎辰 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-3-4 10:32
Mark8 R6 ]9 b1 s6 j5 b

6 x+ ^# v4 H" r( j2 A 来自 小狮子cub 的新浪微博
作者: 叶紫←☆鸢飞    时间: 2012-3-4 10:37

作者: 圣诞树    时间: 2012-3-4 10:40
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大$ a; z" D7 O/ J! h' H+ f; S. p
With the deep development of the globalization,the gap between the rich and the poor countries are becoming wider.% U1 y1 v# C0 b# Q9 x1 O' g
2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府# A9 Y  ]  u/ V1 ?! m7 K7 H
Presently,the scale of many transnational enterprises are just like a medium-size goverment.% c8 v! r, X* v1 I# C" q# S
T3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易, w% N8 K. h( m2 {% h
As an international organization,The purpose of the WTO is to promoting cross-border trade.
6 O: Q, \. H' K( w3 \9 W4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息1 P3 Z% d6 G" P. X. B) C
Tax abatement is a good news to all of the people.
, f$ t6 |# V2 y- }" ~ A5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校
. \( K$ l2 X  W) i% L" ?It is my hope that I will have the chance to study in my ideal school.
作者: 蝉知雪    时间: 2012-3-4 10:59
1. The gap between the poor countries and the rich ones is increasing, as the globalization deepens.9 x- U& T! u3 `! w# i, S6 _
" |( J  W! j$ W) m- L, L* u6 D
2. Nowadays, the scale of transnational corporations is as large as a medium-size government's.
: m4 S5 Y# R' ?
4 R- c, o& @$ |" r4 M  c3. As an international organization, WTO has the aim to promote the cross-border trades.
) J! C) x6 d' l' @. @; t& \) ^+ W3 q' d$ C- G
4. Tax abatement is a good news that couldn't be better for everyone.
( a/ [+ {4 K) h4 ^( w; p
% f7 J' f  [* X3 V# T+ K5. I hpoe to enter the school I'm longing for.
作者: 蝉知雪    时间: 2012-3-4 11:02
圣诞树 发表于 2012-3-4 10:40 7 r; z" C3 g0 K% G
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大3 B- V. j- e* ^7 R. }: n
With the deep development of the globalization,the gap be ...

& w. l; ~9 q7 v6 S+ b有好几句主谓不一致哦。。。。只是看到了,提醒下,none offence~~
作者: 米佳琪    时间: 2012-3-4 11:03
1.as the development of globalization,the gap between poor and rich countries is getting deeper.
- _3 x3 W- K( `9 }/ ^1 _
  C( x+ o& g: y: {5 u2.nowadays,the size of many transnational enterprises is as same as a medium-size government.
: b4 }* f- g* K5 y/ t* i: o8 v+ z, I% Y; [, j) ^+ N# e
3.as a international organization,the goal of WTO is to promote the cross-border trade.3 E5 O* U& C* F

' j9 I' f( P# I4.tax reduction is a good news to evreyone.; P& X/ H8 n& f0 G& d
  }4 x0 |1 e  g1 [: J$ |
5.i wish i can go to the school which i have dreamed so long.
作者: aamooooo    时间: 2012-3-4 11:09

作者: cora0507    时间: 2012-3-4 11:29
1. With the development of globalization, the gap between poor and rich nations is enlarging.3 ]/ D, }9 L+ V& w
0 G, P5 d) q* k# ^2 N* y  B
2. Nowadays, many multinational corporations are as big as medium-size governments.
& @( m6 S- l2 s$ D( l
* x$ r/ c3 Z) b$ W1 m% t% k+ d3. As an international organization, the purpose of WTOis to facilitate cross-border trade.
9 d  V4 u% U% i4 W" }
" H$ q& t) p! C* r9 h% ]( Y4. Tax reduction is good news to everyone.3 S) j  s  v* q! J+ O9 @
7 R- V' d& o# \7 p. p
5. I hope to attend my dream school.2 A! X# |1 y3 E% p

作者: Cassie    时间: 2012-3-4 11:43
With  the deep globalization,the gap between the urban and the rural has been increased. 2.nowadays, a host of multinational corporation's scale is similar to a medium-sized government. 3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易. WTO,as an international organization,its purpose is to promote cross-border trade. 4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息 it is a good news for everyone that taxes are reducing.
作者: NancyQC    时间: 2012-3-4 11:45
" m% ~) }" u8 p! U
  U$ |: Z- l. H1 K
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大- J  s. I9 Q0 _& A" k% b. M9 Q
With the deep globalisation,the distance between poor country and rich country has enlarged.' `5 K; c8 n( C! y* ?' I
/ d) Z% J# N1 u# R1 q9 v
2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府0 _. o1 I4 w4 I/ \' t. p8 G
Nowadays,many abroad companies have the same size as a medium -size government.
/ d2 g3 u& Y0 h! C$ T% f' \
* O+ _4 O/ H5 b; d! ~3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易+ J0 {, ], \: ~+ O  X$ U* R5 G
Being a international committee,the purpose of WTO is to accelerate the cross-border trade." O  B5 ?& s* j+ Q
# t' j& X0 l. @# O6 j7 ^2 Q5 a
4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
7 e  M3 j' F6 zReducing tax revenue is a benefit news to everyone .
1 a! Z' H$ a' n1 c: |- x8 d# |
4 n9 A5 z' D  j5 _5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校0 F+ H; S/ v% g+ s# b# [9 b& V) N
I hope I can enter the school that I dream of.. D% i2 m! I; a5 j
  G% p# P% o1 O( k( D( D( S* }
9 h2 z7 r, \5 P. r

作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-3-4 12:02
With  the deep globalization,the gap between the urban and the rural has been increased.- J9 o% ~! v0 O& {
* X, z1 N% g4 P& `/ L! K) \
来自 Cassie0110 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-3-4 12:02
2.nowadays, a host of multinational corporation's scale is similar to a medium-sized government.% E$ l6 w9 }7 O! S
, C; A" K9 I. [) l
来自 Cassie0110 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-3-4 12:02
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易. WTO,as an international organization,its purpose is to promote cross-border trade.
2 d; Y( X7 [* I, D9 ?9 @  a8 \" }( L* f$ q) m! Y
来自 Cassie0110 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-3-4 12:02
4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息 it is a good news for everyone that taxes are reducing.
2 Z0 f* r* d0 Y- _+ m7 p' O, C6 Z5 R5 e; E) c
来自 Cassie0110 的新浪微博
作者: 汪凡天    时间: 2012-3-4 12:12
作者: 仙朵拉    时间: 2012-3-4 12:19
1.        随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大
8 e: a6 B! n; ~% L! I5 Z1 |& fAs the globalization further, the distance is enhancive more and more between rich and poor country. 0 ]! b5 _* t2 d0 I* W
2. 如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府
7 ~0 `/ Q- r6 H! F- HNowadays, the scale of many international companies like a medium scale government.
& f' c. F6 r+ O7 G5 C3作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易
, _1 ^$ r( D3 l  |" Z# MAs a international organization, the purpose of WTO is going to promote the cross-border trade.     T8 b1 Y( j+ A0 j, c6 ]
4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
9 G# ~0 Y4 C/ y( X' l: eAbatement of tax was a good news for everyone.
5 J5 `3 h5 W! A6 \1 F& h5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校5 j( _) R  e" f' U+ h1 o: @$ U: q. e
I hope I can be enrolled by my dream school.  

作者: acillce    时间: 2012-3-4 12:34
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大4 k) X- S2 D5 I/ T
With the global processing, the distance of the rich country and the poor country has been increased.
! H( i' c& R$ L2 n1 k! O2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府* e( H: Q1 ^! h+ ~
Nowadays,the size of many cross-national company equals to a medium-sized government. & t8 Q$ ^- Z. M5 y8 ~
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)- C9 H( ], y2 P
As an international organzition,WTO aims at promoting cross-border trade.
( L" e- E/ M' ]6 T/ Z6 X4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
6 b5 `. i* }) M+ MIt's a good new for all that tax will be reduced.% N! b! n3 ~$ H9 V
5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校7 b7 v, {' Z$ X( B  T  n$ o( D
I dreamed of being admitted by my dream school.
作者: seaknight    时间: 2012-3-4 12:42
8 D" m, y7 I& J/ n/ @With the continuous globalization, the disparity between developed and developing countries is being widened.
6 \, l4 o' Z* m) V" S; N
- ^, C: r1 p: l! n6 f. ~. V2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府
( W; O; {0 W; _/ @4 x0 iCurrently, the scale of some cross-national companies is similar with that of medium-sized governments.
6 Y) y0 ?+ L: F0 P/ V- n2 x0 Y9 G* D% i5 O2 G' j
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易- u% G. m$ g0 j# e/ i! ~. ~4 M5 u
As a international organization, the purpose of WTO is to promote cross-border trade.: s5 p+ Y  R$ ?& p% j

+ X# g& T8 Z; T+ i- \1 a& |4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息 , U" w# S6 u2 ?  @1 ~6 Z
Tax reduction is a good news for all of people.0 V/ i  s. {' W! B3 t
5 b) _; R  Z. x# @& s) y* E0 \) b8 [
# H9 m* |. ]/ m& f1 |I wish to be enter into the school that I dream of.
作者: acillce    时间: 2012-3-4 12:42
第 3 句- D! [4 O+ q! K) ?5 d- M
答案应该是an international.
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-3-4 12:48
8 K, M. g5 O- e: R- [% p! N& @8 ]' b* n9 b
来自 寇里大主教 的新浪微博
作者: 淘之夭    时间: 2012-3-4 13:05
1.with the development of glibalization,the gap between poor country and rich country is getting increased.' O) ~4 Q4 M1 I3 d
2.nowadays, the scale of a multi-natinal enterprise is like a midium-size goverment.
* V- x% C: L2 n7 l3.as a international organization,the aim of WTO is promoting the cross-border trade.1 r" l0 v1 G# }7 G7 I
4.tax reduction is a good news to everyone.
& {" ^4 I/ w) A.i hope i can enter my dreamed university.
作者: TED    时间: 2012-3-4 13:27
the dispairity between poor  and rich countries is on the increase with global+ [5 r/ a& [+ D. u3 E
nowaday,the size of transnational corporation look like medium-size goverment.! S+ q* S' D& ^' Q5 V1 A* x. b
wto aim to promote the development of cross-border trade as a  international organization
5 L& W( p6 {9 G# x' l. w0 Xreducing tax for everyone is a good news.
+ x# J" r5 g: S! m2 li hope i can be enrolled by my dream school.
作者: 麦_TD    时间: 2012-3-4 13:28
作者: Ollie_少年    时间: 2012-3-4 14:13
1.With the development of the globalization, the distance between the poor countries and the rich countries becomes more and more serious.
) X, t/ o* Q* ?  U! O: k4 M
. u1 b- X; S, l2.Nowadays,the scale many transnational enterprises  are equal to a medium-size government.; ~0 m4 x: b2 F( p; r

& o- T; J0 z" F: @3.As an international organization,the purpose of WTO  is to promote the cross-border trade.; B2 _; y( `. u; p

/ ^2 f& i! w2 {! a7 R: @4.It is a good news for all people to decrease the tax.) l* o$ T" k* I$ C3 \( s2 @

2 Q# C) D, I" }9 ?5,I wish that I can access the school I prefer .
作者: 备战IELTS的烤鸭    时间: 2012-3-4 14:15
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大& y* }8 ]+ o& ?9 X0 u  h
with the  advance of globalization ,the gap of between poor conuntries and Rich countries becom increasingly obviousness.
/ U2 D; r# j! g- Q$ D2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府
; H0 M/ `* c2 a' nnowadays,many scale of transnational enterprise as a medium-size goverment.; Y" |% [1 m2 v3 x# l6 l, j
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易
  q( Z' F9 b. [% U$ ^as a international organization, purpose of WTO is promote cross-border trade.
8 O/ Z  O* _. o2 Q4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
; C$ b" ?/ N9 E; ait is a good new for every people to reduce tax revenue .6 I) r3 J2 F% y8 }8 a
5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校.  # `' C" b7 q; p/ ?
i hope i can enter into schools ,which i dream .
作者: 空中ihao    时间: 2012-3-4 15:52
作者: 君擎等晴天ing    时间: 2012-3-4 16:54

作者: Amelie_JL.Loo    时间: 2012-3-4 17:41
我写好了 不知道能对否
作者: sunshine6666    时间: 2012-3-4 17:48
# Q  o! V8 H% |With the deep globalization, the  gap between poor country and wealthy country zooms up.
- V% A6 F- V  h1 b2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府2 j4 f+ o% p5 J, u9 o
Presently many global companies are as big as  medium-size governments.( W  M! @1 E% j/ z
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易
6 J5 t1 l- ^! X) e* OAs a international organization, the target of WTO is to promote cross-border business& v/ D8 E: f$ i3 f0 ^0 y
4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消5 z" s- H2 B+ Y* K0 f
Tax cut is good news to all people.6 B+ n3 y& p+ P; a9 ^1 r
; D9 E0 X+ b  U8 PI wish to enter my dream school.; {" y9 e- Y! i7 b" V1 I; q

作者: 尘封踏雪    时间: 2012-3-4 18:45
1、With the increasing development of the globalization the gap between rich and poor has widened.
+ H$ v9 n$ x, V3 t: A2、At present many multinational businesses size seem like medium size goverment.
2 a6 K! b! R9 M+ A$ t( H3、As international organization the purpose of wto is promote cross-border trade.' E2 C  q6 W+ T* C6 E2 @8 f
4、The tax cuts is good news for all of us.  b! c' a2 z2 C" i6 ~4 ^
5、I hope that come into my dream school.
作者: 非念长安    时间: 2012-3-4 19:22
作者: Walkinmoon    时间: 2012-3-4 19:51
8 f: Z! |! t3 z+ eThe gap of  countries between poor and rich is increasing with the developing of globalization   2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府
, H% n) b( l$ |9 X2 ZNowadays,many international companies' scale is likely to a medium-size government.' n( F- }/ X' z, u" g5 X
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易
1 x* v8 F; `5 c! p/ {As a international organization,the goal of WTO is promoting the cross-border trade.
8 P; T' L$ S) F& l" ]$ ?4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
% `! B! L5 J" a4 TTax cuts is a great new to all people. & s; ~6 D# q0 g* E2 Y6 O' w7 E& s
9 X; T, x+ }; q$ r4 D" S1 [I wish I could enter into the school which I dreamed of.
作者: cztom    时间: 2012-3-4 19:53
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: willzhuhan    时间: 2012-3-4 20:17
1. The gap between poor and rich countries is widening with the development of globalization.
4 N$ \3 N$ K; y1 V2. Nowadays, the size of many transitional enterprises are as similar as a medium-size government.5 l6 S( h# E- s' \; ^8 V6 z7 U1 [
3. As an international association, WTO aims to promote the cross-border trade.$ e" j* O  C* s
4. It is a good news to everyone to cut taxes.
; b' n! Z3 _* Y9 x4 m5. I hope to get into my dream school.3 I5 S* V5 Q: m+ b8 l% d" g

. _! E+ q8 ~/ K, s& ]7 m对答案~
作者: willzhuhan    时间: 2012-3-4 20:23
作者: summer116    时间: 2012-3-4 20:42
1.With the deeper development of globalization,the gap between impoverished and rich countries is increasing.
7 M; a$ b# ?* M  d0 B2.Currently,many multinational enterprise scale  is similar to a medium-size  government.
- ]/ q4 ~- e3 X8 T* g: u3.As an international organization, the  purpose of WTO is to promote the trade of cross-border.
( b4 g- k; G9 G# m' x4.Tax cut is a good news for everyone.+ r0 w( W6 F- b
5.I hope I can get into my dream school.
9 X, W( P- I: a) h$ J# ]7 ?
  }' S' g  J1 w& h7 g7 j8 d+ c! `( n! F

作者: 绿光蓝缘    时间: 2012-3-4 21:01
1。during the globalisation  deep into our world,a big difference is magnify betwween the rich and the poverty country.
7 V- h  E: m2 T; I6 l2.nowaday,many scale of transnational enterpreises is similar with a medium-size government.
  {; J0 G) F% u! V3.as a traditional organization,the purpose of wto is promoting the trade of cross-boder .% p2 X2 z1 }4 f, J% n
4.tax reduction is a good news for all people.
1 s$ {: v+ g2 Z: \+ f# F$ ^5.i hope that i can enroll by school of wish .
作者: 慜青子Amy1994    时间: 2012-3-4 21:02
+ k1 r6 A2 B0 E2 E$ }With the  development of globalization, the gap are become increasingly between the poor and rich country " |9 d/ N* N1 |# ~1 p' D' H
! c5 s: F$ D7 K
2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府;
) K" _- A) M0 c& s8 S4 QToday, enormouse number of oversea entrepreneurs same as a meduim-size government.
" |  Y5 D, a% B; G4 c( q
& T/ U3 i' a& L! j- I& Z4 t# ]3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易
" R/ k% q4 `! hThe aim of the WTO is to promot cross-side economy, As a global orginization.
" k6 z7 Y2 L# a2 }$ \+ E$ r, b, N
- F$ F( b* Y! i$ G4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
, z; n$ H7 P! J9 k) C. |9 ~/ X0 [, iIt is good a news for many prople , because of downsize of the tax revenue
3 k# O. J9 ?3 v. d6 t% d4 p, O9 a4 S$ V+ Z

7 e! }, n& L8 Z5 D3 X. G& R5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校) z" _' U3 C( h* G
Hopefully,  I wish I could entre my dream school.
作者: x、    时间: 2012-3-4 22:28
作者: `甛甛蔨    时间: 2012-3-4 23:15
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大1 s1 i  g  f. E, z' _6 |+ W
The widespead of globalisationthe deepen gap between developed countries and developing coutries% b9 _3 k) Y  c: F" ~+ j

/ L6 }2 v" L% q# }2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府
% l/ X9 A% C4 s7 I4 a6 c2 lThe scale of many multinational corportions nearly overweigh a medium-size government.
; E- E) B: I7 {: e! s  m7 _3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易5 f! S2 F" I: i/ r# i! Z
As a international organisation, the aim of WTO is to boost the cross-border business.
7 \* V( P# j8 B% K% A/ x4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息 3 j! P( i; O8 {9 ^
For all of us,the news of tax-cut is a good one.6 f$ m1 |' S: @5 p
2 S' {' ^8 h/ KI hope I could be admited by my dream university.
作者: 天央彩云    时间: 2012-3-5 00:04
作者: 讲ǎ播ō糖⊙    时间: 2012-3-5 00:11
The further the globalization is, the deeper the gap between poor countries and wealthy countries is.& B, k8 ^: k, i

) b* z$ x7 V* o; ~7 O( N! |" zNowadays, many multinational corporations have a scale as large as a medium-size government.: Y  b0 D8 r6 j9 u& X5 r

2 y5 U" W1 d( r( X* m/ X0 nAs an international organization, WTO is aim at expanding trade.
$ z, B/ W2 U) Q3 u: B
- M* U/ v% u" Y" s+ ~6 @7 [& R$ yTax cuts is a good news to all people.
# N, ]8 z0 \+ W1 ~3 b. u
0 U( z) @( U; ?, m! I2 EI hope to enter my disirable school .
作者: 锦年花开    时间: 2012-3-5 00:40
作者: 跳跃的灵魂    时间: 2012-3-5 00:49
作者: 跳跃的灵魂    时间: 2012-3-5 01:01
作者: 跳跃的灵魂    时间: 2012-3-5 01:23
作者: ★._isa..ヽ.    时间: 2012-3-5 05:39
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大9 _% N& z+ F! g- v" m) c: z$ U1 p6 T. s' F
The gap between rich and poor countries are increasing because of the globe
0 G/ t5 `( s, N2 p1 y2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府0 K1 r$ u% P, M
& e/ O, x% e( ^4 H ) Now, the morden of indrustries  are same as medium size government9 {! E. F' m% U0 L" }4 o
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易
7 w- H9 J& m9 z 4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息 5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校
/ N) n4 ~9 L% J4 S4 H! ]
作者: 陆梦昕    时间: 2012-3-5 08:53

作者: crane    时间: 2012-3-5 09:33
1、With the deepening of globalization,the gap between the rich countries and the poor countries is widen.
" U* i& x7 v1 Q! c2、Nowadays, the scale of many transnational enterprises is equal to a medium-sized government.
% Z2 l4 q7 X! t/ A  D2 @3、As one of the international organizations,WTO aims at promoting cross-border trade.
( s5 Y6 N. }* H1 B$ V& S0 K4、Cutting tax is a good news to all the people
. A- E3 ]# ~1 L) ~5、I hope I could be accepted by my dreaming university
作者: 康娃。。。    时间: 2012-3-5 10:00
作者: 康娃。。。    时间: 2012-3-5 10:09
increased  雅思哥    少写了个a...
作者: smlieshaw    时间: 2012-3-5 10:24
作者: Gabirel_yrg    时间: 2012-3-5 13:40
1. As the globalization going deeper, the gap between rich country and poverty country is becoming larger.
1 }& P  f) W6 Q2. At present, many international companies' size is as large as a medium-size government.
4 a4 V5 |# S+ B9 A3. As a international organization, the purpose of WTO is to promote the cross-border trade.
* F9 P/ |) p* t; ^4. Tax cuts is a good news for most people.
- A! d( I. q  v( D) s* L" `5. I hope to be enrolled by my dreaming school.
作者: 雷雷媚    时间: 2012-3-5 14:43
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大 With the deep-going way of globalization, the gap between poverty and rich countries has been growing.1 Z/ w8 V) j0 n+ g$ _1 s, i
2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府 In this day and age, most of transnational enterprises are like the government in medium-size.
4 e- }5 c/ M  _) l  ^1 ]4 w0 \7 ]3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易 The purpose of WTO is promotion of cross-border trading.( m6 q- E4 K2 Q7 T
4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息 Tax reduction is a good new to everyone.
6 v( [' F' ]: `. K5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校 I hope I can get offer from my favorite school.
  B  M4 D" ^$ G
作者: wusichao58    时间: 2012-3-5 14:58
= =积累点巨星
作者: bberwe    时间: 2012-3-5 16:04
作者: Tachiol    时间: 2012-3-5 19:29
have a look
作者: 撒比西黑眼圈    时间: 2012-3-5 21:50
With the development of gobalization,the differences between developed and developing countries have been increased.
  `2 r6 A! r+ |; N+ hNowadays,the scales of many transnational enterprises are as huge as those of medium-sized goverments., x2 X+ l- _3 X. Y( e3 M6 D
As a international organization,the porpose of WTO is promote the bilateral trade.
/ B5 d; H- r1 `+ G3 F0 r  RTax reduction is a good news to everyone.& n# S) T' a. C1 B- N/ r5 z, g- L
I hope i could enter my dreaming university.: I$ {. b# r, {

作者: SeeEvelyn    时间: 2012-3-6 14:13
作者: 清晓-77    时间: 2012-3-6 14:35
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大# S/ x$ z; P3 I. Z/ z5 T0 I* x4 G/ W6 [
The gap between the rich country and poor country is widening with the deepening of globalization.+ Y$ T/ j8 M; G+ a
2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府
* E5 f: H  w3 P1 g3 j+ Q) GNowadays,the scale of many transnational companies' is like a meidium-size government's.! _1 M2 i; B8 d7 z2 \# ]2 G/ n0 u9 V
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易5 C, T) C9 l. V0 L1 R
As a international organization, the aim of WTO is to boost the cross-border trade.
" P) F+ S7 v9 X+ w1 v4 `3 r4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
# S, c  ~7 J# R7 ~* u4 eTax reduction is a good news for everyone. - E4 F+ L4 l! {/ ^: ]4 g1 r
. A  R5 ]% J& \0 G8 C7 NI hope to enter the school I dream of.- Z! f: k0 F4 y- v' m9 s8 Q

作者: okho    时间: 2012-3-11 21:10
作者: kurama1221    时间: 2012-3-12 19:31
( w" w2 ^# t$ U5 s" d5 NAs globlization becomes deeper, the bridge between rich countries and poor countries are widening.
& S3 m" Z, e1 ?" z  s" W- c2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府
/ l5 g; H* k3 ^Nowadays, the scale of many transnational enterprises is as the same size as a medium-size government.
" n- X- {2 [- C3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易' E; v5 m9 l+ ?3 B
As a internatioanl organization, the purpose of WTO is promoting cross-border commerce.. S, p; |/ Y% i" }! }$ @) v
4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
2 O/ n) W1 H* Q! j4 O9 @The tax reduction is a good news to everyone.4 J3 P/ O* {7 \/ v6 G; A/ \# a
$ J; W& S6 Y& F* [; B8 sI hope to enter my dreaming university.
作者: wisely    时间: 2012-3-14 17:35
作者: vivianlu1116    时间: 2012-3-15 17:01
1.        With globalization deepening ,the gap between rich and poor countries enlarges constantly.
7 Z7 j& v( h8 Z! ^& r$ A  E2.        Nowadays,many multinational enterprises’s scale is similar to a medium-size government.
- T8 N* D  M2 V- K7 Y  C6 Z3.        As a international organization,WTO aims to promote the cross-border trade.8 S1 x" y5 x' q1 n* q; H' t2 ]0 A
4.        To all the people,tax reduction is a good news.0 e1 t; Q7 j6 Q$ d8 F5 E, G: N
5.        I hope I can acquire the admision to my long-cherished school.
- r1 a+ ]1 g# f% \. x) n8 f4 W3 ?
作者: Joanne小小茵    时间: 2012-3-22 12:58
stuffed nose:Q
作者: 卷卷    时间: 2012-4-13 12:55
作者: Susie    时间: 2012-5-10 11:40
' \' k2 ]$ i5 m0 T/ G% r, X. j" fWith the spread of globalization,there is an increasing gap between rich countries and poor countries.4 }+ `, c$ t* z& y9 ]1 D
/ Y6 U9 Z" e' ?# w" g  T7 K
2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府8 }3 Y7 K1 r  p: N
Nowadays, many nation's companies is as same as medium-size governments in the scale.: |9 k) c! U1 h9 M  Z
  d5 n& ^% m' i" A9 i9 X8 u2 |
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易* B- d- o0 c' g  E: |; K
As a International organization, WTO aims to promote cross-border trade.
/ V. {. @2 Q- z) _. K: x# K
  D$ ~/ v4 U# o: N- \: J4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息
' K- t4 [8 }: Y. q( ~$ x: SReducing taxes is a good news for most people.
2 a% `5 w9 X9 A3 F# ]2 e
; i# |2 A3 w  t& c' ?; D4 s5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校4 _7 [8 J. I! N  m+ H; k8 t
I expect to enter the school I prefer.
& Q5 g- ^( p6 w8 R0 a' m9 P+ ]2 d9 |& T/ h+ b( K( b

作者: fernando    时间: 2012-5-29 23:15
With the globalization of thorough, the distance between the poor countries and the rich countries is increasing.
: H% t- H% _  E" E5 }Nowadays, the scale of many multi-national businesses equal a medium-size government.
2 H! H2 n+ B6 f# p) h2 t; q! OAs an International Organization, the destination of WTO is to facilitate the cross-border trade.
% O& S! N& P5 t$ G% ITo everyone, decreasing the tax, is a good news.
$ V3 Y' J+ l, w. f1 CI hope that I can be admitted to go to the school I dream for.
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-7-15 21:36
1.随着全球化的深入,穷国和富国的差距增大+ Q% Y8 z1 N" I9 h: b) B
with the deeping of the globalization, the gap between the poor and wealthy countries is adding.
* \8 y/ w# F6 o9 T2.如今,许多跨国企业规模如同一个中等规模(medium-size )的政府
; F8 N2 w: K4 S% f& u+ [9 Nnowdays, the company size of many multinational enterprises are the same as a medium-size government.2 v  ?, l  K- {* z
3. 作为一个国际性组织,WTO的目的是促进双边(cross-border)贸易6 L7 E% k1 U1 v3 {4 h: T( l
as an international organization, the aim of wto is to improve the cross-border trade.- c) X  F1 n/ L5 N4 R
4. 减税对于所有人来说是个好消息 $ U# c! ^* h! \" L
cutting tax is a good news to everyone.
" _! ~# s9 ?  O0 R2 H* O! B5 {% m5.我希望进入我梦寐以求的学校
9 @6 q0 d; H4 ?" G- @/ Li hope to enter in to my dreaming school.
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2019-10-23 16:30
very good

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