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IELTS哥 发表于 2012-6-1 06:51:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
各位大朋友小朋友们,儿童节快乐!  R4 v2 M6 L. i4 Z6 |- G
6 X) \. y1 ?, B. O; D

) ~0 Z, z  z, U+ C. l6 l
今日学习内容:7 s$ o" I2 ?' e/ F
2 p& S# W& g3 C
1.我觉得她喜欢简单一些,不要太复杂的食物。" J6 X$ m) l8 o6 x  s
& ~) J$ V3 V* a2 v+ n

6 X0 W4 s6 R4 f
4 R/ ]# d# q9 D4 A" Y8 }5 c/ y
0 ]9 }4 l, |1 B& W1 _1 G8 K. I0 w
" {7 N2 L: ^2 L$ g4.
这些故事是由7岁至13岁的小学生写作的。  r; x6 Y' G, \# w
8 J1 c) X" x$ V7 c8 P& Z4 K2 ]
Popular US fiction such as the Twilight vampire novels and films is thought to be fuelling the increasing use of American vocabulary and spelling.

  x+ W& J2 B; V每日英语的金币奖励规则' ^8 T* C, U/ o5 a/ g
( y$ {' g8 R* ?
1 Y2 [/ r1 V, ]. B7 {4 |! Yc、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励
# R' q# T% Q9 U) }
d、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..6 l. k; \1 E+ Q5 K
! s$ Y; |# o3 x, X4 e+ V7 t' J7 z- g/ u
=======我是插图=========( v, M* z# f# F' k

4 ~1 f3 H$ x& {& J& x" |, I  u: c2 {4 c: ^

4 H0 ~& a6 j' f2 u=======我是可爱的插图=========
% _) Z& f5 g/ N3 ]7 `
0 @5 y: c$ s% y* Q' v  t9 m
1 u$ J- x9 n. z别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯
7 f+ I$ @2 R  x+ e+ [6 w+ \* Z4 C) X2 p/ \: c
听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~' j; p/ d/ l$ S" S

, K+ V4 X  M, a0 i2 T- t) C4 g参考答案回复可见
) f/ w. k& \1 d' P
7 P' @9 k' y& B7 ]- S" s7 t+ |& ]
2 x4 S4 A& Y, Z$ R  a4 a
1 z7 H, C1 p4 w2 S4 P) L+ G
5 w. R; O' l+ Z7 j; M, ?& L9 q
# S" p' I# B  d( K. T
( e7 r% A( s7 O" g/ z  ]- ^. C
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jing_7026 发表于 2012-6-1 06:55:58 | 只看该作者
I think that she likes simple, so dont give her complex food
0 F0 H9 j% b, n% I9 P' T9 ]& y* N; z' B
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i_Sue-Raid 发表于 2012-6-1 08:58:39 | 只看该作者
I think she would like some simple food.
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danny.xy 发表于 2012-6-1 09:13:57 | 只看该作者
check it
  m  M' o9 q7 k
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jxzy1299 发表于 2012-6-1 09:39:16 | 只看该作者
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qimiaobu 发表于 2012-6-1 09:59:17 | 只看该作者
1.        In terms of food , I guess she prefers simple to complex.; m" m% g$ Q+ Q) z" ]4 g
2.        In all around of Britian ,the puplls and middle school students whose age between 10 to 15 have opportunities to attend this competition which named “Cooking for Queen”.0 B2 y5 R2 I) O5 z: W4 ~6 S
3.        The puplls who comes from all around of Britain were invented designing the menu for the party which will be hold in BackingHam Palace.3 P5 @" O- e) \7 Q7 C' n
4.        This stories wroten by 7 to 13 years old puplls.* p, p( W4 H9 p7 l7 {
5.        类似于暮光之城这样的流行的英国小说和电影被认为正在越来越多的使用美式的词汇和拼写。
# P; A/ G' J2 }) m
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nancyfeng35 发表于 2012-6-1 10:48:02 | 只看该作者
1.        I think she likes simple, not complicated food0 \0 {. L8 w" o& |) R$ m
2.        Elementary and high school students aged from 10 to 15 years old in the UK all can join the competition “Chef of the Queen.” ( v2 }4 z6 A) G; x# b6 }
3.        Pupils from all parts of the UK are invited to design the menu of the banquet in the Buckingham Palace.  C0 H- V. o; U; h
4.        These stories are written by pupils aged from 7 to 13 years old.
/ O  S# U- @2 S9 R  s5.        美国非常著名的小说,例如有关深夜吸血鬼的小说和电影,被认为为不断增加的美语词汇和拼写起到了加速作用。8 u, A) ^5 L& B: t2 R& b
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nancyfeng35 发表于 2012-6-1 10:48:29 | 只看该作者
1.        I think she likes simple, not complicated food; ]: R- I% X7 G  z6 [2 F) b6 c9 N
2.        Elementary and high school students aged from 10 to 15 years old in the UK all can join the competition “Chef of the Queen.”
; r, a) G" p2 R& j$ O3.        Pupils from all parts of the UK are invited to design the menu of the banquet in the Buckingham Palace.) f3 L3 d* E4 ~
4.        These stories are written by pupils aged from 7 to 13 years old.
: X; a/ _1 |) J+ U5 x5.        美国非常著名的小说,例如有关深夜吸血鬼的小说和电影,被认为为不断增加的美语词汇和拼写起到了加速作用。+ ?- [% d, {; J, u; M( `, j
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nancyfeng35 发表于 2012-6-1 10:49:13 | 只看该作者
Hello, everyone. Happy Children's Day!
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fernando 发表于 2012-6-1 10:56:36 | 只看该作者
I think that she likes simple food, not complicated.; C$ K3 J: g9 I! x4 ?! [: q
All the British students whose age are between 10 to 15 can participate in competition called “Cook for the Queen”.  e- X  e* W7 A1 L
The pupils from all over the Britain are invited to design the menu for the banquet which will be held in the Buckingham Palace.
' R' X6 x% |& i' C# g) hThese stories were composed by the pupils from 7 to 13.
8 t2 V- |& o1 M- ?美国的流行科幻作品,就像暮光之城的小说和电影,被认为是助长了美式词汇和拼写的应用。
9 Q  s" S5 p9 ^* }! o9 w
; m+ C, q+ E; t! r请多加指点
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