#12月8日雅思写作题目准确版#In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life.What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life? 作者: IELTS哥 时间: 2012-12-8 10:20
@wangsl89:澳洲考场 口语是个慈祥的老太太 还会和你互动 part1关于自己的一些问答(城市,家乡,有什么缺点) part2 一个难忘的童年的活动 part3 关于childhood的讨论
@Ielts求7求爆发:福州207 part1 flat or house, sports, primary school. part2 singer. part3 technology change ways of listening to music, concerts, places to listen to music, elderly people&young people...#攒人品求6.5#
南理工409 p1 work or not 。student life 。entertainment.p2 unusual job.p3 什么工作在中国重要。选工作是因为利益还是自我提升。选工作听谁意见。兼职的好处。问题还是挺简单的求好成绩!!
@荷兰柴_大红社会主义的搬砖工:天津雅思 room1. 刚刚出来, 第一部分:bag. city . card. 第二部分: 城市旅游。第三部分:旅游带来的经济效益,和不好的方面
郑州r4 光头绅士英国男,小帅,很温和,part1照相 p2 city you visited p3城市和乡下区别,谁更喜欢住 考完后握手……求不是笑面虎 最后嘴贱犯了个语法错误nice talking you orz………语法会不会直接5了……
@咪糯lisa:运气还不错,考官是一个女士中国人。part1:job,entertaiment,part 2 favorate food 3 watching TV while eating;eating habit for chinese;the importance of family meal;求6分以上
西安交通大学考点 下午四点十五,ROOM 10英国中年帅哥,p2 Internet,人人上预测里的,p3 tv programme 攒人品,祝大家好运!
@Chloe京京是熊猫 雅思郑州轻工~6考场,是个白人爷爷,年龄稍大,人很Nice,Part 1 Museum, Part 2wrong decision someone make, Part 3 家庭谁应该做决定!
@柒小diao:北京,口语part1 job,clothes,fashion,meal;part2 famous people you are interested in;part 3 media and celebrities~希望这次可以过关啊~22岁礼物
广州仲恺rm504 胖胖女人 p1 room sports p2 singer or musician p3 music的作用 where can you hear live music why play musical instruments等等。 光荣牺牲 求人品求作文6!
@神赐我6吧 南昌101考试晚到差点不让我考,p1work or study, Major, why?future plan ,关于doll问很多, p2sth if u had money to buy , p3关于花钱和一些炫富的问题,,不像问问题,是argue..争了就完了,我还说WOW, too short, 我看到他在我说完p1写了
@蘑菇小姐小跟班:武汉湖大,006。中年白人,吐词清晰热情…不知道是不是笑面虎……1.study or work. birthday. 2.street. 3 village cities .young people move to cities..求人品……十分钟就让我出来了………悲剧了没讲完2!!
part1entertainment ,what places u would like to go ,photography,part2 a song means a lot to u part3 about music difference
people like what kind of it、how popular live music in china (交大room6)
@YJYPWJC后遗症中的CeCi 合肥401,p2sports event p3中国运动员你admire .athletes worth paying high salary30岁左右男人。 讨论很激烈………求6分
@小同求2012和雅思分手过7 苏州西交利物浦,p1:major school life museum p2:the book you want to read again p3:各种小孩子怎么读书,读什么书之类之类的。我的是著名的五分老太,我还能抱神马希望
@蔷Sweety:天津 rm11 有口音的中年男子 part1 flower、meal; part2 something makes you laugh; part3 一堆奇葩问题!
@向学霸进军的学徒邓大:南昌room103。考官高帅瘦。p1name major,photo,现代人是否拍了太多照片,爱art吗,逛art gallery
否,art对孩子重要否?part2:describe a gift you give to others?part3:手工礼品和买的有区别吗?给小小孩买礼物需要注意啥?你觉得给孩子是否买educational的礼物较好?
08/12廣州仲愷405 超級nice的白人老頭 不過不知道是不是笑面虎啊 prat1major buy something on the internet fashion 還有一堆有的沒的 part2 difficult things part3一堆關於furture work challenge的問題 求rp啊
微信平台◔ ‸◔:8/12/2012 南京理工 room404 Part 1:major,sport.. Part 2:the way of communication you prefer(telephone,email,letter,text massage...)
@Chak_wai:同样是深圳VIP9 第一part Livein House or flat. birthday.primary school . part 2 :interesting old people part 3: festival being old .the living standard of olds is better than the past?还有老人的生活在未来是否有更大的提高之类的……啊……好难…不
西安交大RM6part1 students or work,bag,when people usually dance,part2 a gifts you sent to friends part3关于礼物的各种
@ayguzel:part1 weather in most of the place of china and how it changing. Part2介绍一个以真人真事背景的电影 part3 成为著名演员需要的条件,电影票房是否跟演员的有名程度有关. And this is in 上海外贸学院RM103
海口,海南大学RM307 考官很nice P1:MAJOR TOY CAR P2:TV PROGRAMME P3:除了娱乐节目还有什么类型的节目在你国家受欢迎、看电视的坏处、为何有些人觉得电影院看电影比在家看好
@我是洋葱口味-F:我是洋葱口味-F:南京 part1天气、家乡、喜欢儿时哪一年2town or city3人们喜欢城市还是乡村。。旅游业。。。旅游景点。。坏处。。。额!看来还得考!不过觉得很人性化!考官很好~期待下一次是最后一次
@腔调控_艾小姐 华师大,RM415,P1living city,museum.P2useful equipment except computer. When use, how use. P3design equipment skills, which machine help to do housework, the disadvantage ,小孩子是否需要培养design skills,怎样培养。词穷没准备呀
@蒂芙尼的宵夜君:福师大RM212。女考官。一直假笑。弄得我紧张死了。P1 meals major P2 famous person P3 media &celebrities . Difficult to be famous 反正各种famous。。哭了。今天大结巴。。不懂在讲什么。这么好讲题目怎么讲成这样。。P3也一团乱。。。好难过,要哭了攒个人品。大家加油。。
郑州。。。room6 考官人很好,,part1: name,hometown,dancing. part2: plan(not relate to work and study), what is the plan,why you have this plan,计划第一步。 part3: 继续对计划扩展,,做不做计划,哪个阶段开始做.