Task1:bar chart.. a European ct adult employment status in 1998 and 2008,
Task2:Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore some people think financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?
1、 人物类卡片话题 (8)
1) 一个小孩: a teenager
2) 一个有趣的老人:An interesting oldperson....
3) 一个想交谈的人:An person you would talk to
4)一个你感兴趣的名人: famous person in yourcountry that you are interested in
5)一对幸福的夫妻:a happy couple of happymarriage
6) 一个最快乐的人:a happiest person
7)一个邻居:a neighbor
8) 一个音乐人或乐队: a singer or a musical group popular in yourcountry
2、 地点类卡片话题(7)
1) 一个你可以放松的自然美景:a natural beauty you want to visit in the future
2) 一个中国的重要城市: an important city in your country
3)一个你去过的靠水的地方: a place nearwater(river, lake, sea) you have travelled to
4)一个你去过的城市: a city or town you travelled to
5) 一个花园:a garden
6) 一个漂亮的房子:a beautiful house or apartmentyou 've visited
7) 一条你喜欢的街道:favorite street or road in your city or town
3、 事件类卡片话题 (9)
1) 一件困难但你做好的事:a difficult thing you did well
2) 一个你需要礼貌的场合:a situation you should bepolite.
3) 一次儿童时的旅行:A journey you had whenyou were a child
4) 一个童年趣事:a happy event in yourchildhood
5) 一个开心的团队活动:an enjoyable activityyou did with a group
6) 一次你遇见野生动物的经历:an occasion when you metwild animals
7) 一次不满意的购物:a product you bought butdissatisfied
8) 一个历史事件:a historical event inyour culture
9) 一次你喜欢的培训:a training session youenjoyed
4、 实物类卡片话题 (12)
1) 一件你特殊场合穿的衣服或饰品:A clothe or jewelry you wear on aspecial occasion
2)一张老照片:an old photo
3)一个电子产品:an electronic product
4)一个你要买的交通工具: a vehicle youwould buy
5) 一个你最喜欢的沟通方式:your favorite way ofcommunication(mobile phone, email, letter )
6) 一个你有钱想买的东西:something you want to buy if you haveenough money
7) 一本你读过的书: a book you read
8)一种你最喜欢的颜色:your favorite color
9) 一餐最喜欢的饭:a meal (lunch or supper)
10) 一天中最好的时光:best period of the day
11) 一个最近送出的礼物:a gift you sent to others recently
12) 一个你网上买的东西:a product you bought online
5、 虚物类卡片话题(16)
1)一种你们国家流行的健身方式: a psychical exercise that is popular in your country/city
2) 一个与人合作的项目 a project youcooperated with others
3) 一个有教育意义的电视节目: an educational tv program
4)一个理想的工作:ideal job// a job you would like to have
5) 一种你最喜欢的天气:your favorite weather
6) 一件你见过的艺术品:describe a work of art (painting orsculpture),
7)一个让你笑的事情:something that made you laugh
8)一个错误的决定: a wrongdecision you made
9)一个你喜欢的体育赛事:Sportsevent you enjoy watching//sports event you want to but haven’t watched
10) 一首对你有意义的歌:a songmeaningful to you
11) 一部有关真人真事的电影:a film about realpeople or events
12) 一堂你喜欢的科学课:a science lessonyou liked in your high school
13) 一种放松的方式: a way to relax
14)一个将来的计划(非学习工作) a plan inthe future(not for study or work)
15) 一个在河边经常做的活动:an activitynear the river or lake
16) 一个最喜欢的课程:your favoritesubject
雅思口语题目以及原创范文:http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13522321473 作者: 微博评论 时间: 2012-9-15 10:56
配图亮了,这还有心思当烤鸭吗\n\n 来自 宋翰林 的新浪微博作者: 微博评论 时间: 2012-9-15 13:45
15号昆明,听力最后一篇是濒临灭亡的海鸟的\'阅读有农业种植cotton等使用农药的危害和改进\'小作文是98和08年欧洲某城市成人就业率各指标的对比\'大作文是讨论认为政府应只对科学研究投资而不管其它科目研究你同不同意\'要求说原因和举例\n\n 来自 Shark__C 的新浪微博作者: 微博评论 时间: 2012-9-15 13:45
听力题挺常规的 section3全是选择题。。。。section4考的是关于鸟的研究与保护。。阅读只有一道大题是无顺序的。第一篇是关于杀虫剂的使用第二篇关于科学家的幽默的行为第三篇讲电影。。大作文有关于政府的经济支持[兔子]努力积攒RP\n\n 来自 贰B儿童欢乐多_李察吉爾 的新浪微博作者: 微博评论 时间: 2012-9-15 15:30
回复@Shark__C:小作是饼图?\n\n 来自 EliseOu 的新浪微博作者: 微博评论 时间: 2012-9-15 15:30
回复@EliseOu:柱\'六七组双柱对比\n\n 来自 Shark__C 的新浪微博作者: 孔静幽默_LA 时间: 2012-9-15 16:19
首师大CNU口语room6,很nice的亚洲面孔,很亲切。问了点周末娱乐活动什么的,然后要描述一个公园,最后问了不少关于城市里公园的问题。攒RP啊~~~GOOD LUCK!!!作者: 微博评论 时间: 2012-9-15 17:16
河南轻工,rm3,声音很沉的一长脸帅哥,我不得不吐槽他看着不但没睡醒而且在我回答过程中不停的在[挖鼻屎]分散了我不少注意力。p1\'primary school or elementary school ,primary school teachers, friends; cloth, shopping on the website. P2: a village/city street.P3: village and city life.\n\n 来自 Gabrielle910 的新浪微博作者: ORorOR 时间: 2012-9-15 18:33
上海华师,文科楼Room106 16:35
帅哥 jerd davids(我就随便那么一拼)
career? work or student?
how long been a student
what do you like most as a student
a place generally people go for in leisure time
a entertaining place you recently went to
a entertaining place you went when you were young
exercises usually do
exercises lernt in school
exercises want to do in the future? why
exercises people around you do
a gift you sent recently
when gift for children
why give gift for children
what will you take into consider when you give a gift to children
it's harder and harder to let an old people become pleasant when they recieve gifts do you agree or disagree?
base on your culture, will people be more pleasant when they recieve a gift from a store or a gift you made in home?
generally people will feel more happy when giving gift or recieve?
然后他就说all of the test了,然后我就觉得他真好……没有什么刁钻的题目,我P1当中说错一个字他还用惊讶表情提醒我了一记,但是我当时浑身都是硬的,尤其是舌头,根本木有想法要改口orz