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发布者: zxy1367 | 发布时间: 2011-10-3 06:35| 查看数: 11456| 评论数: 15|帖子模式

Hello, and welcome .let us study practical English together
Unit one greeting and getting to know each other
Sentence patterns
How do you do
How do you do
My name is wangdong
I am chenli
How are you
Fine, thank you /great /just so so /not bad
Fine, thanks=thank you
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you
It is nice meeting you
It was nice meeting you
Please call me xiaowang
Let me introduce myself
Good morning r
Let us look at situations in dialogue
How do you do
How do you do
Are you Mr. Green?
Yes, I am, nice to meet you
It is nice meeting you, my name is liuping
Hi xiaoliu, how are you
Fine, thanks, merry and you
Not bad
Wonderful meeting, isn’t it
Yes, I agree
Let me introduce myself, by the way, my name is shenhui
How do you do, I am wangdong,please call me xiaowang
Glad to meet you
Me too
Now let us work on some substitution drills
It is nice talking with you
It is nice meeting you
It is nice knowing you
It is nice reading a novel
Nice to meet you
Good to meet you
Glad to meet you
Good morning /afternoon /evening/night
How are you
How is your wife?
How is your family?
Let us look at words and expressions
Talk,nice,agree,name,myself ,please ,read,meet,know,introduce,wonderful,morning,evening,glad,call,afternoon,wife,family
That brings us to the end of unit one; we have learned many expressions for greeting and asking how someone is doing. We hope you join us in lesson two.

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Perhaps_Love 发表于 2012-1-8 20:29:38
good good
反锁时光 发表于 2012-2-12 16:20:22
shinhwanhee 发表于 2012-2-13 17:53:53
randy2009 发表于 2012-2-23 15:34:09
thank you!!!
淘之夭 发表于 2012-3-4 14:32:20
陆梦昕 发表于 2012-3-6 08:49:49
locuas 发表于 2012-5-16 22:05:47
speak them one by one.I hope these sentences become my muscle.
天天向上sgqc 发表于 2015-8-2 17:03:09
在彩票行业飘荡十几年了 算是骨灰级的老人了。自购 也有六七年的经历了。看着那些漫天飞的各种说法。我真的很揪心。不知道他们那些所谓的技巧和方法是怎么得出来的。随便一个垃圾软件 计算下就去买。完全没有一点逻辑和科学性。要是谈起这个 我从事研究几年应该是有发言权。但看到这些各种说法 我是不敢苟同,能赢钱 我都不信 能开发出这个软件 不是全球首富了,经验是积累出来的,不是计算出来的。
相信我的要一起玩彩票的可以带你们一起玩,反正我不会问你们要任何。也没有什么要求 我扣:③②⒍⒏⑧⒍⑦⒍⑥ 不说赢多少钱,每天稳定收入是没问题,只是说一种娱乐方式而已。我不会问你要什么 放心了 只是我买的时候顺便带上你们一起。娱乐娱乐 多个人聊天扯淡
zy2526 发表于 2015-8-28 00:08:27
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