
标题: 《每日英语第5期》英汉互译:2011年2月24日 [打印本页]

作者: zxy1367    时间: 2011-2-24 04:36
标题: 《每日英语第5期》英汉互译:2011年2月24日
本帖最后由 雅思哥 于 2011-2-23 23:01 编辑 ; g0 u/ c7 F- T8 E. x: L
- p$ d% R) B1 Y" S: ?0 f
6 g& a% K; y$ |( R$ O
' b# C2 M/ f$ q- y6 p) x% e0 K每日英语,天天更新!
+ w0 y5 _" E2 d" _0 ~' D( T* ~+ e8 P1 U3 D/ G
让大家养成良好的学习习惯!: v' m+ B- A$ v6 ^
& {# G( g3 l7 L$ J
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' D: J# ]. a, y% i一定能够学好英语!5 J0 u* }4 V1 o5 {8 h

5 }# l) |( S8 _4 ~! D雅思论坛,坚持做公益,永久无广告!
  |) Q4 h( \' C" n4 Z

' I5 H; `9 l6 \% V" h8 i- q- x: S: ]  g[attach]193[/attach]
) Y; _5 W/ k. ~每日英语的金币奖励规则:
$ \8 f8 k; f0 m# E$ h1 v! @6 ~
/ t( N( N  f6 ~6 @- Q0 s8 ^/ @+ `a、每天设置抢楼奖1名:第一个回复,并且一定要是有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以获得这个抢楼奖,奖励30个金币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同$ |3 m' B0 \! c: j% e4 [' @/ N8 g) S

# j; T' ^+ u6 v( H& Y  ~3 e4 N( C0 ~  mb、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!
4 M8 W2 U3 T- c% E! t0 Z
# b$ V0 z- I, K( L! yc、10页以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励!1 g6 M5 e: R: Q( P% E
7 I9 V, N# {  ^' Z
今日学习内容:5 n3 y" Y! l& ^- O$ P" A
: O/ E# J) z: G& F% d0 {
' m0 G# b& @% \9 E* W  M$ H2.我们以为爱的很深,很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅,很浅。最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。
! W. a8 |- |5 m* [9 {0 t( M3.这张桌子是手工雕刻的,Carlos让人从意大利带回来的,花了他$23000。. i/ K3 l1 w' y
4.不喝了,谢谢。一会儿我还得开车呢.  ], x6 e$ Q! ^; e, Y9 W
5.鲁比勒比的哥哥买了一些四轮婴儿手推车的胶保险杠回来给她。+ |# o) e) z1 j5 k! V9 u
6.I love you more than I can say. (英译中)

1 X: R# A6 v' }: D) F8 Y8 R' \3 j5 V5 O4 K, u: n* P
  B8 a5 j9 Z& `9 ~2 c
3 H) u( n# F# \. w1 `! R" W' o8 P1 _0 @6 s8 z$ y
但是为了防止同学们“偷看”答案,下面的答案会做白色字体处理  {5 u1 A5 z" H* [6 J
. {8 g; r) `5 S3 c: M
只要Ctrl+A 全选之后就能看到答案咯~~~) J  U* J* I! H: @

% a" u! ]' G% `: [; d, l+ f$ ^7 U6 A9 ^: X8 X
答案开始:, j: l: I! O; |, K! F6 p$ o
0 Q" \' s& D- o
1.A man can not spin and reel at the same time.
3 {! @* @5 P; R- B8 a: o2.We all thought love was very deep, but infact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.
6 u7 K/ C7 T7 R: b" U! s3.This table is hand carved, Carlos had it imported from Italy. It cost him $23000.
, ]& D) F4 {* K4 d8 t, yhave something done让某人做某事,使某物出现某种状态,例如I had my hair done我做了头发(但不是我自己做的,而是让理发师做的)
# A6 \3 U4 F' w- t4.No, thanks. I have to drive.% N& A/ W" p7 Y3 Y9 b: U
5.Ruby Rugby's brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.
  ]* v1 H9 H! G: U5 @( |4 L4 Q1 a. F0 m6.爱难以说出口

$ ?* N+ X, C4 C: {+ ~
% d2 a. t2 R2 G% b+ |答案结束
' [& @; ^  c4 U. p7 U4 B7 h. M9 r' a* @: M
9 U: h, T4 @3 V/ e
/ x6 L- C7 T% F; t7 ?- G2 f  C- W5 a& Q0 M% ?9 f) f8 Y' ^  f
4 k; o3 C0 _+ `2 T

7 S2 q) n0 b* }+ u) T$ ^- h  b: h6 d% `9 u; [1 S8 K

* a/ {, {0 k& w- |4 Z4 o/ l+ [+ D- F- H6 }2 s5 _7 w2 p
% T0 _& u8 X) I0 t1 Z: s

6 ]+ Q5 X/ _. K" a! |
作者: 杨以木    时间: 2011-2-24 09:45
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 阿娇童鞋    时间: 2011-2-24 10:47
1.A man can not spin and reel at the same time.. v0 e* j* _: n1 I0 R
2.We though that love is profound. As time goes by, we found it is skin-deep. The deepest and most precious love should go with time.
) e0 B9 P/ d; `9 L4 B4 A3.The table bought in Italy, on which carlos spent 23000, is hand carving.$ ~( H1 H1 W5 @5 i3 w
4. Thank you, but it's enough. I have to drive .- J+ `1 O) h, b& O+ r- |, h" ^
5. Rubby's brother bought her a  four wheel rubber bumper baby carriage 7 [) W; J1 {  q- @! d2 r$ Z
6. 爱在心里口难开。
! @; p3 l: n3 {2 ~' l哈哈哈哈。。:'(
作者: zxy1367    时间: 2011-2-24 11:20
回复 杨以木 的帖子8 ~+ p7 ~! Q1 R
& E9 h8 @7 @5 n( O2 i7 k. l
作者: 草鱼小花    时间: 2011-2-25 10:41
6 \4 ]% M) E* s! a5 g4 NYou can't concentrate on 2 different things at the same time.5 G: M2 O# Q/ u6 f8 `+ ^# M# F
6 ?) W+ _- b$ \: c1 \
) d. U% S# [7 m5 J* s' gThe deepest love must grow up with time.4 o: q6 L: U# s  k3 c$ h" S

$ s3 t# w$ T3 L* I. Q3.这张桌子是手工雕刻的,Carlos让人从意大利带回来的,花了他$23000。
7 }& P* Y. k( C- J6 E- oThis table was carved by hand,  Carlos had it shipped from Italy, it took him $23000.$ D+ O1 y, P$ M# i& Q9 }

  u, q' _" {4 [% l4.不喝了,谢谢。一会儿我还得开车呢." ?9 Q9 f& C0 }1 H
No more, thanks. I have to drive after a while.
5 R/ s. N' s1 V& h, o1 b- x% z( c* q4 A" A4 D: T
5.鲁比勒比的哥哥买了一些四轮婴儿手推车的胶保险杠回来给她。" q+ T: M  V: G% D7 a6 s
XXXX's brother bought her some XXXX of XXXX.5 Q2 ?2 h+ p' z. s/ ?; C7 Q  H; U
3 ~8 X6 t' T# e2 F' a
6.I love you more than I can say. (英译中)
" U) y" _, p5 Q9 @3 {爱你在心口难开。
作者: 錒明    时间: 2011-3-26 20:23
1.A man can not spin and reel at the same time.
5 r3 _4 m" j; M$ b/ c! \2.We though that love is profound. As time goes by, we found it is skin-deep. The deepest and most precious love should go with time.7 D8 m2 E7 K. g9 T- _1 ^
3.The table bought in Italy, on which carlos spent 23000, is hand carving.
. ?  ?6 h/ b, d% D- `) L. _) k. u4. Thank you, but it's enough. I have to drive .
3 z( B5 h6 U! X+ @) x5. Rubby's brother bought her a  four wheel rubber bumper baby carriage 7 n% k; s- Q. c5 G
6. 爱在心里口难开。* d0 f2 M$ A. I5 L5 b

作者: Yeh-Trista    时间: 2011-4-22 11:36
1.一心不能二用。" z0 R, G5 v; c; J  `1 r
you cannot do two different things at one time
- r# J! P4 D2 K- P! F9 @2.我们以为爱的很深,很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅,很浅。最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。
" M# i2 b3 @0 H) B$ H6 twe thought we love each other deeply, one day you will know that it was just shallow, the deepest and heaviest love must grow up with time
4 h. Y1 G+ o4 F' e7 B3.这张桌子是手工雕刻的,Carlos让人从意大利带回来的,花了他$23000。6 C( N* ?+ W, \2 p( z
this table is hand made, carlos asked peole to bring here from italy, it spends him $23000! w; [* r8 J7 {
4.不喝了,谢谢。一会儿我还得开车呢$ Y  P* M- @: \1 r6 u
I  don't want to drink any more, thank you. I need to drive later8 J' D- v; X+ y* G6 L& S
5.鲁比勒比的哥哥买了一些四轮婴儿手推车的胶保险杠回来给她。0 g- \- B. U1 ]" ?
his brother bought some bumpers of , L3 C4 v  _. {6 V
6.I love you more than I can say. (英译中)6 b9 m' I9 ?+ P& _/ ~) }) _
我爱你无法用言语表达& R; P8 p: t( ^
/ |" R5 F/ I7 u' X1 ?  s# D
& F; I7 Q2 [" D+ A

作者: 悦_and_悦    时间: 2011-9-14 11:14
No one can do different things at the same time.- ~9 N6 D+ q4 j7 ]: g9 I+ k3 s
We thought we were in deep love, but in the future you will know the love was just shallow. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with years.2 V$ i. v1 S1 R( h( Y
This table is sculptured by hands, which is sent back from Italy and cost Carlos $23000.
! {) f' k; C4 e) rNo drinks, thanks. I have to drive soon.2 |# q8 o# U* S/ A- ]" S# s
Lubby Lurby's elder brother has brought some plastic bumpers of baby carts for her.
( m/ T8 X! z! F3 M爱你超过言语所能表达。
作者: 于点    时间: 2012-4-12 09:30
1. One can not run after two horses at the same time.7 k) d6 c/ Z/ u: E& y% b. z
2. We think we love deeply, time will let you know that it is only very light. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.8 \* U7 r- B- I' k
3. The table uses hand carving. Carlos let people brought back it from Italy, which cost his 23000.' w# Y& {' \1 [6 ]8 P) X# A3 J9 y& d
4. I cannot drink, thanks. I will drive later.
3 V: [4 f# O% Q8 k5. Ruby Rugby's brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.
, L% n: M9 m: r* }  \- E    千言万语也无法表达我对你的爱。
作者: DDDDDDing    时间: 2016-8-27 09:28

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