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[雅思口语] 资源共享之雅思口语小范文(2)

新航道网校 发表于 2012-4-24 14:15:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  雅思口语考试中关于未来工作计划Your Future Work Plans话题经常出现,考官一般会要求你Describe a job you would like to have in the future等等。下面为大家整理了雅思口语考官关于这类话题的具体问题及参考答案,考生可以提前看一下,再根据自己的实际情况来组织新的回答内容和思路。

  You should say:

  - what this job would involve (= what the job is, in some detail)

  - what study you would need to do to prepare for this work

  - why you would like to have this job

  and explain what skills you would need for this work.

  Part 3

  Changing Jobs

  Why do people need to work?

  Do most people work for job satisfaction or just for money?

  Do people in China change their jobs very often?

  Do you think it is good to change your job frequently?

  How often do you think people should change their jobs?

  In China, how do most people feel about people who often change their job?

  Do you think that people who often change their jobs have more job satisfaction and better incomes than other people?

  If you had a well paid job but didn't like your work, what would you do?


  Being an accountant is my dream job. Accounting involves number crunching, math skills and organization. However, accounting is no longer the stereotyped dull job that it used to be. The change in the corporate culture has resulted in adding more glamour and importance to an accountant's job. In fact, the hot new field is forensic accounting where you don the role of detective to figure out who has been playing funny with the money. The number crunching aspect is still there, but the role is not limited to that alone.

  To be an accountant, the first step is to locate a learning institution providing classes in the field, by making absolute sure the institution is recognized by the relevant accounting agency. After that, I want to take the monster test--CPA examination.

  I am a careful and organized person and I think these personalities are an accountant's qualification. Moreover, I don't like adventures I hope everything in my life goes well, and accounting is fit in this point. What you need is sitting in your office and makes your work done. In addition, the pay can be lucrative as well.

  Like what I mentioned, accounting involves number crunching, math skills and having a good understanding of financial transactions. Moreover, you have to be pretty good at memorizing rules and concepts. Also, you have to be good at putting word problems into a mathematical form.

  以上即是雅思口语范文Work Plans话题介绍,大家在备考雅思口语时可以结合以上提到的内容进行练习,俗话说熟能生巧,考生朋友们加油!


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