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多谢楼主 |
回复@悲观主义花朵思:501喔\n\n 来自 Cynthia丸子 的新浪微博 |
回复@Cynthia丸子:对啊,不明白那个考官为什么那么多的why,你也在厦门602吗。\n\n 来自 悲观主义花朵思 的新浪微博 |
口语:09-24 中国农业大学国际学院 RM06 考官是个白人年轻的小伙子,特瘦,开始特别热情,最后估计是听到我的回答,懵了,对我很无语,最后看都不看我了,可怜,我还是今天第一个考的。。。。仰天长啸。。。果断报名重考!!!! Part1: hometown interesting palces favourite season weather and season inyour hometown will you expect to return to your hometwn in the future? part 2: describe a film part 3: defferece between a film described a real person and an event what is the film described a real person and an event based on? (具体不记得了,大意就是这两种电影以什么为基础进行描述的。。。尼玛,我听到直楞了N秒,然后就做好了重考的准备!!!!) 最后一题是说,为了了解历史事件,你是倾向于看电影还是去图书馆看书? |
回复@悲观主义花朵思:各种问Why的……同感要疯了!!\n\n 来自 Cynthia丸子 的新浪微博 |
回复@悲观主义花朵思:各种问Why的……同感要疯了!!\n\n 来自 Cynthia丸子 的新浪微博 |
23,Sep G Beijing Language and Culture University A handsome man PART1 full name hometown house or apartment? Which room do you like?why? clothes and fashion travel transport(第一遍问的没听懂,第二次才知道,又追问了自驾游)好像就这些 PART2 A travel when you were a child PART3 travel aboard 的相关问题,题目说的太快,声太小,pardon了两次 中间Part2的时候,帅哥好像有点不耐烦。我觉得碰到这些题挺幸运的。我要求不高,保佑6分!攒人品! 一进门就冲向考官的座位,幸好落座之前问了一下,囧!我说SORRY,不知他听到没有 |
深圳 09.23 VIP13 白发中年文雅大叔 我和他语速都太快,噼里啪啦的 建议考生语速慢点,给自己多点思考时间 part1 : work or study difficulties in work should people been paid more if they're asked to work on weekends and why? what do you do on weekends? where r u come from part2: describe a book you would like to read again what do you learn from the book part3: do you like taking photos when you're traveling, and why? do you have any interesting family photo? what kind of books do women like to read, so men don't like to read the same kind of books? what kind of books do children like to read, and why ? what can parents do to help children to read? Is it a challenge that people tend to watch TV rather than reading? 晕,大概就这些,是因为我记得详细么?总觉得我的考题比别人多 祝后来的烤鸭们好运~ |