
标题: 《每日翻译第341期》英汉互译:(2012年6月4日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-6-4 05:56
标题: 《每日翻译第341期》英汉互译:(2012年6月4日)
! t, N1 Q9 i& x* u6 Q

5 `+ v* L  Z& K  h
; g1 [3 r( J$ T  ]2 I1 I" S9 ^8 A6 w
2.瑞典的独居人数比世界其它国家都多5 p& O9 H1 k8 r2 G5 i

: z0 g6 i" O  B! [: g0 C3.排在其后的是挪威,比例为40%
3 U' k% o4 Y3 [, f3 ^0 Z; N% u% c* x- G$ ]& `: J3 I) W4 W
- w( w; ?+ y: j9 B+ l6 H- t# s  j9 {
5.It changes the way people understand themselves and their most intimate relationships.

, J; j4 J# ?0 N- p0 s! C8 |每日英语的金币奖励规则6 ]' i; W1 X+ U9 K9 w) H
a、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个人品币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同) J. L( P4 |4 e! k: m* c( J& K+ ]
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!! x, k& ^/ V! n& g9 B
! H7 n  V" q3 }5 ^8 k! E- ?
d、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..; h+ x' R. x$ y! v
2 m' ^5 M% u- T( T9 s5 x, f. f+ ?3 X" g0 Q
=======我是插图=========2 n! m3 Z8 X$ K

5 l# a3 m. u* ?3 S# N" K
' L9 L) m7 q# |& {- M& ~$ }. d) I7 N3 D9 A7 y; e7 O# z+ k0 a
=======我是可爱的插图=========7 L/ U, g' s, `8 |' Q, r. C

+ Y4 _( z& m) m
4 x, I" `$ o; V. m2 _别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯
8 ~; Y$ N. l: N. l. R$ S
/ r1 i% U4 Q  `3 Z# S. u1 d) j听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~1 i( E' w( v2 }1 Y* T

, H8 I1 Q+ g# b. K参考答案回复可见

2 [" i; \1 I" ?9 X7 A* \$ A  E4 P# l5 O6 J& ], e

* m2 v; E6 e: H2 _& S

8 U) s+ B3 J2 g1 A; }9 u; ~/ s, ]
$ C, l3 }, W5 \% x! W
! Q- {3 o$ T2 I" x

" J3 `4 _% Z9 S" }5 W( @# j" A
. I! H( b9 I+ Y1 ]/ n0 J 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: 葛小芥    时间: 2012-6-4 06:26
先占领 后补充
作者: 浣熊    时间: 2012-6-4 08:38
1, the number of solitary people in the world creased rapidly .' ~  E! S& E! p6 v: @
2, the number of solitary people in the sweden is more than other cuntry.8 f7 @! y! D6 I! \1 }
3, the second most is Norway, the proportion is 40%.; f% x* ?! G9 d% }# [0 [
4,  solitary life rising brings the reforming of society.7 U9 B6 [/ y+ @0 `4 e2 ]0 A# N; l
5,  它改变了人们理解自己和亲属的方式。
作者: ophelia    时间: 2012-6-4 10:09
1.The number of people who live alone throughout the world has increased dramatically.9 _+ T0 J9 R" W: a: F, o

8 J0 Y% c/ q  V) ]" W2.The number of people who live by themselves in Sweden is larger that that in any other countries in the world.
. o$ W1 U2 _5 j2 `" u. F, @$ Q- p% O, F/ a' ?, d
3.Following behind it is Norway,which accounts for 40%.# s+ N5 h& p! U) @" W/ M! Y6 P$ P

/ ?( G7 M% Y7 o. j7 \4.The popularity of living alone will cause the revolution of social experience.  W+ n5 W2 s% e4 }

- n& d& l, H/ s, D3 ^0 P; j& j3 v( y9 e5.它改变了人们对自己和最亲密的人际关系的理解方式
作者: 毛毛羽    时间: 2012-6-4 10:22
1. People of solitary lifetyle are incresing steeply.+ L/ O/ R5 K) e8 b

8 R: n8 A9 `1 Q7 |0 K2. The number of solitary people in Sweden is more than any other countries., ^/ Z: U% D* D3 h) k) e! V
6 M4 H* l- Y$ q" U
3. While Norway comes next with this percentage of 40%.9 K) |% i" T# m" _9 F
6 Y8 e, N) j8 {
4. Social changes take place due to more and more solitary." Y) o( n7 n9 M4 a3 i; N6 V3 t) O

: N( \. j. _# V9 C& o( R7 l5 Z5 S  E. j5. (独居)改变了人们对于自身和至亲的了解途径。
作者: 会城门妞妞    时间: 2012-6-4 10:33
作者: 山阳庆麒    时间: 2012-6-4 10:43
People living alone are increasing quickly;
4 Z9 J2 g6 }% }$ B( ?Amount of people living alone is greatest in the world; i# z  x+ P8 [$ x! ~
Norway which the the second amount of people living alone, the percentage is 40%;
4 K4 ^: z$ @, k, J3 {0 {
作者: shuoli9    时间: 2012-6-4 10:46
1.全球独居人数增长迅猛& I/  W: A  m
: Y  u- M% ~4 ~6 M% J5 j! GThe global living alone people increase rapidly.$ i6 t) [# `  {
2.瑞典的独居人数比世界其它国家都多) r+ ?, U) C8 r: P& y+ t
' x  |3 _6 T4 W9 K% o! SThe living alone people in Sweden are more than another countries’ in the world.
. o9 P! o5 F2 O4 X1 r1 [/ E3.排在其后的是挪威,比例为40%
3 M; o" f" A  m% H# k% nThe last is Norway ,its percent is 40%
3 d0 r1 F2 L# ]2 l) M$ u8 N4.独居兴起引起社会经验变革。1 f9 ]+ G. h( V, k. G% Y
The rising of living alone leads to social experience revolution.1 l% T  d6 m( t* T; U
5.It changes the way people understand themselves and their most intimate relationships. 6 x; T$ x$ D/ m5 ?. o
它改变了人们认知自己的方式以及他们之间最亲密的关系。  y+ ~4 V$ L- o3 b- l& k& T. _

作者: shuoli9    时间: 2012-6-4 10:47
作者: wtuyp    时间: 2012-6-4 11:22
1.全球独居人数增长迅猛7 p8 u, g! e) o- D) L; ]
The number of people living alone is soaring all over world.
. R  d) s, X2 J1 G2.瑞典的独居人数比世界其它国家都多
+ j) C  O+ w, oThe number of Swedish people living alone is much more that other coutries in the world.
" {  Q. J1 `% N" }; R& O7 w3.排在其后的是挪威,比例为40%
0 ?3 [5 v2 v# @* ]Norway makes up the proportion of 40%,which is the last place.
7 v6 v- d  Q9 H* h: i: B$ R1 b4.独居兴起引起社会经验变革。& l1 z: X+ Q( d9 H3 x
Raise of living alone leads to reform of social experience.
& n, ^0 o4 o0 X) Z; w; o5.It changes the way people understand themselves and their most intimate relationships./ }1 r) y( L2 U4 Z% z/ X- P7 X# m: C
作者: ht吾st    时间: 2012-6-4 11:57
1.The number of alone resident in the world is increasing quickly.! E! m# M' X9 C! D) \
2.The number of alone resident in Sweden is more than that in other country.) R# E1 g& x% t+ C
3.Secondly, it is Norway, 40 percent of population is alone resident in this country.
5 X  Z/ V! I+ T, B. Y0 E4.The appearance of alone resident leads to change of society.
) V1 y4 {& X% Y  d' B9 F
作者: 机器猫_小猫猫    时间: 2012-6-4 13:08
( N2 Z. O# r0 Uthe number of people living alone increase rapidly all over the world.) Q3 v3 ~2 ?7 i. ?- n9 s& B- b  i- Z
$ d7 C+ q, L7 ?( x" \) }/ |Sweden has the most people living alone that other countries.
; k* u  t$ w3 N0 }3.排在其后的是挪威,比例为4
' A) R2 m3 t9 Z& R! xthe following is Norway ,with the proportion of 40 percent.
7 |* {# z: }& h: J5 }) i, N4.独居兴起引起社会经验变革。
1 I$ k% V! E/ y6 z( x2 xliving alone may arouse society revolution.
+ G. D# E8 S* u: h5.It changes the way people understand themselves and their most intimate relationships.
+ m0 k# d3 f0 B它改变了人们理解自我和他们的最亲密关系的方式
作者: lvaiwei    时间: 2012-6-4 13:12
作者: 机器猫_小猫猫    时间: 2012-6-4 13:12
The rise of living alone has been a transformative social experience.这句话怎么也想不到~
作者: Sandrachou    时间: 2012-6-4 14:50
1. The number of people living alone in is soaring all over the world.  @1 p3 ?. P# r7 n3 N' g
2. The number of Swedish living alone is much more than that in other counries. , b4 J/ ~$ J6 s
3. Norway makes up the proportion of 40%, which is the last place.% w( d$ G: X4 c* J8 }
4. Rasing the popularity of living alone leads to reforming the social experience.$ s4 c9 O: N/ @9 i1 U6 M' g
5. It changes the way people understand themselves and their closest relationship.
作者: 毛怡君    时间: 2012-6-4 15:54
1.全球独居人数增长迅猛.1 h0 T  E, m) }7 F& O) {8 W7 J! [
There is a rapidly number of people who live alone.
+ [, \$ W- m  u( L! z- _& m2.瑞典的独居人数比世界其它国家都多.
% x, ^, v- k; n  x7 @The number of people who live alone in Sweden is more than the other country.- L+ a7 p0 ~. C8 h
# ?, b; r: R) n4 P% O6 V- z& n6 ]Norway is behind Sweden,the proportion is 40 percent.  J" h6 [/ e" Q# }8 V" A; M0 Y4 \
4.独居兴起引起社会经验变革。# x/ R1 ?( c6 f1 V! d4 H' ?3 U! S# \
The popular of livong alone cause the change of social experient.
+ |/ z/ D( v* D2 C4 ]5.It changes the way people understand themselves and their most intimate relationships.
1 ^3 N: i- E/ H) P1 M2 [: v(独居)改变了人们自我理解的方式和他们最亲密的关系。
作者: i_Sue-Raid    时间: 2012-6-4 15:55
the number of the people who live alone around the world is increasing.
作者: 小么的国度    时间: 2012-6-4 16:52
1、The population of living alone suriprisingly increased.
! w2 n9 D8 U8 ~3 z+ w( H2、The population of living alone in Sweden is more than other countries.
) c3 D  U7 e5 t/ G/ ~3、The next behind is Norway,which owns 40 percent.. g$ G( o7 L% a9 y0 A# V, z
4、The popular of living alone cause the revolution of society's experience.
8 ]' n* q" _4 e) `# V% m4 {5、这个改变了他们看待自己以及与自己亲密关系的人的方式
作者: qimiaobu    时间: 2012-6-4 19:07
一:- W( D* m3 D2 {4 {& O  g' A4 K) A
1.        It is dramatic ascended that the population of sole living all over the world.
! J3 Z! L& z3 }0 E2.        The number of person who living alone in Sweden is biggest than any other countries around world.& s0 E( D- {7 W
3.        Norway as the rate is 40 persent behind it.
+ ?# @. Z! X; i" g& l2 z3 G9 x4.        The blooming of living alone had caused the revolution of the society." P( p( L. I8 U" L- {
5.        它正在改变人们对自我和与他人之间亲密关系的理解方式。1 u! Q- @& W; G+ ^( u

作者: qimiaobu    时间: 2012-6-4 19:08
二:2 I& z7 J" n3 j. d! y2 I* R4 T8 _) v/ d
1.        The number of population who prefers living alone increased greatly all over the world.3 M$ J  X/ m) r7 }* v) u& a
2.        When compared with any other countries, Sweden has the greatest population who prefers living alone.
9 b& u4 u  T. E/ z  p* E  m3.        Next one is Norway, which represents 40% of the whole population.
+ ]5 |) ^9 O: Q1 z8 c6 u4.        The booming of living alone may trigger reformation of social experience.! _) ?( G& w$ t  r; z
5. 独居改变了人们自我认知及对亲密关系的认知方式。
作者: 余丽荣11    时间: 2012-6-4 19:28
作者: 鬼鬼的玫瑰    时间: 2012-6-4 20:03
The figures of global solitaries skyrocket.0 {8 `+ o' M* i0 z
The number of global solitary persons grow rapidly.0 H4 |0 p3 c  t8 I4 _, F

$ C1 m+ w% U; ?8 P* |# w; g7 kThe numbers of solitaries in the Sweden are greater than in all the others countries of the world.
, T+ @/ G. D# tSolitaries in Sweden are more numerous than in other countries of the world.  u* _7 |' d$ [3 E5 i! S9 J( P

+ b5 R9 z: ^% h, s  WFollowed by the Norway , the percentage is 40%. : ~- T$ ^3 Y1 o' R
The Norway came in the 40 percentage points behind.: {' S" K! l3 y4 z5 v+ _( `

' i4 \, c( |! c0 f% f9 Y5 YThe rise of the solitude caused the reform of the social experience.- m$ m% k3 c' p/ D% d4 s
With the emergence of the solitude the social experience is changed.
$ u7 D. p% M7 M0 w* S
% `3 N) g0 K2 {3 s4 J) t它改变了人们理解自我的方式,也改变了人们最亲密的关系。
9 M- O% h# M3 H; Z& z# }' V3 y
作者: 木子木X    时间: 2012-6-4 20:14
作者: 脚印zoe    时间: 2012-6-4 20:27
! e6 F6 {0 Z6 {3 u# p/ B. Q, t
8 U& R' n* Q) q) g9 S& h( t The population of people who live by themselves is increasing quickly globally% T8 v* K) C/ j6 c
2.瑞典的独居人数比世界其它国家都多/ {& ]$ G4 F( d( A) R, J% F
The number of people who live by themselves in Sweden are more than other country in the world.
' `! ]/ ]) D; u/ q' w' O3.排在其后的是挪威,比例为40%
2 V3 {6 p3 `/ K+ q( {( YNorway is ranked in Sweden and its rate is 40%.
3 g5 q8 w; Y/ D8 B3 N0 \4.独居兴起引起社会经验变革。9 h2 y+ q5 s. [/ S- b; p
Living alone lead to the revolution of the social experience.* k$ w; m6 U$ Y
5.It changes the way people understand themselves and their most intimate relationships.( @' O0 H8 `" h
作者: fernando    时间: 2012-6-4 22:47
The global population of the people who live alone is increasing swiftly.! w& G5 d# b$ U: ^& N; H) X5 L% i
The population of the people who live alone in Sweden is more than any other country in the world./ S/ |0 V1 Y; Q4 i$ ~, P# |
Norway is the 2nd behind Sweden,whose the percentage is 40%.9 D* y# w" @: ^! U
Rising of living alone leads to the social experience revolution.* W- a! k. p$ x1 L
作者: cztom    时间: 2012-6-4 23:44
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作者: 匿名    时间: 2012-6-5 07:03
雅思啊[tthread=az2021060, 森林]http://app.qlogo.cn/mbloghead/e8ee1f2a8ec79463a132[/tthread]
作者: 张_叶_Foliyo    时间: 2012-6-5 12:38
作者: 竹林清泉    时间: 2012-6-5 22:42
The number of solitary people in the world increased rapidly .
作者: jackxbf    时间: 2012-6-6 09:12
1. The globle living alone people increases rapidly/ _$ p9 R6 C9 U# X) M& }8 \
2. People living alone in Swedish are more than any other countries all over the world
& a' O) p& X1 J6 E8 ?, S- J+ q3.Norway is the last one which have 40% living alone people
. O+ ]0 l; t1 ^: N. z, r# O: r4. The popular of living alone makes a social experience evolution
' O/ s5 D/ z0 e/ |9 R5.独居改变了人们对自身以及至亲的了解方式。
作者: Little    时间: 2012-6-6 14:41
作者: 暖.暖    时间: 2012-6-6 16:34
本帖最后由 暖.暖 于 2012-6-6 16:57 编辑
; c& M8 c5 w- f8 D9 _0 ^
+ R* i3 [' N/ r1.全球独居人数增长迅猛
  z" n0 h) i3 R$ oThe number of the people who live alone are increase fast.7 T8 U: ]0 ^+ h2 h4 z
2.瑞典的独居人数比世界其它国家都多. \' x( y# W1 p: Z( n3 W9 O, p% z
the number of the people live alone in sweden are more than other countries in the world.
& w0 X# @/ _+ q9 }4 V3.排在其后的是挪威,比例为40%
! d1 S- Y# E; L- W. \then norway follows by,it is about 40%.
: Z9 O. X2 w' X4 _4.独居兴起引起社会经验变革。
5 Q# ?$ J2 G" t! R9 j4 O! |Living alone cause the revolution of the social experence" G0 m& S5 Z& B' x2 |3 W
5.It changes the way people understand themselves and their most intimate relationships.
) \% E0 h- |' {" C4 v6 Y# r, w8 Y这种现象改变了人们对自己和亲友普遍的了解方式
作者: 元宥伊    时间: 2012-6-6 21:51
作者: 243719799    时间: 2012-6-7 15:25
1.the number of the people who live alone has increases dramatically thoughout the world6 X4 L2 Q* Z5 S
2.people who lead a solatry life in Swidish is more than the people in other countries.
  _/ J' w5 S0 m7 Q' m3.following is nuowei, which has the percentage of 40%+ D, [- \( V; j1 M
4.the thrill of the solo life lead a vital revolution of the socail experience
+ @" i9 j$ }/ N  `5 y* m5.它改变了人们对自己的了解和基本的人际关系
作者: heechuldonghae    时间: 2012-6-8 09:43
just do it!
作者: Joanne小小茵    时间: 2012-7-12 22:55
作者: lunlic    时间: 2012-8-3 10:10
作者: 夕舞    时间: 2012-8-16 23:56
版主辛苦了   我是看答案的回复~~
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-4-30 21:54
, f4 v  }! m, n$ P' k$ [3 hthe quantity of solitary people in the whole world increases sharply.! D, P, u  I* @$ b/ I% @; s6 _2 C
2.瑞典的独居人数比世界其它国家都多4 a" \2 e% p& s! X- c5 D
the solitary people in sweden are much more than other countries in the world.
' [4 a$ ]4 ?+ a- u( F2 q3 S% ]7 g3.排在其后的是挪威,比例为40%' T/ N5 K7 O- x0 i* s4 k
norway is at the bottom, its proportion is 40%.
) O  g; W6 @0 r# A- ^4.独居兴起引起社会经验变革。- e) V- N3 _. _' r5 y7 x
the rise of living alone caused the social experience recreation.
2 |$ d) W' `! n% u* F# {7 A7 Z5.It changes the way people understand themselves and their most intimate relationships.1 Q8 s+ \6 e- T9 x
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2019-6-5 11:18
very   good

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