第一个问题什么叫securitilizaton(证券化),答曰it is the process of combining
loans with similar characteristics for collateral to issue debt.
PhD GG点头。我暗自庆幸自己背了定义来的。
接着他从我简历上的第一个项目问到最后一个项目。从data的source, distribution,
sampling,bias,问到regression method, model assumption,why this assumption,
why this indicator, why not other indicator, 再到conclusion, how to interpret,
how to explain,最后问我认为model应该如何改进,各种细节,精确到汗毛。其中不断
地质疑模型的数据,假设,建模,结论,我便把当年简大人搪塞我的各 种理由一一搬出来
” Next stop, Wall Street.”作者: Maria水水奈 时间: 2011-5-23 09:14
go through all these kinds of suffering is the only way to “get a job”.Just a job,for alive.作者: Maria水水奈 时间: 2011-5-23 09:15