【8月25日雅思A类写作题目回忆】:小作文饼图三个Pie Charts关于旅游选取交通工具的,大作文some museums charge visitors for admission , while others are free.你是否同意;属于很老很老很老的题目。
【8月25日雅思A类阅读题目回忆】阅读一篇巧克力的历史是机经的,第一篇说的什么运河的泥沙流失问题,第二篇是涂鸦是艺术还是犯罪,大作文museums charge for admission and some are for free,好处多还是坏处多,悲剧,写作时间不够,抢着写完作者: IELTS哥 时间: 2012-8-25 12:02
@二萱儿:r0815:20天津p1 hometown student or work ,why choose this subject,primary school, go school ,school friends contact? children toy ,like play with toy or friends ,play with toy,what kinds of toy you send today p3 喜欢这样的天气么 中国的气候 天气预报
@江小西Candice:成都,川大rm04,下午最后一个考,考官是个中年光头,木有啥丰富表情。part1:work,clothing,cars and shopping。part2:ideal job.Part3:balance between job and family,benefits of teamwork等等.虽然说的没有停顿,但说完后我只想说,what the fuck r u talking about =.=
@JennyCSJ:AU088. part 1: study or work, toys, ways of transportation, flowers should grow inside or outside. part 2: a traveling when child, when, where, how, why import. part 3: does traveling abroad will improve the relationship between counties?
@璐在脚下慢慢走:我是南宁滴~~304 外国人 我今天下午第二个~他把我晾在门外好久~我以为我轮空了~part1 job,traffic,tv part 2 a person in past from your family who had an interesting life part3 family history的重要性,如何传承什么的
@蠍之傀儡:杭州,302,topic1 major(啥专业,为啥选,以后的规划);car(喜欢啥类型车,开车的缺点);sport(喜欢啥运动,为啥喜欢,以后想尝试啥) T2 the best time of day you like(when why what you do)T3 人们怎么安排时间计划,年轻人和年长人在规划时间上是否不同,还有个忘了
@神探派大侠:沈师 r19 长发男考官 part1 work or study major birthday colour part2 time you enjoy most part3 plan.how remember their plan. People busy why 和过去比和将来比
@其实我叫奔奔儿:15:00北京首师 part1 study future job computer part2 an exciting experience part3 why people enjoy something dangerous or exciting.中年男人~很和善
@张全Lila:大连,RM17 1city2the difficult thing i do …金发碧眼女考官。教室好像杂货间。另有同学说,history event
@热爱大海的碧琦儿:厦门 RM401 考官是一中年男人。part1名字,家乡,专业 part2 what kind of physical exercise is popular where you live. part 3 physical exercise 的重要性,你觉得是在室内好呢还是室外好?还有各种跟这个话题有关的问题。
@林悦頔是不朽怪咖:北语 Rom301 P1 hometown change P2 electronics P3 technology in home
@chachagogorun:南宁room302,住apartment还是house,最喜欢哪个房间,最喜欢家里的什么,喜欢的颜色,会选择什么颜色来装修房子 part2 an activity with a group of people, p3 人在人多的地方和独处时有什么不同和变化?年轻人和老年人谁更喜欢跟很多人在一起
@Menchu不是门球儿:北语,RM313,PART1: HOUSE OR FLAT? WHICH ROOM LOVE MOST? 觉得啥东西最有用?HOLIDAY,HOW? NEED? YOUNG PEOPLE为啥喜欢大城市?PART2: DESCRIBE A STREET IN YOUR CITY. PART3: 乡村的好处?坏处?提高?城市的好处坏处?还有一个忘了…
@墨语熙涵:首师大,非常nice的白人大叔,RM13 接上条 PART2: helped for someone.when?where?what? PART3:一堆copetition,还有全球化的竞争的好处和坏处
@墨语熙涵:首师大,非常nice的白人大叔,一直笑RM13,PART1:Study or work?major?why chose?how long study?what TV show you like?chinese people like watch TV?kids like which tv show? copetition very import for students?school shoud teach student knowledge or skills?high level copetition effect?
@Simonwjd:我上次的问题是 part1:do u like travel?do chinese adult allow to travel along?what kind of travel style do u perfect to?what do u learn from travel...part2 topic downloading should be baned...give u ideas about this topic...part3 discuss whats the different between 中方和西方教育
@荆悦亮娃娃:考完了分享内容求人品大爆发!首师大RM5瘦小亚洲面孔的lady(用channel的包)P1:hometown(good&bad points) P2:important history event(我说莱特兄弟发明了飞机)P3:小孩怎么学历史museum重要不(靠这不是昨天作文题么)museum里展示啥&为啥&要不要收费
@Shirley在做夢:湖北大学RM13,part1hometown。part2 sport event part3男孩女孩的运动方式是否一样,政府是否提供设备给人们运动什么的
@2007梁小珠: @雅思中国网 湖北大学【说】RM11 一位满脸笑容的奶奶 PART1 major & photograph ( sth. about memory and photo) PART2 the happiest person ( who, why, how to express the happiness ) PART3 the differences of expressing emotion between adults and children ...
@_缤缤缤要过IELTS:南宁311、8月25 16:00。P1:apartment(几个房间、开心的事等);P2:something people would like to buy if they have enough money;P3:人们有钱最想买什么、有钱没钱为什么高兴为什么不高兴、从有钱到没钱的变化等。
@酊霖酊霖:福州207 很和蔼的老太太,标准缓慢的发音听的很清楚。P1 house or apartment,colors,birthday P2 something you have read and recommended to people
@IchbinLeslie:济南 山大 很和蔼的白人老爷爷 rm17 part1 driving fashion clothes part2 the best part of the day part3 问了好多,人们是怎样记时间的,人们在工作和家庭之间怎样掌握平衡blablabla~~人品啊!!求弥补昨天损失啊!!求一次过啊!!