
标题: 《每日翻译第372期》英汉互译:(2012年7月8日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-7-8 07:34
标题: 《每日翻译第372期》英汉互译:(2012年7月8日)
今日学习内容:6 O: L9 j7 }/ M5 ?, l0 h0 ~0 a' ~$ H: ?
1.   一个更小的、更便宜的iPad即将到来。
' s2 k. C1 t1 i' H# x! C# T2 r7 x/ C3 s  _+ S! Y7 t. o
2.   Kindle Fire是极少数在平板电脑市场上对iPad构成实际威胁的产品。
6 l/ O7 s# T5 j1 H
% d& w! b; x6 g1 u5 r, I3.   越来越多的分析师开始相信一款较小的iPad的到来是时间问题,而不是会不会有的问题。3 B+ q/ G) z! I

( u+ S( y6 w5 w1 m% @, f. j7 [7 w; a4.   史蒂芬•乔布斯曾经说过7英寸宽的屏幕不足以来制造一个优秀的平板电脑
) i% J- J0 U0 q4 R0 E1 G  W6 _/ c. K
( G+ s" `, _7 K5. Apple shares earlier today made their first foray past past the $600 billion market capitalization level before being sucked lower in the current market downturn! I& }# r0 T6 B0 u
3 |  n# @& |" [% U( Xa、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个人品币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同/ C7 g, W' S# `
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!( }0 |8 ?" {/ |- H0 K
, T, Y* ~+ _9 G- z# r
d、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..
) o! M" n7 L" m1 {  . [* }; T: _7 d* o* J# v
& U$ j+ K" ^8 w5 v
=======我是插图=========+ q( `: X4 n7 C' w9 F
( m. P$ f  m7 X& U4 S4 A
  m2 ?3 m  p7 i" y# q* r
, D2 h: k, x3 s# ~
/ H( F7 l6 \2 b! i0 w9 D6 u7 o! K* E6 W+ S

8 n& U+ H( G  c别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯
" v2 @: a( |# r& W# e" V2 O7 Z) a& v
" }" U" u, f( E+ N
; O4 n# A5 v2 M* p参考答案回复可见
- \% g& \; w: c7 L7 M& F

- E' C! G& w4 _7 l1 g- J* n: H

, M+ O" C7 o! f! v  D% w& {
8 g+ W* Q1 g7 K0 z+ P# g5 j

1 ^% y; m# d* U, R/ q8 x/ n7 f$ }( r0 x! P  p$ x

. Z& R5 P* L. Q; \' `3 r/ p! {1 u& W* n9 K/ ?

2 T. l0 e- [; f5 I8 b: X
. J6 F  y/ h5 s$ d7 W: K- _( X; ~4 |- q% ?
该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: 会城门妞妞    时间: 2012-7-8 08:03
作者: 向上吧蚂蚁    时间: 2012-7-8 08:08
A smaller and cheaper ipad is coming
作者: guanguan    时间: 2012-7-8 08:13
1.A smaller and cheaper iPad is coming.
4 Z6 W3 e4 C/ @2.Kindle Fire is a few worry for the iPad in the iPad computer market.) q& l. t* c! i& G' ~1 ^9 Y
3.More and more analysists begin to believe that the coming of a smaller iPad is just about time,not about existance.
! i: l' c, k" ]3 ?. b, O6 ?6 W/ T4.Steve Jobs once said: seven inches screen is not big enough to create a excellent iPad.
: e! {  b  u# q: ^
作者: yukiho    时间: 2012-7-8 08:47
作者: fxcharine    时间: 2012-7-8 12:42
A smaller and cheaper ipad will come soon.  e7 k3 \' m( b" I1 t% X

作者: fxcharine    时间: 2012-7-8 12:47
more and more analists believe that a much more smaller ipad's arriving is when but if it will .
作者: cztom    时间: 2012-7-8 13:34
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作者: LauKachun    时间: 2012-7-8 15:35
1.   一个更小的、更便宜的iPad即将到来。  ~3 T  {: q1 e) v  h
a smaller and cheaper ipad is  coming.
' ?" h) ]3 J! j( C& L" |2.   Kindle Fire是极少数在平板电脑市场上对iPad构成实际威胁的产品。
& \2 F: E8 X3 @4 u, h# k7 `" e; wthe threat of ipad is almost from Kindle Fire.0 d; c+ _7 q1 K* F
3.   越来越多的分析师开始相信一款较小的iPad的到来是时间问题,而不是会不会有的问题。
% ]1 c7 _! v" L8 c3 J. Bmore and more analysts believe that the smaller ipad is coming soon, not inexistence.& [9 S1 |% _. ?  J) ?
4.   史蒂芬•乔布斯曾经说过7英寸宽的屏幕不足以来制造一个优秀的平板电脑! 0 U; u" W& j/ Y) \
Steven Jobs has said it not excellent to make a tablet PC with 7 inches screens.2 l+ @- Q$ K$ O; d. q
5. Apple shares earlier today made their first foray past past the $600 billion market capitalization level before being sucked lower in the current market downturn
" q7 x: z: k; D1 T* e苹果的股价在今天早些时候第一次升到娘亲都不认识{:4_160:}
作者: M-vanish    时间: 2012-7-8 17:07
1.   一个更小的、更便宜的iPad即将到来。. X/ `7 n! |  T/ v9 ?, y0 B* Y7 t1 c- \* {) f. W
A much more smart and worthy iPad is arriving.
# r+ i7 |! `; O  R/ s6 h/ g2.   Kindle Fire是极少数在平板电脑市场上对iPad构成实际威胁的产品。
3 V2 A  p1 ?/ v( ~. B. ^6 {Kindle Fire is the rare product which truly threat iPad in tablet PC market.
) y& l/ J* l- c; p3.   越来越多的分析师开始相信一款较小的iPad的到来是时间问题,而不是会不会有的问题。3 p* N$ Z  ) J5 Q# P9 E5 i- b
More and more analists are believing the reality of a minor iPad,compare with doubt whether it is existed.
- g; U2 S, r! V1 g7 a$ L% }4.   史蒂芬•乔布斯曾经说过7英寸宽的屏幕不足以来制造一个优秀的平板电脑- `# _# k$ t  @4 `( i" J! 6 e1 t! d8 v4 S% y& ^$ a2 B
Steven Jobs once said that,a 7-inche-board screen cannot support an excellent tablet PC.
; K% v- n1 R  {" y6 J/ g5 G3 I" z& @4 Y* W# ]7 V. k
5. Apple shares earlier today made their first foray past past the $600 billion market capitalization level before being sucked lower in the current market downturn-
+ e; q0 y6 ?/ N" X苹果早期的时候在被陷得更低前超过往期市场资本水平其市值首次超过6亿美元大关.
+ k: t( m5 U9 g& U- F1 W/ [......{:4_87:} 真TM专业.晕菜了.不得不查字典.
作者: mengblind    时间: 2012-7-8 18:21
5 在苹果的股份因流通市场的萧条而下降之前,他们已经在今早度过了第一个寒冬,并且突破了6千亿的市场资本水平。
4 Z( }* a; v" e; w4 {0 Y8 oapples shares earlier today when themade their first foray past past the $600 billion market citilization level before being sucked lowerby the current market downturn.
作者: mengblind    时间: 2012-7-8 18:22
, x0 l' S0 U* G$ u( `: Z7 ysucked lower7 M) @. p. k, Q8 b5 |, p- E
downturn; G$ {" ^" `. z

作者: mengblind    时间: 2012-7-8 19:05
作者: qqhahabus    时间: 2012-7-8 19:20
good good very good
作者: qqhahabus    时间: 2012-7-8 19:31
2、Kindle Fire is one of the few products which constitute the actual threat to the iPad on the tablet computer market.. ^2 J: ?" T* b/ B  C
3、More and more analysts believe that the coming of a smaller iPad is a problem of  time rather than whether.6 Z% ?4 F& s5 s2 i* k# P, ]
4、Steve job has ever said that the seven-inche-wide screen was not enough to made a good tablet computer.
作者: qqhahabus    时间: 2012-7-8 19:41
作者: 凝渊    时间: 2012-7-8 19:46
作者: trzqx    时间: 2012-7-8 22:16
1. A smaller cheaper iPad is coming.' z& W+ }# H+ C! X$ i, `& W
2. Kindle Fire is one of the rare products which can actually threaten iPad in the flat computer market.
4 ~: V; }; m; w, u2 y0 F3. There is an increasing number of analysts start to believe that it's not the time thing but the existence  thing that matters about mini iPad.. c7 [% V5 A* e. R. q  U
4. Steven Jobs ever put it as the 7 inches screen wasn't big enough to make it excellent.! C# [9 H$ }$ f9 [  \) N
5. 呃~
! a4 o& |% P& J* O# G* u0 r4 x & s% ~) `' G& e. H

作者: MTMW    时间: 2012-7-8 22:53
1.一个更小的、更便宜的iPad即将到来。) n; e3 }6 t  ^7 N
A smaller, cheaper iPad coming.9 T' }% S/ [3 C: C
2.Kindle Fire是极少数在平板电脑市场上对iPad构成实际威胁的产品。
- {) u  _6 ^6 zKindle Fire is a few in the tablet computer on the market for iPad constitute the actual threat products.
/ b1 M  X5 `! r9 l+ n3.越来越多的分析师开始相信一款较小的iPad的到来是时间问题,而不是会不会有的问题。3 \$ Q$ Q2 c1 |
More and more analysts to believe that a smaller iPad arrival time is the problem, not will not some problems.. v  q2 n4 @* ^1 Y) O: |1 M
4.史蒂芬•乔布斯曾经说过7英寸宽的屏幕不足以来制造一个优秀的平板电脑 & B" W& f. @/ {3 R- D9 e# Z$ M6 a
Steve jobs has said seven inches wide screen made a good since the shortage of the tablet computer 。+ L" T: x. }: V9 J
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-7-9 05:05
1. 一个更小的、更便宜的iPad即将到来。  A smaller and lower price iPad is coming. 2. Kindle Fire是极少数在平板电脑市场上对iPad构成实际威胁的产品。 Kindle Fire is a rare product which threat to iPad in flat-computer marketing\n\n 来自 Bye了巴别塔 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-7-9 05:05
3. 越来越多的分析师开始相信一款较小的iPad的到来是时间问题,而不是会不会有的问题。 3. More and more analysts start to believe, to launch a smaller iPad,it is just an issue of timing, not about can or can not.\n\n 来自 Bye了巴别塔 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-7-9 05:05
4. 史蒂芬乔布斯曾经说过7英寸宽的屏幕不足以来制造一个优秀的平板电脑)  4. Steve Jobs used to say that it is not enough to create a perfect flat computet through a 7-inch screen.\n\n 来自 Bye了巴别塔 的新浪微博
作者: zeqic9    时间: 2012-7-9 10:22
在纸上写了 就不发上来了- -' G! D4 B/ F: Z6 f6 r7 Q
8 a- i9 _9 ]: f1 x. u; j  F% _+ O
作者: Biibee    时间: 2012-7-9 15:00
1。a smaller and cheaper iPad is coming.
作者: 记不住qq号    时间: 2012-7-9 15:12
Kindle Fire is the rare product that poses a real threat to the ipad in the tablet PC.
作者: sunshine6666    时间: 2012-7-9 17:15
1.   一个更小的、更便宜的iPad即将到来
' G9 M; W8 s3 c" h A smaller sized and cheaper iPad is comming soon.
/ X1 O# X8 L6 j2 A* p3 }8 X2是极少数在平板电脑市场上对iPad构成实际威胁的产品。
- \& L5 K; q& l; N+ p) F! ?8 w5 tIt is the rarity that could threnten iPAD pratically in panel comupter market.
( _' j! u3 A/ I7 U( y% b2 Q. B) T2 C3 越来越多的分析师开始相信一款较小的iPad的到来是时间问题,而不是会不会有的问题。
% V7 `- n# s  C- \# XAn increasing number of analysts believe that a smaller sized iPad is coming sooner or later , but not yes or no./ ?8 \8 K/ s: I. N: \* A& o6 r
4.   史蒂芬•乔布斯曾经说过7英寸宽的屏幕不足以来制造一个优秀的平板电脑) H! k) O7 z& a
Jobs Stephon said 7 inch broad screen was not enough to produce a excellent panel computer.0 J/ L7 I" h# S. K3 b) k5 t4 [4 [
5 Apple shares earlier today made their first foray past past the $600 billion market capitalization level before being sucked lower in the current market downturn" G0 K; N+ S$ j; x6 K
苹果股在今天早些时候第一次市值超过6000亿,随后被低迷的市场影响拉低。2 h8 ?; F9 W; [6 r
8 {4 V, W9 x: g. m5 @0 R

作者: 子非鱼    时间: 2012-7-9 20:39
A smaller and cheaper Ipad will arrived soon.
作者: 子非鱼    时间: 2012-7-9 20:42
Steven Jobs said that a 7-inche-board screen cannot support an excellent tablet PC
作者: 木子木X    时间: 2012-7-9 21:00
作者: CHJCO    时间: 2012-7-10 15:37
作者: tjmichellezl    时间: 2012-7-11 16:35
最后一句 totally没懂
作者: lunlic    时间: 2012-7-27 09:51
作者: Joanne小小茵    时间: 2012-8-14 21:48
作者: 小么的国度    时间: 2013-2-18 17:08
1、Another IPAD which is smaller and less price is comig.
  u% T% ]! p5 T! S5 N; E- N" O- Q2、Kindle Fire is rarely the one which has great theat in mac laptop market with IPAD.0 Y* j1 |* U% \3 ~
3、More and more analylist believe that the smaller IPAD will be coming but not if would be coming.
$ `4 Y' B  j" V* k6 ~" Z( V! d4、Steve Jobs said that a 7 meet laptop is not consited a perfect laptop.
2 r# O' q. }. t# M1 l& R5、苹果在今天早起分享了他如今的600亿美元的市场份额,比先前的市场份额要低。
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-3-28 21:33
1.   一个更小的、更便宜的iPad即将到来。
' P9 x( v+ g$ `' A0 ?2 i% C& _( U6 Ma smaller, cheaper ipad is coming soon.- H( T* b4 m  g& J+ y
2.   Kindle Fire是极少数在平板电脑市场上对iPad构成实际威胁的产品。3 z0 m8 |0 p8 R( K- o* ?7 b
kindle fire is minority product that give ipad real threat in pad computer market.1 s- G9 b4 i( |2 j
3.   越来越多的分析师开始相信一款较小的iPad的到来是时间问题,而不是会不会有的问题。
5 P6 k8 H: |1 v0 w- Dmore and more analysts bean to believe that the coming of smaller ipad is only the time problem but not the problem that it will not come.
* R/ R* M  U4 T( x8 Q6 T& O, @4.   史蒂芬•乔布斯曾经说过7英寸宽的屏幕不足以来制造一个优秀的平板电脑+ d9 g5 d  D0 j! D5 [( \
steve.jobs has said that the 7 inches screen couldn't produce an excellent pad.
% a; Z! G5 c: Y- w8 {/ N' J$ B5. Apple shares earlier today made their first foray past past the $600 billion market capitalization level before being sucked lower in the current market downturn
! d5 A9 ]/ h+ T苹果公司在今天较早的分享了他们首次6000亿美元市场的支付,在汇率市场低迷之前。
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2019-4-21 11:12
very   good
作者: cruz    时间: 2020-6-8 21:33
many thanks

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