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IELTS哥 发表于 2011-8-22 07:35:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今日翻译:: f' Y3 L- _9 Z+ s& Z
5 Y; D9 e% E% R* D5 b  u! {
( k0 {4 I0 G9 |: R# `/ l4 a3 h
, D# P2 [1 Q: d; g! A/ _2.你是怎样在逆境中实现自己的理想的?. a) J4 F( ^$ R* Z3 D

9 z2 s! }7 I7 z3.感谢您为祖国的繁荣昌盛做出的贡献。
; y) S0 F2 O# k% Y) o8 X7 E& M! N) ]
0 P2 r# \5 s8 }; q: O/ J  ^7 M
% j3 w! B; V# p7 [& l, d, U5.这个村子适龄儿童入学率在1953年仅为24.5%,1965年上升为68.4%,到1989年高达98.9%.
9 T" W! v+ i+ `( e  Q& P& c4 T0 f6 X2 r7 l4 e0 J; i( y9 Y
6.The Chinese government implements a family planning policy in
: T3 d% p) a/ ~" |! ethe5 h9 [9 _3 z1 e! b2 k
light of the Constitution, with the aim of promoting economic and social development, raising people's living standards, enhancing the quality of its population and safeguarding the people's rights to enjoy a better life. (英译汉)

0 Y6 \% Q2 a* }1 Z# G0 ^' k
5 f2 T1 k4 V) e0 `5 w ( E, O+ A  _) j9 l3 B/ r, V: [% K
/ c7 }4 u& l  c) L" f. ?+ J& w
( V! H. A% `  {; C, ^+ \( s: o
0 D$ Q( D) u. J0 e. `/ M
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!# q8 {( g& {/ v4 O; A

5 S, d+ ?9 M3 r2 A0 ac、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励

4 b+ {" Q7 a- D* i& e2 ^
: f6 U. z7 h6 p6 w7 V# }% G' d! z

" H) A" J0 w0 Z9 k" N
1 i4 h5 l1 z# Z$ U% N

* [0 T* E# [' j$ ?
别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯, t& t2 ]6 a+ k: Y4 T  q9 ]: p

4 L5 B) }4 N! n2 s) u听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分!!!积少成多,坚持做每日翻译哦~~~
" n' m- x8 t. u. X4 A
7 h0 ~" f0 r9 m& j+ B- c& Y参考答案回复可见
8 N" d2 u" B6 f) i
7 B: o* q" I6 p. n( B

5 N8 ^! m9 L3 u. W/ \8 e" k/ N
% y; l' f. V- C: n/ m3 f3 v

: j- M# z9 q/ N. g

+ H. N) U. \8 J: [$ b$ B
& X6 z& q  W% r) K 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博


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onlyielts 发表于 2011-8-22 07:50:46 | 只看该作者
1.看了这场比赛的人都不会忘记它。' p% i# f  a8 y5 o& R: u& e
No matter who has watched the match would never forget it.
* e1 Q1 R: O( u. \- U2.你是怎样在逆境中实现自己的理想的?
! t/ P( ?) o. d$ n5 M# L- VHow could you achieve your goals when you are struggled?, S1 b* h" U. \; x  m
3.感谢您为祖国的繁荣昌盛做出的贡献。0 x+ e. j4 u4 ?* l9 ^0 C# t
Thank you for your contribution to China's flourishing and prosperity!4 C' k6 x7 e9 I1 W* i  k2 w6 Y
4.事业的成功首先要有远大的理想和坚定的信念。" N' I! |' ?6 I
The success of one's career requires that he should have lofty ideals and firm beliefs$ |9 D9 M3 G# M) }; W
5 G! V- F, s  b1 x* OThe village that school-age children enrollment rate only 24.5% in 1953, 1965 years up to 68.4%, and by 1989 as high as 98.9%.
0 K& `9 f# G+ R3 r8 h6.The Chinese government implements a family planning policy in! Z- X; f, W( {4 @' D
5 K, p: V: \. O) E+ Vlight of the Constitution, with the aim of promoting economic and social development, raising people's living standards, enhancing the quality of its population and safeguarding the people's rights to enjoy a better life. (英译汉)  U) z+ D3 _. D

# P, F( @8 `& t) A+ X中国政府依照宪法实施计划生育政策,旨在提高经济和社会发展,提高人们的生活水平,加强人口质量,维护人民享受更好生活的权利。


参与人数 1金币 +24 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 24


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swnner 发表于 2011-8-22 07:54:52 | 只看该作者
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pepsi0914 该用户已被删除
pepsi0914 发表于 2011-8-22 08:34:59 | 只看该作者
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ley小类类 发表于 2011-8-22 08:52:41 | 只看该作者
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三月漠漠 该用户已被删除
三月漠漠 发表于 2011-8-22 09:04:01 | 只看该作者
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尼姑想念的和尚 发表于 2011-8-22 09:28:19 | 只看该作者
Check up..
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bluefleet 发表于 2011-8-22 09:39:44 | 只看该作者
1.看了这场比赛的人都不会忘记它。, @5 A2 W+ B8 m  [+ s
The people who watch the game will not forget it.
0 N. B# Z2 o; R2.你是怎样在逆境中实现自己的理想的?
, ]! Q! W3 r* d. Q1 j5 s% ?) UHow can you achieve your ideal in adversity.
% c% Y7 D5 h  M# E  L8 x$ s3.感谢您为祖国的繁荣昌盛做出的贡献。+ T3 h6 R6 n# v1 L: O
Thank you for your contribution for the thriving and prosperous of country.6 I& W- a1 o& m, i4 o
0 Q2 k) k* L8 S9 h& BSuccess of career need a great ideal and a firmly faith.% @. q. N& f, f: a( D0 H
" F! z- {+ h8 h; L( V1 t( n8 IThe rate of children sutdy in this village only have 24.5 percent in 1953,and ascend to 68.4 percent in 1965, highly to 98.9 percent in 1989.1 |# F! V) a9 k3 G+ s( {8 o* u
6.The Chinese government implements a family planning policy in the light of the Constitution, with the aim of promoting economic and social development, raising people's living standards, enhancing the quality of its population and safeguarding the people's rights to enjoy a better life. (英译汉)  Y2 C; {3 E( ]- j4 i" P% w( h
  M" c4 U' ~' ^8 b. i


参与人数 1金币 +25 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 25


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博仔王博 发表于 2011-8-22 09:44:27 | 只看该作者
1.        the people who had watched this match would never forget it 8 m4 o4 m* o/ g* Q/ o* v
2.        how could you make your dream come true in adversity* {. ~+ p4 p4 ]$ o# U& s5 e
3.        thank you for your contribution to make your mother country thriving and prosperous  B- K, ]8 q! N) U8 J
4.        the first to have success in your undertaking is that long-rang ideal and attic faith
# k8 t3 j3 c% n4 t& u1 S3 k% p- |5.        the enrolment rate for children of school age in this village is only 24.5 percent in 1953,rasied up to 68.4 percent in 1965, it reach up to 98.9 percent in 19898 ~. q. C* K3 @6 w9 k% g
6.         中国政府实行计划生育的政策已在宪法表明,目的是为了促进经济发展和社会进步,提高人民生活水平,增强人口素质和保障人民享受更好生活的权利。
% J) e% O& E" @! E# \2 K


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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zhengdetaileile 发表于 2011-8-22 09:49:31 | 只看该作者
1.Everyone who watched would not forget that wonderful match.1 `6 i3 z( F5 n+ H) |' }! Y9 p5 x
2.What did you do to make your dream come true when you're in adversity.
4 v  J  w5 H) x" @3.Thanks for what you do to make our country more prosperous.2 I* Q1 y% v& z5 H+ B% i' R5 E
4.The success of business needs a ambitious ambition and determined mind.6 s/ q6 J1 X( e- k/ w% @  u% u# k; m
5.The enrolment rate of this village was just 24.5%  in 1953, rose to 68.4% in 1965 and reached 98.9% in 1989.
. e3 _; ^* V' @/ W& m6.中国政府根据宪法制定的计划生育政策目标在改善人民生活状态,提高人口素质和强化人民权利观念。


参与人数 1金币 +24 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 24


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